What Is The Answer To My Question

Which one is grammatically correct, "Can someone answer my question?" or "Can anyone answer my question?"

As it is a question, 'anyone' should be used undoubtedly.But you know, American Eng followers are free to use whatever they choose!Thanks

How can I find the answers to my questions?

If you ask a question anonymously, you’re marked as following privately. This means you should get notifications when someone answers it. “Following privately” just means that your name does not show up as a follower.Quora's answer to What does it mean to be “privately following” a question?There are other ways to track anonymous questions. After you ask the question, there’s a “View Public Question” option (at least in Chrome). If you click on that you’ll see the question the way everybody else does. When you’re in this question page, you can now click on the “…” menu and choose Answer Later. Then you’ll be able to see it in the Answer tab.Of course, if someone answers it and you get a notification, you can click on the notification instead.Interesting note: You can’t comment anonymously on answers to your question or on answers you’ve written anonymously, but you can comment under your own name. Nobody will be able to tell that you asked the question or wrote the answer in the first place.Bonus tip: If you answer a question anonymously, you can upvote your answer! However, since you answered anonymously, the upvote doesn’t show up in your Stats. Bummer.

Where are my questions on Yahoo answers?

I can help you..

Click on 'Answers Home' (it will be your basic dashboard when you first log in)
Click on the 'Everything' tab at the top
Put your mouse over the word 'All' to the right hand side
Click My Questions

P.S. - New format is awful. Click on International on the right hand side to change to Canada or the UK for the old format. So far they have only forced people in the US to make the change. :)

Can I delete answers to my questions?

Yes, as long as you wrote the answer. (You cannot delete answers written by others.)Proceed to the answer you want to delete. Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of your answer. A menu of options will pop up, click on the word Delete which is colored red.If asked to Confirm your Delete, do so.Link to the official Quora answer below - Can be found in Quora's FAQsHow do I delete an answer I posted on Quora?

Why won't she answer my question?

Ok so this girl liked two guys.

Me and another guy.

She's known me for 3 years she met him a month ago.

She had stronger feelings for him.

She picked him and they got together.

We talked on the phone a couple min ago mostly about how she felt.

The point is she didn't want to answer my question.

I asked

are all your feelings for me gone?

First she said yes.

Then we stopped talking then a couple min later she texted me saying she didn't like that i asked her that.

So i called her again and asked her

are your feelings for me gone?

She said she didn't want to answer that question because she has a bf and it wouldn't make a difference.

Why doesn't she answer it?

(We used to like eachother in 8th grade it's now 11th and my feelings for her never went away.)

(she knows I still like her)

Which is correct? "The answer to this question.." or "The answer of this question "?

There’s no easy answer to this question.I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question.It's a difficult situation. And I don't know what the answer to the current crisis is.There are no simple answers to the problems facing the economy.You'll never guess the answer to this puzzle - do you give in?Please answer to your name when it is called. (when your name is called, answer it)The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.In answer to your letter of 30 May, I am writing to accept your offer of £3,575 in compensation.Can you figure out the answer to this question?I'd like to give an honest answer to this question.I'll think it over and give an answer ( to the question) by next week.You give an answer to something.You get an answer from someone.Someone has answers for everything.You have to answer for your misdeeds. (Phrasal verb)

How can I search my answer or question on Quora?

If it's fairly recent you can scroll through your answer list in your profile.Or look for the answer request in your Notifications. Use the filter function to choose “Requests."I use Google, and you can too if you've allowed them to index your Quora content.“As much as I can remember of the question” “my name" site:Quora.comExample: If your name is more common be sure to use quotes or you'll get everything with either your first name or last name.You can try Quora search, it's right here but it's pretty pitiful. It's getting a little better, I think.Theoretically you can use “Your Content” on your profile page and filter by topic, but 80% of my answers are about Quora so it doesn't help me much.If you know when you wrote the answer, or a definite topic, or a combination of those, “Your Content” can be very usefulAll of these tactics work for searching questions as well as answers.