What Is The Approx Population Of Man And Women In The World

If 90% of the male population died, how would the world be different?

The world would be pandemonium. Yes, women would commit the most crimes just on raw numbers alone (if you’re looking at raw numbers). There’d be about 356,250,000 men left in the world and about 3,562,500,000 women.At first, yes, men would be getting raped left, right, and center until women re-established some kind of rule of law, after which men would be very well protected against any kind of violence (as well as very well kept), to the point that our civil and human rights (right down to our freedom of movement) would probably largely be rescinded ‘for our own good.’The competition between women for access to men would be vicious and brutal at every level, and access privilege would probably be subject to thorough screenings (psychological, physical, and pathological). Eugenics would be on.A whole new social order would emerge with men as highly valued prizes and little personal autonomy, and with women as…. man, I don’t even want to think about what the women would be doing.

Assume that the population of the world in 2002 was 6.2 billion and is growing at the rate of 1.3% a year.?

the future value = the present value (1+rate)^time in years

r = .013
t = 20

so the equation would be:
FV = 6,200,000,000 (1.013)^20
sorry I don't have a calculator so I can't solve the problem

As of 2018, do women still outnumber men in the world population?

According to UN figures, current world population exceeds 7.6 billion people.I was unable to find current statistics divided by sex. The most recent are from 2013, when the world population was 7.16 billion.Of these, 50.4% are male, and 49.6% are female. Within that, there are surely a few who aren't sure which group they belong in. Some more know their sex, but think they should be the other sex.The largest nations which have a predominantly female population are the US and Brazil (both 50.8% female). Next are the Russian Federation (53.9% female), Japan (51.3% female) and Mexico (51.6% female).The largest nation with a 50–50 balance is Ethiopia.Russia and Ukraine have the highest percentage of female, each with 53.8%. Closely following is neighboring Belarus, with 53.6%. Halfway around the globe is Hong Kong, with 53.2% females.Qatar (23.5%) and Bahrain (37.8%) have the lowest percentages of female population. Could that be due to a high rate of female infanticide?So unfortunately for your hypothesis, it appears that females do not outnumber males worldwide. While we don’t have current numbers, the ratios will not have changed much in the past four years.With men outnumbering women by 0.8% of the global population, that means there are just over 60 million men who will be unable to find wives. I suspect there may be a far larger number of men who would be glad to say “here — take mine”.Ooops. Sorry, ladies.

What is the total population of females in the world?

The proportion of female at a world scale is decreasing (due to selective abortion in several countries, especially India and China).Population, female (% of total)49.56% of the world population is female.World population is 7.62 billionWorld Population Clock: 7.6 Billion People (2018)So the total women population is 3.778 billion

Why is the human population roughly 50/50 male/female?

The basic mechanism for gender determination in all mammals (including humans) is simple: you have two sex chromosomes, X and Y.  Males are XY, females are XX.  When they make gametes (sperm and egg) during meiosis, the cells divide and get only 1 chromosome each; an X in each egg and either an X or a Y in the sperm, equally.  When the egg and sperm meet, you get a new XX pair or a new XY pair, so the result will be 50% XY and 50% XX.  Nature doesn't need to "know" anything; it's a simple mechanism. (Other vertebrates have a similar, but not identical, mechanism with more variations.)Now, there are a million variants on that. In humans, you get slightly more females than males because females survive slightly better in the womb. (Nobody is entirely sure why, but the spare X chromosome may help the fetus survive even when there are genetic errors in one chromosome.)  Y sperm may swim a bit faster than X sperm (due to being a tiny bit lighter: the Y chromosome is substantially smaller than the X chromosome), tipping the balance the other way.  But in general, it's around 50-50.There are documented instances where male or female vertebrate offspring are spontaneously aborted depending on the food supply: little food means being conservative (making females, which are nearly guaranteed to reproduce, as long as there's a single male around somewhere), while plenty means making more males (who usually have to compete with other males, and are less likely to reproduce, but if you win the genetic lottery your offspring may reproduce a lot).Other species have REALLY wild variations.  In bees and other "haplodiploid" organisms, there aren't really any sex chromosomes.  Males will develop from unfertilized eggs; they have only 16 chromosomes, entirely from the mother and not at all from the father.   Females have a full complement of chromosomes, but due to the way they're raised they are infertile, except for the queen.  The queen can lay either male or female eggs, according to outside conditions.

What is the ratio of men to women in the world?

As of 2014, the world ratio of men to women is estimated to be 1.014:1. In 2010, the world's male population was 3,477,829,638, while the female population was 3,418,059,380. From:What is the ratio of men to women in the world population?

What percentage of the worlds population of people take calculus?

A difficult estimate. One would have to look at the differnt countries.

There are 6 billion people in the world
1.33 B are from china. China's ed system is different. only have go to high school, but a huge proportion of high schools go to college. I don;t know if any get calc in HS, but I'd guess a much smaller percent of the pop in china has calc than in US.

India has another 1.1 b. Again caste system make most not able to go to college, but there is significant developement and industrialization.

The remaining top ten countries (which account for half the population) only US and Japan are highly industrialized with many going to college)
In Japan, Many HS students get calc. Likely more than US

perhaps 70-80% live in developing third world countires--where presumably calc is rare.

If we assume 25% of 6B live in countries with modern ed systems. and half go to college, and 65% get calc in college, thats about 500 Million.

That's only a guess, but a real estimate would likely take quite a few hours of comparing population rates to college rates for all the countries.

Why is empowering women important to controlling global population?

Empowering women gives us control over our bodies and our health, as well as our lives. We can make decisions that affect our lives and the lives of the people we care about. We can make our own decisions about children and how many we want to have. This is why large families aren't as common as it used to be. My parents came from large families and they basically raised the other younger children as Mom and Dad were busy trying to keep the family under a roof, food on the table, and clothes on their backs.

As the males got older they were just tossed out of the house to fend for themselves, unless they remained useful to the family. The females were expected to get married and start their own families or get jobs.

Today such things as the above aren't common as we women have taken charge of our destinies.