What Is The Best Book To Follow 120 Days Of Sodom By Marquis De Sade

What is the most disgusting book ever written?

To me, the most disgusting book would be the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The books in themselves are not visceral and only mildly disgusting due to their lack of empathy, but their influence is highly disturbing.I can’t find the direct quote, but I can sketch an example of the philosophy expounded in the Fountainhead. This architect with an “idiosyncratic” style begins his own agency, and one day a lady drops by, asking if he could build her house. When the architect asks about her personality so he can design the house specifically to her taste the lady tells about her friends and vacations. Yes, the lady would bore me as well, but the architect decides that she is a vacuous shell of pretentions, not actually a person at all. And the book gets worse the longer you read. Atlas Shrugged is even worse.As a little girl Ayn Rand came to America with her parents as a Russian fugutive, escaping the civil war that would instigate the Soviet Union. Her “philosophy” can be best understood as reactionary towards Communism as practiced by the Bolsheviks. She believed that some people (the Creatives) are the source of progress in society. The Creatives would be specifically business-owners and innovators. Everyone not belonging to that class should listen to the Creatives, because the Creatives are like Atlas; carrying the world on their shoulders. But in their arrogance large amounts of the sub-Creative population try to destroy the Creatives by forming goverments, unions, and regulations. Rand calls these people parasites that don’t deserve the air they breathe. If I couldn’t bring across how much hate this book exhibits, please try reading it for yourself.This is one of the most spiteful books I have ever read. I have read Bret Easton Ellis, Marquis the Sade, and even the inane prattlings of Hitler, but Ayn Rand steals the crown.

Allusions in literature to Sodom and Gomorrah?

What are some literary works that allude to Sodom and Gomorrah from the Bible? Examples would be if there were characters or places in other works that have names taken from Sodom and Gomorrah, or maybe if a character that had the same role as some character in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Where can I find Sadist chat?

Trust me, amigo, you'll be lucky to get anything useful from ANY chat, even the sex chat sites.

Instead, if you live in a large city, some BDSM clubs may still be in existence, but thanks to the hideous attack on human freedom by the religious right in America, the BDSM scene is now deep underground.

I could hook you up and you'd learn even more than you could believe, but I won't.

You'll have to seek, and sometimes, via chat you might learn of these clubs, but like Raves, the use of multiple sites, private homes and code words for security puts what is in fact, probably the safest sexual fetish of all, in the closet.

One film I've seen accurately despicts some elements of the BDSM scene in a campy horror film. You might pick up some valid pointers from it, albeit much is mistake too. That film is Blood Gnomes.

You could also read the published works of the Marquis de Sade whose name is responsible for the word Sadism. His 120 Days of Sodom is an education in bad taste.

Pasolini's masterpiece Salo-120 Days of Sodom based on the book I mentioned above, gives perhaps insight, not into the sexual fetish type sadist, as much as the actual real fascist type of sadist: the person who enjoys causing suffering simply because he has the power and can get away with it.

In the BDSM clubs the goal is to stimulate, arouse, enhance the pleasure, NOT to cause actual harm, but sometimes a little pain yields great pleasure.

You'd know that if you were one of us.

And unless you are a complete moron, all you have to do to find sadist chat [much of it total BS] is to go to Yahoo or Google and type "sadist chat".

My, how hard could it be?

But, here's a little inside joke, very popular with our kind of sexual connoiseurs:

It would greatly enhance your paper on this wonderful hobby.

Joke: What happened when the ultimate Sadist met the ultimate Masochist?

The Masochist got on his hands and knees and begged "Beat me, please!"

And the cruel sadist said "NO!"

I give you this gratis. This should up your grade on your paper, just this alone.

And remember what Marilyn Manson said, who has a bit of Sade in him too: "If I love you, I beat you."

But don't get carried away.