What Is The Best Program For Someone With No Editing Experience To Produce A Somewhat-decently

What is some good software for recording PC video game gameplay to upload to YouTube?

Hi,The closest thing to an all in one package out there that I have used is Camtasia studio.  This software allows you to capture PC footage, cut together some clips, add transitions etc. and then process the video to be uploaded to YouTube. The is a free trail available so you can try it out and see how you like it. Capture, edit, and share your ideas with TechSmith Camtasia.If you absolutely need a free option then I would advise the following:Bandicam - There is a free and a paid version. The free version will limit you to 10 mins of continuous recording and will have a water mark.Windows movie Maker - Use this for editing purposes. Again this is free and will allow you to edit the clips recorded.If you would like to read up editing software and all things surrounding YouTube production, feel free to visit my website Techformychannel.comI hope this answers your question.

What are some interesting coding projects that I can complete in 7-14 days to build my resume for a summer internship?

I can share how I got my Microsoft Internship. My second round (in Person) of internship interview started with an ice-breaker about my pet projects. It then went on for one hour after which I got the internship offer. 1.The first project was Simulation of a football game with all the concepts of football in place. We discussed about the underlying data structures , algorithms used for optimal football passing , randomizing the game etc .It was just a C program running on Turbo C. No fancy stuff .2.The second project was about a temporary file system I built using Kernel Programming hooks. We discussed about Operating System principles , Kernel data structures ,System calls API framework ,  fragmentation , access speeds etc.The interviewer suddenly stood up and extended his hand and said "You are IN".I hope you get the idea .1. Technical Factor :- The project should cover data structures , algorithms and design as much as it can. It should have enabled you to weight different design and optimisation factors. In my view , Game Projects offer a rich opportunity to cover all of these together.2. Personality Factor : The project should also support your "Area of Interest" , contribution to Open Source, show passion for technology etc .It should cover 50% learning and 50% execution. Team work is a plus.

Can voice lessons significantly improve the voice of someone with very little singing talent? Or are they really just meant for those with singing talent?Should you see a specific type of voice teacher or would any of them be helpful?

The truth is that often the people with the most vocal talent are the ones who have the hardest time learning how to sing. People get confused a lot of the time because they're used to seeing a standard bell curve, where there's normal in the middle (highest probability) and then on either side there are very low probability "extremely talented" and "extremely untalented." This is pretty inaccurate. In fact, all the stuff that is making the "extremely untalented" group feel untalented is the same stuff that makes them physiologically unique-- and a physiologically unique vocal tract is always a good thing.Put another way: the worst student I've ever heard was this enormous guy. Tons of voice teachers had heard him and determined that he was the least talented student they'd ever heard. His tongue always seemed to be in the way, he had this huge larynx, and this huge neck, and it was all just kind of unwieldy. Needless to say, he's pursuing professional singing now and has one of the most exciting voices I've ever heard. Because all of those physiological traits that make a person terrible at singing are double-edged swords. Which is one of the beautiful things about learning how to sing. The more you embrace your perceived weaknesses, the more they become the things that set you apart and make you better than everyone else once you've mastered them.Now, to get down to the business of mastering them. I totally agree with Kathryn Schekall's answer here, and I'd like to point out that she also describes herself as having had "very little talent" at the beginning. This is standard among people who actually did have talent from the start. My father is a composer, and my whole family has always been musical--but it took a choir director when I was 16 to tell me that maybe I was talented, and I didn't take voice lessons for years after. Until then, I thought I was the least talented singer in the world.So yes, find a voice teacher. Any voice teacher. Preferably someone with some understanding of physiology. And hold them to a high standard. If you don't feel like your mind is being blown in lessons, find someone else, because there are a million teachers and a few of them (the best ones) can really change your life.Good luck!

What Should I Play for A Piano Competition?

Hello! First off, difficulty is no obstacle. The more difficult, beautiful, and technical the piece is, the better. I've been playing since I was 5, and I'm now 16, I have an amazing concert pianist as my teacher (she gives concerts world-wide) and have already been offered a scholarship to Julliard, so yes, I can play, and play pretty well. The competition is an annual local competition for anyone 13-18. It is very competitive, and the kids are all very talented and skilled. I've won before as a junior, but haven't entered since. The first place winner will receive $300, and I really want to win. I still have a year to practice and prepare, and just wanted some suggestions as to what I should play. I need three pieces, each from three different music periods. What are the most beautiful, difficult, and/or technical pieces you know of? Please don't put down something like "Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata" I need something more than that, because even the 9 year olds can play that piece. Thanks in advance!

What are some genuine online part-time jobs through which we can earn money working in our spare time at home?

If you are coming back from office or school and you feel like you are wasting your time.If you feel like you can do more and earn some extra to take your kids out to the restaurant, buy a new car or even plan one year travelling around the world.Then you are not alone! I was there too and by taking some part-time jobs online I actually managed to make a fair bit of money.When I was 19 years old, I didn’t have a job and I was a cashless student living in foreign land.Given my student visa, I couldn’t find a job for a normal company, so I switched on my computer and I started to surf the web.Here’s a list of little hustles that I found useful and I am sure you will too:Recommend products on Superble, a publishing platform for product recommendations that rewards you when someone buys something you recommended on it. Users who recommend products and publish their stories on Superble earn up to 100$/month in the first 2 months of activityBecome an Uber driver. (disclaimer: You need a car)All you'll need is a clean driving record and you have the freedom to choose your working hours! (An Uber driver in New York earns on average $25/hour)Rent a spare room on AirBnB. If you are living in a tourist hotspot, you can make some decent money from renting out your flat. An AirBnb flat worldwide earns on average $924/month.Write a blog. If you have an area of expertise, you can create a website with ads and affiliate links like blogger J. Money (boosting his net worth $400,000 in 7 years)Give blood. You can make around $20 to $50 per donation of blood, depending on the demand of your blood type.Donate plasma. Plasma donations will help people who are fighting Leukemia and other immune disorders.Teach an online course. If you have an area of expertise, instruct a course through a site like Udemy or Skillshare. A common salary range for online college instructors is $1,500 to $2,500 per semesterENJOY!