What Is The Best Techniq To Trade In Stock Market

What is the best site to practice for the stock market?

I think it's great that you're getting into stock investing. And certainly, it's always great to practice before taking the plunge fully.

However, be aware that paper trading with no money and actually investing with your own real money are two different things. They may seem like they are the same, but many first-time investors get overcome by their emotions when they first start investing with their own money, even if they've practiced first with paper trading.

When you're paper trading, your emotions aren't in full force since you have nothing to lose except maybe some bragging rights if "your" stocks go down. However, if you've got real money on the line, you'll find that you start valuing things differently and your emotions get in the way a lot more frequently.

You might be "afraid to lose" so you sell too quickly. Or if it's your own money, you might see a great company at a great bargain, but you're afraid to actually buy the stock because you don't want to lose your money.

The best way to become a better investor is to actually get in the game. That way, you start to learn how to invest with your emotions in full force, and you learn how to check them at the door when following your investment strategy.

You can open a brokerage account with very little money, and start investing. Now, again, I would take some time to learn what your investment strategy should be (the one that fits your risk tolerance, etc.).

I'm a big advocate of value investing (finding the right companies to invest in, buying them at the right prices, and only selling when they become overvalued...). There are a lot of great resources out there to get started in value investing (I have a number of my favorites on my website...)

Hope this helps, and good luck!

Short term trading in stock market?

So you've been short term trading a highly speculative market and losing your pants. Now you want a risk free method to trade this market? Are you seeing an issue?

Definitions time folks:

Savings - reserve funds invested in a safe vehicle to protect ones assets and receive a small return in exchange for giving up current purchasing power.

Investing - putting capital at calculated risk in order to achieve higher returns.

Trading - Speculating on short term movements of securities prices, involves high levels of personal risks but provides benefits of providing extra liquidity & effecientacy to securities market.

Now professional traders, a) have the financial ability to withstand prolonged periods of losses, b) understand there is no "perfect" method, and c) even if they had found something even bordering on effective, wouldn't distribute it freely as it would dilute the efficacy of their method (And with the current state of the mortgage markets we're learning just how falliable even those "propietary" methods can be).

Sounds like you need to back up. Start building your savings, then your investments. After that, if you must, you can start a trading account. But, honestly I've made far more in two years of investing, than I did in 10 years of trading. (Simple math lesson one, if a stock drops 50%, from that point it has to go up 100% for you to break even -- meaning minimize your loses is more vital than maximizing your gains).

Is a market order trade or batch order trade better?

Definition of 'Batch Trading'
A method of transacting different security orders that involves the accumulation of orders and their simultaneous execution.

Investopedia explains 'Batch Trading'
For example, a security experiencing a relatively high volume of trades can have its orders batched and executed at the same time when the desired price is reached. Batch trading is more efficient for market makers and specialists because a large number of accumulated orders can be executed with fewer transactions. In the U.S., batch trading occurs for all orders sent to market after market hours. These orders are collected and batched until the market opens, at which time they are transacted all at once.

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My recommendation is to use a market order, or a limit order if you desire a specific price.