What Is The Best Way To Get Started In Programming

Best way to start learning programming?

I'm interested in starting to learn programming. I was wondering if picking up a book or reading online is the best way to start?

I really need some sort of guidance in direction to go in. I have no idea where to start, but I'd really like to start trying to understand progamming as the idea of it intrigues me.

Thanks for any help.

What is the best programming language to start with?

Here is the problem in a nutshell: 1) If you want to join a team of developers, you will have to adapt to the way they are set up - including what PL to use for what purpose and a lot of other things. 2) Don t be afraid to learn another language if the need arises.

That doesn t mean that all PLs are equal. If you are looking at open source projects related to compiled products, where performance is an issue, there is probably no way around C/C++. C/C++ is the prototype of imperative languages. Most other languges of this type can be more or less easily translated into C/C++.

As far as interpreted (sometimes also called scripted) languages go, it s a mess! Many of these are very new and unstable and/or suffer from their own history and some quirks that some of the authors thought to be cool because it allegedly saves the odd keystroke or line when typing the code. Perl and Python fall in that category, but at least they are cross-platform (Linux + Windows) Java is a very special case. I do not understand, why it is so popular in teaching. The only explanation I have is that Java was originally pushed with great effort to lease on-demand software.

The good news is, most imperative languages currently in use have many similarities. If you have mastered one, the next will come fairly easy. This even extends to core support functions (for example how to get the system to tell your program the time of day) because those are often just wrappers for the C runtime support library.

Best way to get into computer programming??

OK I want to learn to program for Game design but When I start reading books on C++ and C and C sharp they mention things like variables and syntax but never explain what they really are..

What is the absolute best way to get into programming for a begginer? I want to learn about programming before I actually learn a programming language, do you know what i mean??

What are some good books or videos to start learning about programming and what everything means and the basics..

I cant seem to grasp to the whole concept of programming is like what is the difference between object oriented and not??

Basically I need something for absolute beginers for programming before I learn a specific language I need to understand what it is all about..

Thanks much..

Do you have any advice on how to start programming?

Well, if you want to start programming, actually what you have to remember is: don't just learn the language, understand how it works. This will get you to jump into learning other programming languages within total ease.

Don't even think about learning the language in whole first, you'll get to do that later. But the thing is, as long as you have understood the logic and how stuff works inside any programming language, I can guarantee you, you'll learn any kind of programming languages out there more efficiently.

I know it may sound and be hard for even beginners to even do this at their first start of learning programming. But I found a great, totally great video for this:

There's this video from titled "Foundations of Programming: Fundamentals" authored by Simon Allardice. This video is the perfect start for beginners, and I do recommend this to anyone starting programming, so should you later after learning them. Hehehe... You'll start learning other programming languages flawlessly.

This video will tell you the basics of any kinds of programming languages, the things inside programming languages, how they work, relate, and interact to each other.

As for the programming language, the video I mentioned earlier doesn't teach you how to use the programming language, it just tells how it works, again I emphasize this.
Anyway, in this video, Simon is going to teach you how JavaScript, as an example of a programming language, works in that video.

The reason he chose JavaScript:
1. It's a C-based language, so if you want to learn programming languages like C or sort, it'll make you easier to jump to learning those languages.
2. You don't need to install anything to learn programming by the facility of JavaScript. You just need a web browser and a text editor.
3. It's not that kind of a beginner's language. It is a realistic language. It has some strict customs to follow to (e.g. end each statement with a semicolon, etc), so that when you'll jump to other languages like this, you'll get to understand and be able to make yourself get used to such customs.

Okay, sorry for the long explanation now, but I hope this will just help you out. Good luck on your journey to programming, and well... Have fun!

How to start getting into video game programming?

I’m 23 and have finally found myself in a position where I’d like to peruse something I’d love to do but I don’t know exactly where to start. I always loved the idea of programming video games (understanding it’s a competitive field) was wondering if anybody had advise on where I should get started