What Is The Color Of The Sun And Dont Say Yellow

Why dont people like the color yellow?

Sunflowers are yellow :D And It's a bright, happy color. However, It's too bright for some people and can be associated with certain body fluids.

Who likes the color yellow?

well i personally don't like bright yellow but darker yellow is tottaly awsome. and alex you can probably come over in about three days.

your bff

What two colors make yellow?

Old school conventional wisdom taught us at an early age that you can’t mix colors to make yellow. Traditions are meant to be broken… and this is another case of that.Say what?!Keep reading…In school, they teach us that primary colors can’t be mixed by any other color to make them. So essentially they’re the starting blocks of color.Wait… if Yellow is a primary color… then we shouldn’t be able to mix colors to make yellow. Right?!Actually, you CAN make yellow by mixing Red and Green to make Yellow!

What is the real color of our Sun?

The Sun's colour temperature is green, by which is meant that the solar spectrum peaks in the green. In other words, the sun emits more green than any other color. See here:

When sun light enters the atmosphere a large part of the blue component is Rayleigh scattered. This means 1) the sky seems blue 2) the peak wavelength shifts towards the yellow.

But... the difference in intensity between the blue and red parts and the green parts of the sunlight is only a factor of three or so. Our eyes are sensitive to all the colours of the rainbow, and are not very good in seeing that difference in intensity. This is so because in bright sunlight, our three colour senses are all overloaded, they all say maximum light! So our brain gets equal signals for blue, green and red and interprets this as white light.

Conclusion: the sun peaks in the green, but our brain tells us it's white.

What color fades most in the sun?

I am working on a paper for science and i can't find this info anywhere! anyways i need to know which color fades the most in the sunlight. like colored construction paper. colors are: red, black, yellow, green, blue, and pink. if you know could you tell me? or tell me where i CAN find this info? thanks :)

Why was the sun all yellow and orange and a weird color today?

I thought the sun was usually yellow/orange. Maybe, where you are, there was some air pollution that caused apparently weird discolouring.

Why does the sun appear yellow?

The sun appears yellowish due to it’s temperature and our ability to see the electromagnetic spectrum across a narrow frequency band. If you look at the night sky, and have average human color sensation, you will see some bright stars that seem reddish, some bluish, and most whitish, with various mild yellow tints occurring. “Red” stars are cooler than the Sun. “Blue” stars are much hotter than the Sun. White stars are slightly hotter than the Sun. “Orange” stars are in between Red and Yellow. Also, some colors are shifted due to chemical composition of the stars fuel and size. This is primarily a demonstration of what physicists call BLACK BODY RADIATION EQUIVALENCE. Any item (ideal black body) heated to 5500 degrees K will look mostly white with a yellow tint to a human eye(thus the Sun’s temperature estimate of 5500 K). A body at 3500 K might look red or orange, one at 10,000 K will appear as bluish or purplish white. See Stellar Classification Wikipedia for a well illustrated answer.

How would you convince a blind man that the color yellow existed?

just dont see where it would be that hard-can use the sense of touch to explain many colors-they might not see it but they could feel it--from the yellow of the sun to the green of grass to the blue crisp air of a cold front or the angry red of a fire-i just dont see a problem here----
Touch is the most fundamental sense. A baby experiences it, all over, before he is born and long before he learns to use sight, hearing, or taste, and no human ever ceases to need it. Keep your children short on pocket money--but long on hugs.

smile and enjoy the day-very good question here

Why do all stars appear white in color while the Sun appears yellow for an observer on Earth's surface?

White light is a combination of all colors produced equally by a glowing object. A glowing object that appears blue is blue because it's producing more blue light than it is producing red, orange, yellow, green light.Two Reasons why the Sun appears yellow:1. The Sun's surface temperature (5,500 degrees C) produces a range of visible light (red to blue) in which yellow is slightly plentiful, but not much more than other colors it produces. If the Sun were cooler, say 2,500 degrees C, it would look red, like the stars Antares and Betelgeuse. Or if the Sun were hotter, say 15,000 degrees C, it would look blue, like the star Rigel.2 The Earth's atmosphere acts as a kind of light filter. Some colors are filtered more than others. The Sun is slightly yellow in color, but the Earth's atmosphere makes the Sun look more yellow than it appears.If you were to observe it from space where it would appear more white than yellow. If you go to higher altitudes such as around 11,000 ft elevation, the Sun looks less yellow and more white than it does at sea level.- J Taras, M.S., Earth Science teacher, Slate Hill, NY