What Is The Correct Way To Pronounce The Name Arianna

Do you like the name Arianna??? how would you pronounce it?

Arianna = aREE-an-a.
Ariana = ah-REE-ah-na

It's okay :)

How do you pronounce the name Ariahuna?

I was thinking Arianna? Ari-ahuana (awna)? But, then I mess myself up, because Aria is then it looks like ah-ree-ah-UNA. And that's just child abuse, lol

Do you pronounce Ariana & Arianna differently?

No, you don't. I prefer the spelling Arianna, but most people spell it Ariana.. They are both pronounced the same way. I love the name Adrianna, but most people spell it Adriana. Like Ariana/Arianna, they are both pronounced the same. Some people prefer 2 N's, like me, and others prefer only one N. Ariana/Arianna are both pronounced Air-Ee-Ah-Nuh. (: I hope this helps! ^_^

What do you think of the girls name Arianna?

Arianna is a decent name overall, but all the little girls I know with this name are bratty & really annoying, so it has ruined the name for me :)

after reading everyone else's posts, the kids I know with this name [which is fairly many, It is popular here in the USA & state of Maryland] pronounce the name, the way you have it to be pronounced :)

Need help with the spelling of this name(ARIANNA)?

I wanna name my girl Arianna like (are) (not air) I think there both spelled the same way just said differnt can you help.Also what name do you like more Mya or Arianna?

Is the correct grammar "I look forward to meet you" or "I look forward to meeting you"?

Thank you Munise Alibeyoglu for asking me to be of service. I once made this writing error and my professor wrote a note, "The verbal object of a preposition is -always- a gerund." Because I respected her so much, I have always remembered that reminder.I look forward to meeting you.Thank you for asking me to be of service.Those pictures got her to remembering old times.You may ask me other questions. Good luck.Edit: Thank you for so many views. I am pleasantly surprised. Best wishes,

Do you like the spelling Ariana or Arianna? Are they both pronounced the same? Can they be?

I prefer Ariana

They can both be pronounced Ah-ree-on-uh
But its likely that some people will pronounce Arianna, Ah-ree-an-uh

Which spelling, Ariana or Arianna?

They aren't just spelled differently but also pronounced differently. IMHO Ariana (R-E-aw-na) sounds better to the ear than Arianna (R-E-Anne-a; sometimes people even pronounced Air-E-Anne-a; I hate it pronounced that way).

The way they are pronounced Ariana sounds more sophisticated and Arianna sounds more like someone who lives in a trailer (especially if pronounced Air-ee-Anne-a).