What Is The Definition Of A Complement

What is the definition of a complement?

from the dictionary:

--> complement
noun |ˈkämpləmənt|
1 a thing that completes or brings to perfection: the libretto proved a perfect complement to the music.
2 [ in sing. ] a number or quantity of something required to make a group complete: at the moment we have a full complement of staff.
• the number of people required to crew a ship: almost half the ship's complement of 322 were wounded.
• Geometry the amount in degrees by which a given angle is less than 90°.
• Mathematics the members of a set that are not members of a given subset.
3 Grammar one or more words, phrases, or clauses governed by a verb (or by a nominalization or a predicative adjective) that complete the meaning of the predicate.
• (in systemic grammar) an adjective or noun that has the same reference as either the subject (as mad in he is mad) or the object (as mad in he drove her mad).
4 Physiology a group of proteins present in blood plasma and tissue fluid that combine with an antigen–antibody complex to bring about the lysis of foreign cells.

verb |-ˌment, -mənt| [ with obj. ]
add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect: a classic blazer complements a look that's stylish or casual.
• add to or make complete: the proposals complement the incentives already available.
complemental |ˌkämpləˈmentl|adjective
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘completion’): from Latin complementum, from complere ‘fill up’ (see complete).

Compare with compliment.
usage: Complement and compliment (together with related words such as complementary and complimentary) are frequently confused. They are pronounced in the same way but have quite different meanings: as a verb, complement means ‘add to something in a way that enhances or improves,’ as in a classic blazer complements a look that's smart or casual, while compliment means ‘admire and praise someone for something,’ as in he complimented her on her appearance.

Complementary means ‘forming a complement or addition, completing,’ as in I purchased a suit with a complementary tie. This is often confused with complimentary, for which one sense is ‘given freely, as a courtesy’: honeymooners receive complimentary fruit and flowers. <--

What angle is it's own complement?

Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees. So 45 degrees is its own complement. (90 / 2 = 45)

What is a self complementing code and what should be the method to convert this code to gray code?

A self-complementing code is one in which the 9's complement is formed by taking the 1's complement.

For instance, the 9's complement of 6 is 3 and the 9's complement of 1 is 8.

If we consider Excess 3:

0 0011
1 0100
2 0101
3 0110
4 0111
5 1000
6 1001
7 1010
8 1011
9 1100

Then thinking about 6 and 3 we see the XS3 codes are: 1001 and 0110 which are the 1's complement of each other.
Considering 1 and 8, the XS3 codes are 0100 and 1011 - again 1's complements.

There are several self-complementing codes. There is one where instead of the usual binary weights of 8, 4, 2 and 1 you can use 2, 4, 2, and 1. That is self-complementing, too.

Sorry, can't do part 2. The only way I can think of to get to Gray code would be to go via binary. That is, convert the self-complementing code to binary and then convert the binary to Gray code.

There may be a better way but I don't know what it is, sorry.

If m∠a is 85°, then the measure of the complement of ∠a is 5°?

this is geometry that I need help on. thank you in advance.

if m∠a is 85°, then the measure of the complement of ∠a is 5°

"Decide whether the statement is true or false, provide a counterexample"

Whats the difference between definition of supplementary angles and congruent supplements theorem?

Definition of supplementary angles: Two angles are called supplementary when they add to 180 degrees.

Congruent supplements theorem: supplements of congruent angles are congruent.

The congruent supplements theorem can be proven using the definition of supplementary angles, the definition of congruent angles, substitution, and the properties of equality. Many times, theorems are proven using related definitions (possibly along with other definitions, postulates, other theorems, substitution, and/or properties). Also, definitions do not need to be proven, but theorems need to be proven.

Here's a proof of the supplementary angles theorem.

Given: angle 1 is congruent to angle 2
angles 1 and 3 are supplementary
angles 2 and 4 are supplementary

Prove: angle 3 is congruent to angle 4

1) angle 1 is congruent to angle 2 1)Given
angles 1 and 3 are supplementary
angles 2 and 4 are supplementary

2) m angle 1 = m angle 2 2)Definition of congruent angles

3) m angle 1 + m angle 3 = 180 3)Definition of supplementary angles
m angle 2 + m angle 4 = 180

4) m angle 1 + m angle 3 = m angle 2 + m angle 4 4)Substitution (step 3 into step 3)

5) m angle 3 = m angle 4 5)Subtraction property of equality (steps 4 and 2)

6) angle 3 is congruent to angle 4 6)Definition of congruent angles

Lord bless you today!

What are the complements mean in Digital Electronics?

Complements are used by a machine to represent negative number. By taking the complement of a negative number, the number can be converted into another number suitable for machines.There are two types of compliments:R's complement(R-1)'s complementwhere R is the radix/base of number system usedRadix: The total number of unique values in any number system. For eg. in decimal unique values are {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. Other numbers can be represented by combining these 10 values. Since, there are 10 unique values, the radix/base, R of decimal system is 10.In binary number system, there are only two unique value i.e {0,1}. Hence, R=2.So, for binary numbers, the compliments would be:2's complement1's complementR's complement:To find r's complement of a number x, subtract the right most digit of the number by r, and the rest by r-1. The resulting number is your R's complementFor eg. 10's complement of 23:9 10- 2 3_______7 7Giving the result as 77R-1's complement:To find (r-1)'s complement of a number x, subtract each digit by r-1. Add 1 to the number obtained. The resulting number is (r-1)'s complement.For eg. 10's complement of 23 is9 9- 2 3____7 6+ 1_____7 7I hope, it provides you with the information needed

What does "noun complement" mean?

Complements are words that come after linking verbs and modify nouns. The most common noun complements are adjectives and nouns, but can be many other parts of speech as well.My daughter is a doctor. ( noun )Tuppanna is happy. ( adjective)The doll is in the shelf. ( noun )He was elected member. ( noun )They are my students. ( noun )Note: In the above examples , underlined words are the Subjects and the words marked in bold type are Nouns or Adjectives as indicated inside the brackets.Different kinds of Complements:1. A Noun : Shashikala is my wife .2. A Pronoun : It was you.3. An Adjective : She looked moody.4. A Participle : She continued speaking.5. An Infinitive : She hopes to win.6. An Adverb : I was asleep.7. A Phrase : Her T shirt is of many colours.8. A Clause : At last it became what we had thought of.

What is the complement of an angle that is one-sixth the measure of the supplement of the angle? What is the measure of the complement angle?

The supplement and complement relate to some unstated angle. Pick a variable for than angle’s measure; say, A.What is the definition of the complement of an angle?Complementary AnglesWhat is the definition of the supplement of an angle?Supplementary AnglesUsing the variable and the definition of the complement of an angle to create an expression that stands for “the measure of the complement of angle A”.Translating Word Problems: KeywordsTranslate “The measure of the supplement of the angle” into a similar expression.Then translate the above into an expression for “(one-sixth) of (the similar expression)”.Since the last expression (from the previous sentence) is equal to the first expression, you can set the two expressions equal.Solve the equation for the measure of A. Then back-solve for the measure of the complement of A.(You should get a value between 60 and 90 degrees for the measure of A.)

What is a sentence complement? Which things are included in a complement? What is the difference between a complement and a predicate?

Well, first the predicate. There are different schools of thought because some people really like to overthink things. In traditional grammar the predicate is the second mandatory part of a sentence, the first being the subject. It is what describes what the subject does or what it’s like. It completes the idea about the subject. It must have a verb. It can just be a verb or be a verb with additional parts of speech.“I gave Bob a nickel.” The subject is ‘I’. What did ‘I’ do? “gave Bob a nickel” That’s the predicate.In modern grammar theory, which is mathematical, because, why not overly complicate things? The predicate is the verb, auxiliary verb, certain prepositions, particles, etc… that function on the argument. So a predicate has arguments rather than them being part of the predicate. The arguments are the things that complete the predicate (for some) or are acted upon by the predicate (for others).Very confusing. Let’s move on to the complement. This is as opposed to a compliment. Compliment with an ‘i’ is an expression of esteem or honour. Complement with an ‘e’ completes something. Get it?What does a grammatical complement complete then? It depends on the grammar theory. Don’t you love it when people overthink? It can complete the predicate. It can complete the meaning. And for some, it is the argument.Let’s stick to traditional grammar and say the complement completes the predicate. It can be nominative (a noun) or adjective.“No, I am your father!” ‘your father’ is a subject complement that is a predicate noun. As well as being the biggest bomb dropped in cinema history.“I am tired.” ‘tired’ is a subject complement that is a predicate adjective.Complements can also be object complements.“The electoral college elected Washington president.” ‘Washington’ is the direct object. ‘president’ is the object complement.I hope that helps more than it confuses.