What is the definition of Aerobic Power?

Aerobic energy system definition?

is this the noodle in the brain that after so much aerobics gets activated to keep the body going?

Power muscular endurance definition?

Muscular power is the ability to move a large mass. It involves either speed or maximum amount. Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to exercise for long periods of time.

Be aware that the cells in your muscles are not all the same. Some contract more slowly as compared to others. A contraction is called a "twitch" and those that contract more slowly are called "slow twitch". The faster contracting cells are, logically, called fast twitch. There are also cells in between slow and fast twitch fibers (degrees of each speed).

The slow twitch fibers are used during endurance activities and are more aerobic in nature. The fast twitch fibers are used more in quick activities such as sprinting.

Most people are born with about a 50/50 ratio of fast and slow twitch fibers. However, some people are born with a predominance of fast or slow twitch. Usain Bolt (World Record holder in the 100 m dash in track is over 90% fast twitch fibers). So, your athletic abilities are, to a great degree, determined by genetics.

Most swimming events use the "in between" fibers.

What is the defintion of the anaerobic process plz make a complete sentence out of word?

anaerobic means without oxygen, so anaerobic process is a process that doesn't require oxygen
aerobic means with oxygen, so aerobic process is a process that requires oxygen.
fermentation occurs during cellular respiration when there is not enough oxygen, it produces ATP anaerobically, but lactic acid will build up, harming the cells.

Alcoholic Fermentation is how alcohol is made, and why yeast makes bread rise.
Aerobic exercises require lots of oxygen, and can become very tiring over time.
Photosynthesis is an anaerobic process because it does not require oxygen.

Is powerlifting considered aerobic?

Its not aerobic, its weight training. If you are looking for ways to lose fat or gain mass powerliting is a great thing. By doing basic exercises such ass deadlift, squat, bencpress individual gains more muscle , stamina, body movement. If you increase your volume or intensity it will help you achive your goals. Volume increae means like more reps, increasing intensity means lifting heavier weights.

Why is weight lifting considered an anaerobic exercise?

If you are lifting heavy weights then it is considered as an intense workout. Your body can typically perform such intense exercises for less than 2 mins. Such exercises use the available blood sugar and glycogen stores as energy source to perform the exercise. The glucose from these energy stores are burnt to provide energy to the body. During this process very less or  no oxygen is used. Hence it falls under anaerobic category.During aerobic exercises, you will be using fat reserves to provide energy. To burn fat you will need oxygen.Realistically, body always uses both of the above mentioned energy systems, but the percentage of which energy system is used more depends on the intensity of the workout.An anology between aerobic and anaerobic is heat produced with fire and burning coal respectively.

What are the different steps of aerobic respiration?

The four stages of aerobic respiration are glycolysis, acetyl-CoA, Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Aerobic respiration is the process by which the body produces ATP, an important substance that is needed for the survival of cells.During the first phase, glycolysis, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cells. This process creates four molecules of ATP, but only two are truly created because two of them are needed to power the process by which glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is generated.After pyruvate has been created as a result of glycolysis, it can be used to help create the acetyl-CoA that is needed to continue the respiration process. The pyruvate turns into two acetyl carbons that mix together with the coenzyme-A in the mitochondria of the cells to create the acetyl-CoA.The third step of aerobic respiration is where the majority of the chemicals that will be used in the formation of ATP are created. The compounds that are formed during this step include isocitrate, alpha ketoglutarate, succinyl-CoA, succinate, fumarate and malate. One molecule of GTP is produced as a result of this step and is then converted to ATP.When GTP is formed during the third stage, NADH and FADH2 are also produced. These compounds create 34 units of ATP during the final electron transport stage. In combination with the other units of ATP that were created, aerobic aspiration is completed.

What is the energy source for aerobic respiration?

The enegery comes from the mitochondria in the cells. They break down the sugars in food with a method called glycolysis. By using O2 they convert glucose into pyruvate, the free energy released from this chemical reaction is used to create ATP. An easy way to remember this is that the mitochondria are the power plant of the cell. Once the cells burn up all the glucose lactic acid builds up in the muscles and your body switches to anaerobic respiration. That's no fun. That's when your muscles start to cramp up and you feel like crap. So don't smoke, if you do you'll be feeling that lactic acid much sooner rather than later.

What are the 'guaranteed' benefits of aerobic exercise?

Regular aerobic activity can help you live longer. Do you need any other reason to do it? Aerobic exercise improves the performance of your heart, lungs and blood circulation.How does your body respond to aerobic exercise? During aerobic activity, you make use of muscles in your arms, legs and hips. You breathe faster and more deeply. This increases the concentration of oxygen in your blood. Your heart beats faster, which increases blood flow to your muscles and to the lungs. Your blood vessels expand to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products, like carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Your body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Endorphins promote an increased sense of well-being.It is a verifiable fact that aerobic activity is good for you. As your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger and healthier. If you still are not convinced, here are 10 ways aerobic activity help you feel better.1. Exercise helps you to stay away from excess weight. Combined with a healthy diet, aerobic exercise can help you lose weight as well.2. You may feel tired at first. But increasingly, you'll enjoy increased stamina. Regular exercise alsoreduces fatigue.3. Regular exercise activates your immune system. This leaves you less vulnerable to viral illnesses.4. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and even certain types of cancer.5. Aerobic exercises like walking reduce the risk of Osteoporosis.6. If you want to lower the blood pressure and control blood sugar then you should definitely do aerobic exercise.7. Aerobic exercise also helps to strengthen your heart. A strong heart pumps blood more efficiently, which improves blood flow to various parts of your body.8. Aerobic exercise boosts your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowers your low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This results in less plaque in your arteries. This, in turn, reduces the risk of getting a stroke.9. Many people experience less depressed after a heavy session of exercise. Exercise also increases the sense of relaxation.10. Aerobic exercise keeps your muscles strong, which can help you maintain mobility even as you get older.

Is yoga considered an aerobic exercise or cardio?

First, it might help to agree on definition of "aerobic/cardio."
There is the widely accepted formula which involves determining certain percentage of a persons maximum heart rate (maximum heart varies by age).

Instead of relying on a heart rate monitor (the most accurate method), I use following subjective guide.
When I spin (my main cardio activity of choice), I work hard enough that I need to breathe thru my mouth, but not so strenuously that I am near gasping (unless I choose to do intervals/wind sprints).
I can carry on a conversation using short sentences, but am too short of breath to sing a verse.

Now your question...

Could certain yoga asana sequences (example Sun Salutations) be repeatedly performed vigorously enough (fast enough pace) to significantly raise heart and respiration rate?


Is this commonly advised?

Not that I have ever heard.


Every yoga teacher I've encountered promoted the instruction of always/only breathing thru the nose, both inhale and exhale, when doing yoga asana(poses).
Plus, one perspective in yoga (not taught by all instructors) is the concept of "effort without tension."

If you are performing a physical activity so strenuously that you need to breath thru the mouth, you are not only likely increasing tension unnecessarily somewhere in the body, but it would also likely be very difficult to maintain a "mindfullness" in the moment that many good yoga teachers promote.

Whether yoga assists in loosing weight (which some people do claim) is going to depend on factors such as where their starting fitness level was at, and how vigorously they perform it.
There are relatively sedate styles of Hatha yoga (Yin yoga; restorative yoga), and relatively vigorous styles (Ashtanga Vinyasa, power yoga).


Is yoga aerobic exercise?

YOGA is RELIGION —100 % Religion —YOGA is NOT PHYSICAL EXERCISE —NOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING(1)Svetasvataara Upanishad -1–3-Krishna Yajur Vedam“THAY DHYAANA YOGA ANUGHATHAA APASYEN“DEVA AATHMA SAKTHIR -SVAGUNAIR NIGHODHAVAT “( Note=> I use my own Translations - Scholars ,please help me ,if I am Wrong)(meaning ) Those Sages (Thay) —By following the path ( Anughathaa) of “YOGA” and “DHYAANAM “ ( Meditation on God) => SAW (Apasyen) GOD (DEVA) IN PERSON (Nighoodavat) -The Power of HIS DIVINE SOUL (Deva Aathma Sakthi) along with HIS Divine Attributes (Sva Gunair)“SEEING GOD “IN PERSON” WITH HIS DIVINE POWERS AND DIVINE ATTRIBUTES —BY FOLLOWING “YOGA” AND MEDITATION IS 100% RELIGION —IT IS NOT “SECULAR-Non -religious” ACHIEVEMENT(2)Bhagavat Gita -6–28 -“YUJJANNEVAM SADHAATMAANAM “YOGI” VIKATHA KALMASHAH ”SUKHENA BRAHMA(nn) SPARSM ATHYANTHA SUKHAM ASNUTHAY(meaning) The “SIN”less YOGI ( “YOGI” Vikatha Kalmashah)-is One -who is Constantly - 24/7 -365 days in a Year -”in UNION” (Yujannevam Sadha Aathmaanam ) —Such an “YOGI” enjoys “Immense Pleasure “/Eternal Bliss ,because of his Constant Union with the BRAHMANN (The Supreme Being ) (Sukhena Brahma(nn) Sparsam Athyantham ) is said to be the TRUE /REAL Pleasure (Sukham Asnuthay)Doubt => Somayaji -you say Aathmann —you say Brahmann —what is this ?Somayaji => “I don’t say Anything -Maandookaya Upanishad-1–2- (Atharva Vedam ) says —and- I believe UPANISHADS“ AYAM AATHMANN,BRAHMANN” (Maandookya Upanishad=1=2) => “This My Very SOUL is BRAHMANNUPANISHADS —BHAGAVT GITA all say YOGA is RELIGION —because by Following YOGA and DHYAANAM -one can SEE GOD IN PERSON —One can derive immense pleasure and eternal bliss because of UNION with Brahmann (God) —-if this is NOT Religion -please TELL me —What is Religion?Many “PSEUDO YOGIS” doing Physical Exercises On “YOGA CAT” ( Ashaada Bhuthi) mis-lead “GULLIBLES” by saying => YOGA is NOT Religion —YOGA is Physical Exercise and Chemical Engineering (ROFL)