What Is The Definition Of Ethical Literacy

Help writing a literacy event essay..?


Analyzing a Literacy Event
At any moment, your life can change. In any instant you could find yourself walking down a different path than you started down. You would never know it, but the simplest form of literacy could make the world of difference in your life. Writing, believe it or not, is a constant in your everyday life. Whether making a grocery list, composing an email, or simply doing your homework, there is no escape from writing. In my case, however, writing came to be my only salvation for justice...

Literacy Event
What do you feel now about people who don't like to read and spending most of the time in front of the TV or PCR. Do they know what they are missing? How different reading from watching TV? Does TV leave enough room for your imagination and interpretation of character or it has been done for you by the movie director? Does it extend your horizon, mind and vocabulary. Now when you listen to the speeches of government officials, or read a newspaper does it bring you more comprehension? Book is knowledge, knowledge is powerful...

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How important is literacy to international social balance and the development of ethical forms of social justice?

I would say that literacy in any function is extremely important.Having people who are literate is important because it facilitates better communication and as the adage holds true “Communication is Key.”Ethical forms of social justice is an interesting word choice.Saying social justice in the current day and time, brings to mind “crybaby liberals”.However, in order to have an ethical form of justice you must be able to communicate how, when, and by whom that justice is dealt. So literacy is important.For social justice we need the same thing. In order for a society to be able to recognize inequality we literally need to be able to read, write, and speak it in a way that everyone knows and is confident in what they see and interpret.I feel that is what is going on right now in the U.S. I see a lot of “Social Justice Warriors” and the like talking about pay gaps, opportunities based on skin color or gender, problems with mis-gendering…etc. Some of these topics have hard evidence that can be researched, but it seems some don’t.Either way, if we all could just be human and communicate in a clear non-threatening way then maybe we could get along.

The advance of science has traditionally outpaced the ethics of the use of that science. What are the ways to bring ethics up to speed?

It's a matter of discovering and then tracking the ethical implications of new technologies.   But "discovering" really means "understanding". Typically, the benefits of a technology are highlighed and / or obvious, while the drawbacks, ethical problems and unintended consequences are hidden.  This is actually one of the operating principles of technology, so if ethics are at issue, we need keep that in mind.  So one thing that is needed is simply more ways of tracking (and presenting to the public) all the ways technologies affect people's lives, both good and bad, and including the hidden ones.  Ethical literacy and ethical imagination are both aspects of a wise culture that can be cultivated.   A lot of people spend time thinking about the possible future ethical implications of specific sciences or technologies.  Some people think about the ethical implications of sciences even before they become technologies.  So there's a background of preparation already in place for interpreting the effects of new technologies.But it takes education to make this work, and some level of both scientific and cultural literacy.  A final comment is that many people think of ethics and technology in two separate mental compartments -- that ethics comes from morality (which comes from religion and spirituality) -- while technology comes from science, which comes from studying the physical world.   This philosophical division makes it much harder to think about the interaction between science and ethics.  The gap is being spanned in any number of ways -- by secular ethics studies, by "concerned scientist" organizations, by corporate responsibility movements, by skillful hosting of public dialogues on controversial technologies, by scientifically literate popular hobby activities, by advocacy groups.

What is an Educational Philosophy?

It is important to be aware of your own educational philosophy since it helps you focus on why you make the decisions which you make when you plan for your lessons and implement these lessons. Through the writing of your own philosophy, you will see more clearly your own goals and values. Your Educational Philosophy is a description of your goals and beliefs as a teacher. There really is no such thing as "the" philosophy; our philosophies are a reflection of our own beliefs, experiences and training.