What Is The Diameter Of A Circle Whose Area Is 616m^2 Take Pi=22/7

What is the radius of a circle whose area is 616 square meters?

formula you need
A= pi r^2

616 m^2=pi*r^2
Sqrt of (616m^2/Pi)=r note that r could be positive or negative but you know that this a real life thing and that only the postive root makes sense

answer is about 14 M

What is the length of the diameter of a circle whose area is 154 cm^2?

Ok the formula for calculating the area of a circle is A=Пr² But you have the area, you need to calculate the diameter. Well first plug into the formula everything you know
A=Пr² area is 154, pi is 3.14 and r² is unknown so:
154=3.14r² Divide each side by 3.14 to get the variable by itself:
49.04≈ r² Take the square root of each side
7 ≈ r and, since the radius is half the diameter, multiply that by 2 to get a diameter of about 14 cm.

What is the diameter of the circle whose area is 36π?

Area of circle = πr^2
36π = πr^2 <-- divide both sides by π
36 = r^2 <-- take the square root of both sides
6 = r

Diameter = 2r
= 2(6) = 12 <---ANSWER

A circle has area 144pi what is the diameter?

The formula for the area of a circle is:
A = pi * r^2
A: area
pi: ~ 3.14159265 or just 3.14
r: radius of the circle

if you know the area is 144pi, substitute it into the above formula and solve for r,

(1) 144pi = pi * r^2
(2) 144pi/pi = pi/pi * r^2
(3) 144 = r^2
(4) sqrt(144) = r
(5) r = 12

Once you know the radius is 12, you solve for the diameter, which is just twice the radius:

d = 2*r
d: diameter
r: radius

d = 24

You can also solve for the diameter directly by using a slightly altered formula for the area of a circle:

A = pi * (d/2)^2 = pi * (d^2) / 4

Hope that helps!

How do I find the area of a circle with 22/7?

The problem is wanting you to use 22/7 as an approximation of π. Though I feel this is a bad approximation, it's a nice fraction for beginners to work with.

The area of a circle is:

A = πr²

So since you have a diameter of 28 cm, its radius is half of that, or 14 cm.

Using 22/7 for π, we end up with:

A = (22/7)(14)²


A = (22/7)(14)(14)
A = 22(2)(14)
A = 44(14)
A = 616 cm²

Circumference=22cm2×22÷7×r = 22r= 22×7÷2×22=3.5Now,area=22÷7×3.5×3.5=38.5 sq. unit

Pi.r^2=154.22/7*r^2=154.r^2=154/(22/7)=49.r=sqrt(49)=7.Circumference=2*22/7*7=44 cm.

You are given a circular area so we need to find the radius from the area formula:A=pi*r^2Plug in what we know, using 22/7 as pi891/56=22/7*r^2Multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 22/7, which is 7/22. This cancels “pi” on the right(891/56)*(7/22)=r^2Square root both sides to get rsqrt(81/16)=rThe square root of a*b is equal to the square root of a times the square root of b. This works for division as well, so square root of 81 is 9 and square root of 16 is 4, hencer=9/4We now need circumferencec=2*pi*rPlug in what we know using 22/7 as pic=2*(22/7)(9/4)Note I've kept fractions the entire time, because they are simple and clean to work with, but I provide an approximation if you want.C=99/7 or about 14.14 unitsLastly, tell your teacher 22/7 is a terrible replacement for pi, and have a great day.

First, everyone knows π≃3.14159, which is more accurate than the π≃22/7 approximation.Second, in science, the notion of significant figures is very important. You don't know the accuracy of the 22/7 approximation if you use it midway through your calculation. Obviously you can remember ±0.001, but why remember an additional fact. The 3.14159 approximation makes it clear that the last digit is uncertain by ±0.00001.There is a convention that integers are perfectly accurate and there is a distinction between “A=1/2 b×h” and “A=0.50×b×h” . The difference is that there is implicit uncertainty in the latter. You might ask where that could come from and that might be due to non-Euclidean geometry if you made a big triangle on the surface of the Earth.Ultimately, it is important to distinguish between an exact answer and an approximate answer and 22/7 makes it harder to do that.

Area of square = dSide of the square = √dDiagonal of the square = √d*√2 =√(2d)Diameter of the circle = Diagonal of the square = √(2d)Radius of the circle = 1/2 (√2d) = √(d/2)Area of the circle = π* (√(d/2)^2 = πd/2