What Is The Difference Between A Scribe And An Author

What is the difference between author and writer?

According to my dictionary, the words "author" and "writer" are synonymous - as far as they refer to creating a written work. However, a writer CAN refer to a scribe or someone who makes copies of documents, too. In my opinion, "author" sounds more like a literary term than "writer."

From Wordweb -
Author means: "Writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)" or "Someone who originates or causes or initiates something"
Writer means: "Writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)" or "A person who is able to write and has written something"

According to Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary -
writer: "a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., esp. as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist." or "a clerk, scribe, or the like."
author: "a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist" or "the maker of anything; creator; originator"

What is the difference between the 3D and the 5D?

Scientifically, we clearly understand the 1st, 2nd, 3rd dimensions… we somewhat understand the 4th dimension mathematically and theoretically (Einstein got it wrong, it was not “time”)… the 5th dimension we do not comprehend and it is purely hypothetical.Now, since this question was classified under “spirituality” that requires a different perspective from Theoretical Physics. For one, the terminology is different. The first 3 dimensions remain the same, but the 4th and 5th refer to spiritual planes, namely the Ether and the Astral. Clairvoyant ability is necessary to better understand the nature of these planes.Basically, the 4th dimension of Ether is an invisible fluid which surrounds the 3rd dimension composed of beings which are generally invisible to us and semi-material. Examples might be Fae, Djinn, ghosts.The 5th dimension of the Astral coincides with the Oneric realm of lucid dreams and is more of thought than matter. Spirits we classify as “angelic or demonic” are most active here, and can easily shift into the 4th dimension (where they are more clearly visible to clairvoyant sight) to more easily act upon the 3rd dimension.This is a gross oversimplification which likely creates more questions than it answers, but I think it conveys the basic concept from a mystic perspective rather than a scientific one.C. R. Jahn, author of Arcane Lore (as Scribe 27)

What is the difference between "textual criticism" and "source criticism"?

Textual criticism looks at the text itself and tries to spearate the original reading from later edits. One manuscript, for example, might read "Jesus said to him...," while another reads, "He said to him..." The textual critic will conclude that the second reading is probably original. No scribe would drop the name of Jesus, but many scribes would feel justified adding it in for clarification.

Source criticism tries to identify the source material for a given work. Matthew and Luke, for example, each have material in common. And each has material in common with Mark. But Matthew has things from Mark that Luke does not, and vice versa. Source criticism tries to explain how this happened. Obviously it couldn't have gone Mark => Matthew => Luke, because then Luke wouldn't have used source material from Mark that isn't found in Matthew. You get the idea.

In your Noah example, source criticism would evaluate the Epic of Gilgamesh to determine if it was a source used by the author of Genesis. It is not concerned with the personal identity of the author, but the source material that he employed.

What were the differences between the Pharisees and Sadducees...?

The Pharisees originated during the Grecian period as a vigorous reaction to anti-Jewish Hellenism. By Jesus’ day, however, they were rigid, tradition-bound, legalistic, proud, self-righteous proselytizers and teachers who sought to control the nation through synagogue instruction. They came mainly from the middle class and disdained the common people.
Jesus viewed most Pharisees as self-seeking, merciless money lovers who oozed hypocrisy. (Matthew, chapter 23) They accepted the entire Hebrew Scriptures in the light of their own explanations but attached equal or greater weight to their oral traditions. They said that their traditions were “a fence around the Law.” Far from being a fence, however, their traditions invalidated the Word of God and perplexed the public.

The politicized Sadducees were chiefly wealthy aristocrats, known for their adroit diplomacy ever since the Hasmonaean uprising in the mid-second century B.C.E. Most of them were priests, though some were businessmen and landowners. By the time Jesus was born, most Sadducees favored Roman rule of Palestine because they thought it was more stable and was likely to maintain the status quo. (John 11:47, 48.) A minority (Herodians) believed that rule by the family of Herod would better suit national sentiment.
At any rate, the Sadducees did not want the nation to be in the hands of Jewish fanatics or to have anyone other than priests in control of the temple. Sadducean beliefs were conservative, mainly based on their interpretation of Moses’ writings, and reflected their opposition to the powerful sect of the Pharisees. (Acts 23:6-8) The Sadducees rejected the prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures as speculations. They taught that the Bible’s historical, poetical, and proverbial books were uninspired and nonessential.

What are the differences between the Nephites and the Lamanites?

Originally the first four brothers in the family of Lehi were Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Lemuel followed Laman's lead, whereas Sam and Nephi were aligned with their father's patriarchal order under the Lord's direction. Nephi as the younger brother received his prophetic calling after Lehi. When the family was warned to leave Jerusalem prior to its being destroyed, they were told to build a ship and sail to a promised land. In the New World (South and North America) Laman and Lemuel, their families, and those associated with them decided they didn't want to obey the Lord's commandments and rebelled (for about the fourth time) and went off to live on their own. Those who followed Laman became Lamanites, and they were given a darker skin tone as more of a distinguishing mark so that they would not be as attractive to the Nephites, or those who remained loyal to the Lord and Nephi as the prophet following Lehi. The rest of the Book of Mormon tells how there was an interesting pattern of ups and downs in the spiritual and economic and military lives of both of these groups as a whole. This is just a personal description to answer your question. The Book of Mormon itself is a much more interesting read, including a visit by Jesus Christ to the Americas. Have a happy day!

What is the difference between medical scribing and coding?

The role of a Medical ScribeThe medical scribe’s primary role is the generation and maintenance of the patient’s medical record, which is created under the supervision of the physician. The medical scribe shadows the physician and documents the patient’s story through the physician’s interaction with the patient. The scribe will also document any procedures performed and the results of any laboratory studies. Scribes document the roadmap of the patient while under the direct care of the physician. A well-written medical record will result in smoother claims processing and provides a medico-legal resource as to the care provided. Because the medical scribe’s role is clinically-focused on observing and documenting the patient’s encounter, many scribes use this invaluable experience as a stepping-stone to further their own education in the health arena.“Medical scribes become well versed in Medical Terminology as well as Anatomy and Physiology.”The role of a Medical CoderIn contrast to a medical biller, a medical coder, does not have communication with the patient or insurance company. The medical coder spends time assessing the medical chart to make sure it is coded with the correct medical codes. Coders must be accurate. Medical coders employ the International Classification of Diseases or ICD. The World Health Organization periodically upgrades the ICD. The current model being used is ICD-10.

Who were the Pharisees; Sadducees; Essences; Scribes and Zealots?

Pharisees saw them selves as engaged in Jewish Revival/Reformation undoing the corrosive effects of Hellenic cultural domination of the Jews. The forerunners of modern Rabbinical Judaism, their ethics and philosophy is almost identical to that taught by Jesus, but they required a stricter emphasis on the Holiness laws.

Sadducee's were the party of Zadok, a group of people who held that only the descendants of the High Priest Zadok could interpret the Torah. Zadokans rejected the writings of the prophets as unscriptural.

Essenes were a group described by Josephus, an no-one else, who were said to be ascetic and believed that the High Priesthood would be restored to a certain "Great Teacher" who had been deposed by the Hashmonean kings. Some historians question whether Essenes even existed.

Scribes were men of considerable education who worked with the Zadokans as interpreters of scripture.

Zealots favored a Maccabean style revolt against the Romans. Just being a Zealot was enough to get someone Crucified.

Sicariots were assassins who specialized in coming close to Roman officials in crowds, stabbing them with daggers (sicarii) and fleeing, leaving their innocent fellow Jews to face the Roman wrath, thus making them back-stabbers in every sense of the word. Some scholars feel "Iscariot" is an erroneous rendering of "Sicariot".