What Is The Difference Between Maybe And Made

What is the difference between "may" and "might"?

Hi there! Now that’s a sound modal query as there’s ample fog around the topic that needs lifting.(You may either read or jump straight to my video; or both of course ! Haha! )Now the modals may and might can be distinguished in the light of three parameters : Degree of possibility, permission and suggestions. Let’s consider each of these, starting with possibility :Degree of possibility/probability Higher probability - May (say around 70–80% chances of an event’s occurrence) Lower probability - Might (let’s say around 50–60% odds in favour of the event taking place) Examples : You feel some drizzle on your brow and head; you look up to the sky and say, “It may rain.” (because the drizzle has given you ample reason to believe so.) On the contrary, It’s a mix of sunny and cloudy and there’s an occasional yet weak thunder; you say, “It might rain.” (because the signs for rain aren’t convincing or strong enough.)Permission May - politer Might - more casual In the light of permission, it is always best to use the modal verb may as it is politer and more formal of the two. Examples : May I come in; May I be excused for the evening etc.SuggestionsMay - formal and authoritative with more emphasis Might - informal with lesser emphasisMay & might come in handy while making suggestions. In this case, may is the more formal and authoritative of the two making, as a consequence, might as the relatively informal and cavalier cousin. Hence, when a suggestion flows downwards in the chain of command (from a superior to a subordinate), may is the preferred modal. And as you might’ve already guessed, in case of a horizontal travel of suggestion(s) (peer to peer, family to family, friends to friends) might has the predilection. Observe : Boss to employee: “May I suggest you get on with those files right away.”Employee to employee: “Might I suggest we consider postponing the office party.” Family (on the road) : “Might I suggest we take a u-turn.”For a detailed description with more examples, you may consider my video on the topic :Cheers an thanks! :)

What is the difference between “maybe” and “may be”?

Maybe is an adverb.May be is a verb construction made up of modal verb may and verb be. (Not to be confused with a compund verb)Example:Maybe you are right about this. Just maybe.He may be right about this.In case 1, since it is an adverb, the sentence can function without it, grammatically speaking. It is just an addition to the verb.Case 2, however, is very different. Two words come together to work as the verb. Here “may” is a modal verb. Which means that it can be replaced by the other modal verbs (can, could, shall, should, will, would, might or must) and it would still make sense but altering the meaning in the process.That is what modal verbs do. They change the MODE of the verb - case in point: “be”.Hope this helps.– Vivek Pavani

What is the difference between 'made of' and made up of'?

Made of: You can use it when you want to talk about basic material or quality of something.Example: The shirt is made of cotton.Made up of: It is used to mean 'consist of' , 'composed of'.Example: The committee is made up of ten members.A2A.

Explain the difference between on-the-shelf and tailor-made software.?

on the shelf: software that was created to solve many different problems, it could solve most of yours, it's going to have a bunch of functions that are never going to be used and it may lack some that you just wish it had...

Tailor-made: software designed to your needs, it will solve all your problems. It will cost more money (Maybe a lot more) and it may not be good for anyone else but you.

What is the difference between 'created', 'made', and 'formed'?

It is almost same but used in different contexts. The potter makes the pot, by changing the form and does not make the earth. The earth is created.

What the difference between "product of the USA"and "made in the USA"?

Product of the USA generally refers to foodstuffs that were bred or cultivated in the US. Processing may be in the US or a foreign country.

Made in the USA generally refers to manufactured goods that at least were finally assembled in the US. They may have been made of components or materials sourced in the US or foreign countries.

What is the difference between "make a mistake" and "commit a mistake"?

Making a mistake is something casual and more like an accident, that happened out of innocence of absence of mind or maybe any reason that made the person less aware of the scene.But commit is a deep word, which insures that the mistake was made with an intend to be wrong and side the pleasure of taking the wrong side.It’s more like a bigger mistake where the accident was done in all consciousness and awareness. Where the person knew the dead end and still jumped on the road to see how the end feels like.So, it’s a mistake but a deeper one where the result was known but maybe the thrill of being wrong was taken as a guilty pleasure.

Is there any difference between rocks and minerals?

of course there is ! rocks are aggregates of minerals .. while minerals are natural compounds formed through geological processes . To be classified as a "true" mineral, a substance must be a solid and have a crystal structure. It must also be an inorganic, naturally-occurring, homogeneous substance with a defined chemical composition. Some rocks are almost composed of one mineral .. like Gypsum rock (composed of gypsum) ..