What Is The Difference Between The Possibility And Probability Of Something

What's the difference between "probability" and "possibility"?

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What is the difference between "probability" and "possibility" in English grammar with examples?

The main difference between possibility and probability is that we tend to use possibility to speak of questions that have a simple yes-or-no answer, whereas probability speaks of questions that can be calculated to a mathematically precise percentage likelihood of occurring.To name some examples from today’s current events:Pope Francis is looking into the possibility of the Catholic church allowing women deacons.Dr. Drew speculated about the possibility that Donald Trump is insane.Scientists found the probability that Melanija Trump’s plagiarizing from Michelle Obama was an accident to be near zero.Analysts say the probability of a Federal Reserve interest rate hike this year is about fifty percent.As a consequence of this difference, we often hear or read the phrase “no possibility of” (meaning something is impossible) but very rarely read or hear the phrase “no probability of.” This is shown in the graph below (source: Google Ngram Viewer). This graph shows the probability of finding these two phrases in Google Books.

What is difference between probability and possibility?

The other answers have covered well the formal difference between possibility and probability.  The only thing I'll add is that there is a more colloquial usage of these terms, which the average person is far more likely to use and hear: usually when people refer to an event as "probable" in a non-academic setting, they mean that it is likely to happen (especially if it is more likely to happen than not), whereas something that is just "possible" is unlikely to happen, even though it could.  This is an oversimplification, though, and if you're ever unsure what someone means by either of these words, it's better just to ask for clarification.

Probability- difference between 6P4 and 6C4?

6P4 is a permutation, where order does matter.
Example :
Choosing casts of King, Queen, and Knight from 12 actors.
So, choosing Alex, Cathy, and John, will not be the same as choosing John, Cathy, and Alex (same actors, but different roles).

6C4 is a combination, where order doesn't matter.
Example :
Choosing casts of three scout soldiers from 12 actors.
So, choosing Ben, Eric, and Mike, will be the same as choosing Eric, Mike, and Ben.

How To calculate:

n!= n * n-1 * n-2 * n-3 * ... * 1
xPy = x! / (x-y)!
xCy = x! / [(x-y)! * y!]

Example :
6P3 = 6! / (6-3)!
= 6! / 3!
= (6*5*4*3*2*1) / (3*2*1)
= 6*5*4
= 120

Possibility vs. Probability?

Possibility and probability mean exactly the same thing, except that possibility is not a terminology used in math.

On your last question, you aren't phrasing it precisely enough. The probability/possibility/odds/chance of drawing 1-2-3-4-5-6 is exactly the same as the probability/possibility/odds/chance of drawing any other single specific ordered set (i.e., 1-2-3-4-5-6 has the same exact odds as 6-5-4-3-2-1 or as 2-3-5-1-6-4). But if you say 1-2-3-4-5-6 has a lower probability of being drawn than ANY other, well, of course it does--any one specific order has a fair lower odds than all of the other possibilities.

So, what I mean is, the odds of drawing them in numerical order is 1/21; the odds of drawing them in reverse numerical order is 1/21; the odds of drawing them in the order 1-5-3-2-4-6 is 1/21; the odds of drawing in something OTHER THAN numerical order is 20/21.

What is difference between possibility, probability and plausibility?

Possibility always needs to be qualified. Sometimes is just means anything that doesn’t entail a logical contradiction, like a square circle. Sometimes it means something you can imagine. Sometimes it means something that is consistent with the laws of physics; this is nomological possibility.There is a well developed mathematical theory of probability, derived from the axioms of Kolmogorov. So anything that obeys those axioms can be considered a probability. In it’s applications probability has several different meanings and philosophers argue over them as if one must settle on “the real meaning”. But this is a mistake. Just like “cost” or “energy”, “probability” is useful precisely because the same value has different interpretations. There are four interpretations that commonly come up.(1) It has a mathematical definition that lets us manipulate it and draw inferences.(2) It has a physical interpretation as a symmetry.(3) It quantifies a degree of belief that tells us whether to act on it.(4) It has an empirical meaning that lets us measure it.The usefulness of probability is that we can start with one of these, we can then manipulate it mathematically, and then interpret the result in one of the other ways. For example, you might observe that dice are perfectly cubical and uniform and so by (2) each face should be equally probable, i.e. P=1/6. Then you could calculate, using (1), that there are three ways of rolling a 4, . .:, : :, and .: . , out of a total of 36 possible outcomes. So the probability of a 4 on a throw is 3/36=1/12. Which tells you to only bet (3) on making a point of 4 at 12-to-1 or better odds. If you watch many game of craps and tally the results, you can approximately confirm the relative fraction of times 4 comes up (4).Plausibility is a purely subjective attribute. It means you assign it a degree of belief that is significantly above zero and is not small compared to contrary possibilities.

What is the difference between a probable possibility and a possible probability?

What's probable is most likely to happen, and what's possible is not necessarily bound to happen, but could.I look at the future as a probability bubble, with tiny possibility bubbles floating around it, bouncing off the probability bubble, trying to get in. Once a possibility bubble gets close to the probability bubble, it then becomes probable.What's most likely to happen is based upon math, statistics and probable possibles. If we can see every variable, and learn everything that's possible, we can then judge the vicinity of our possibility bubbles to our probability bubble. These are opportunities.If we don't even know what's possible then we will never see our opportunities to improve, to learn, to grow, and to meet new people and possibly change them for the better.If something is not probable, it is likely to never happen. If something isn't possible, it is guaranteed to never happen. If it is possible then it has an opportunity to become probable. If it is probable it had already been possible at some point, and is ready to fruition.

What is the difference in meaning between chance, possibility and opportunity?

chance (chăns)

[Middle English, unexpected event, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin* cadentia, from Latin cadēns, cadent- present participle of cadere, to fall, befall.]


The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.
A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck: Chance will determine the outcome.
The likelihood of something happening; possibility or probability. Often used in the plural: Chances are good that you will win. Is there any chance of rain?
An accidental or unpredictable event.
A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity: a chance to escape.
A risk or hazard; a gamble: took a chance that the ice would hold me.
Games A raffle or lottery ticket.
Baseball An opportunity to make a putout or an assist that counts as an error if unsuccessful.
Caused by or ascribable to chance; unexpected, random, or casual: a chance encounter; a chance result

pos·si·bil·i·ty (pŏsə-bĭl'ĭ-tē)

noun: pl., -ties.
The fact or state of being possible.
Something that is possible.
Potentiality for favorable or interesting results: The idea has great possibilities

op·por·tu·ni·ty (ŏpər-tū'nĭ-tē, -tyū'-)

noun: pl., -ties.

A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.
A favorable or suitable occasion or time.
A chance for progress or advancement.

What is the difference between probability and opportunity?

A probability indicates how likely something will happen. For example, if you have a perfectly fair standard die, the probability that, if you roll it, it will come up ‘4’ is [math]\frac{1}{6}[/math].Opportunity indicates that all the necessary conditions for something to happen, are met — even if the ‘something’ is not guaranteed. For example, I have the opportunity to go and play music with friends this Sunday. In a way, ‘opportunity’ and ‘possibility’ are very similar. (However, opportunity tends to indicate that the ‘something to happen’ involves a decision by an agent (in this example, me), and that the ‘something to happen’ is something the agent would like.)So, I am assuming that you’re asking for the difference between possibility and probability (this does away with the extra implications of ‘opportunity’).A possibility indicates something that has a probability strictly higher than 0. If you roll 20 dice, there is a possibility that all of them come up ‘4’. It isn’t very likely (the probability is only [math]\frac{1}{6^{20}}[/math], meaning that if you repeated this attempt [math]3\,656\,158\,440\,062\,976[/math] times, you would expect to only see this happen once).