What Is The Difference Between The White Rat With Red Eyes And The Brown Rat

Are white albino rats with red eyes unhealthy?

no, it's just when an animal is born albino (albino is a rare mutation, lack of color pigment), they seem to have red eyes. I can't answer the red eye part but the eyes are perfectly fine! There are albino snakes, turtles, rabbits and many more creatures, wild and domesticated. It's rare in the wild (albino raccoon, very rare!) but its very common with mice and other rodents. If a mouse is white with red eyes, it's an albino mouse. If it has regular eyes it's a white mouse. Albino animals might not be completely white but if it's mostly white with red eyes, it's albino!

Hope this helped! By the way, can someone answer one of my questions?

What's the difference between a white person and albino black?

Nothing. White people are the original albinos. Go read up on it.

Do all rats have red eyes?

no. just the albino ones. they are often the white ones and the eyes are red due to lack of pigmentation in the skin and eyes.

hope this helps and hope you enjoy your new pet. rats are really cool :)


Why are white rats being used in many science/medical experiments?

The use of rats in laboratories has roots deep in history, stretching back several hundred years.  Rats are a natural choice for laboratory testing for several reasons: They're highly intelligent and, when tamed, are friendly and docileThey're small and relatively easy to care forThey're plentiful and reproduce quickly, making it easier to get subjectsThey have short lifespans, which makes them ideal for studying some medical topicsRats have also co-evolved with humans for millions of years.  They eat most of the same foods as we do and live in all of the same places.  They can get many of the same diseases as we do.  Biologically, they're very similar to us, which makes results from their tests transfer so nearly to us.  As for why the rats are white, that's mostly coincidental.  Rats used in experiments are specifically bred for that purpose.  The rats used in labs have been carefully in-bred over many, many generations to become essentially genetically identical -- so much so that they're practically clones of each other.  This reduces the number of outside factors that can affect a study.

How was the "white man" created?

Europeans are a mix of different ancient peoples.The earliest peoples in Europe were the Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis who looked almost exactly like modern Europeans. He had white skin and olive skin tones.Neanderthal DNA Influences the Looks and Behavior of Modern HumansNeanderthal looking like a modern European:There were many migrations of hunter - gatherers into Europe from West, Central and Southern Asia. Some of them had dark skin, while others had light skin:32 000 year old Oase Man of Romania recreated. He originated in Central Asia and had high levels of Neanderthal DNA:Then there were migrations from South Asia like Cheddar Man and LaBrana Man. (Cheddar Man’s Y-DNA has not been taken, but its likely he carried the same Y-DNA as LaBrana Man)Haplogroup C originated in South Asia and was carried by 7000 year old LaBrana Man found in Spain. He had dark skin but blue eyes just like Cheddar Man:Northern hunter - gatherers dated 7700 years already looked like modern Europeans:About 8000 years ago, the Middle Eastern Farmers migrated Europe. They had olive skin, dark hair and eyes. They replaced the earlier hunter - gatherers in Central and Southern Europe. Then the Indo-Europeans migrated into Europe about 4000 years ago. They also had olive skin, dark hair and eyes. They interbred with the white skin hunter - gatherer descendants in Central Europe. By the time the Celts came into being and migrated Western Europe, they looked exactly like modern Europeans.The ancestry of modern Europeans and why they look the way they do:White skin also originated seperately in Central Asia and was taken by the Andronova Culture throughout Asia. So white skin, blonde, blue eyes are NOT only indigenous to Europe.Blond - WikipediaVery indigenous Asians from Afghanistan looking just like Europeans:

How dangerous is a white rat's bite?

“How dangerous is a white rat's bite?”Laboratory rat?Albino rats are rare in the wild, so any ‘white rat’ is a pet rat or a laboratory rat. Most of these rats are actually ‘brown’ or ‘Norwegian’ rats (Rattus Norvegicus).Any bite* should be treated by a medical professional, especially bites from wild rats, who tend to live in sewers and often carry disease and vermin. Pet rats are usually cared for, so they live in clean environments. Laboratory rats might have been injected with diseases, so it’s important to know whether the ‘white rat’ is an albino from a laboratory or kept as a pet, so you can tell the medic/doctor if further treatment is warranted.*Not just rat bites, but also bites from other animals, regardless whether they are pets or wild animals. And you better rush to the hospital if you get bitten by a human being, because omnivores often have really filthy mouths and dirty teeth.

Are red eyed rats dangerous?

Red eyes are purely the result of a genetic deformity which causes their eyes to have no pigment. Eyes without pigment are… you guessed it. Red. What you are seeing is the blood vessels in the eye. With no pigments blocking it.I have over the years kept many types of eye colour. Including red eyed and pink eyed.I've found it has no effect what so ever on temperament or personality. While red eyes can cause rats to have a reduced vision and lack of depth perception this isn't a generalisation. Many red eyes will bounce their heads up and down to give them selves a better depth perception.This is something your only really going to see in captive varieties such as Albino, pink eyed whites or topaz.Genetically. The colour is caused by one of two dilutes. Red eyed and pink eyed. Both alleles are resesive. They are also linked to coat colour as the genes that control pigment of fur also controls pigment else where on the body.You will rarely if ever see a red eyed rat in nature unless they are an Albino which is one of the more common genetic deformity to see in nature.Compared to say. A variety called “marten”. Which is a fairly new variety and is one of the few with a dark coat colour and red eyes. These guys are nicknamed “red devils”

When the mating of black and white rats takes place, all of the offspring produced in first generation are black. Why aren't there any white rats?

This would imply that black is dominant. Let’s call this gene B.Now, a gene is composed of two alleles, one from the father and one from the mother. There are three possibilities; BB (black), Bb (also black, because this gene is dominant, but is a carrier for white) and bb (white, because there is no black gene present).Let’s assume that the father is black, BB (having two black alleles) and the mother is white, bb. Now, the offspring must take one allele at random from the father, and it will be a B because they are both Bs. And it takes the other from the mother, which must be b. So all the offspring, no matter how many there are, will be Bb and they will all be black, but they will be carriers for white.Now, suppose the black parent is actually Bb instead, and it mates with the same white rat (bb). In this case, the white rat will still always supply a b allele because that’s all she has. But the black one can supply either a B or a b. So half the offspring will be Bb (black) and the other half will be bb (white).So it is not always the case that a black rat mated with a white one will produce only black offspring. But the complete absence of white offspring in this case tells you that black is dominant and that the black parent is homozygous for black.

My rat has a odd red colour stuff around his eye?

sounds like It's porphyrin ... is it just kinda like dry red or orange stuff around the eyes?

The red stuff sometimes seen around a rat's eyes and nose is called porphyrin. It is produced by a gland behind the eyeball and helps lubricate the eye. Porphyrin naturally drains from the eye down into the nose through a small tear duct. Small amounts of porphyrin seen every now and then are normal.

However, when a rat is stressed, it may overproduce porphyrin, which may overflow the eyelids and form a red crust around the eye. Porphyrin may also overflow the nose, creating a red crust around the nostrils. This condition is called chromodacryorrhea and is a sign of illness or stress."…

often it can be because you rat has a respiratory infection, maybe keep an eye on the rat and see if it gets worse, you may have to take it the the vets or just ring up and explain whats wrong and they might be able to give you some advice

My new baby rat has red eyes is he albino?

if he's tan and white, then no, he's not albino.

rats can have black, brown, ruby or pink eyes.

light coloured eyes do indicate that the rat will have weaker eyesight than darker eyed rats, but rats have pretty poor eyesight anyway. they rely much more on their sense of smell, hearing and vibrations through their whiskers. even completely blind rats usually cope well.