What Is The Distributive Form Of 70 35

Fractions and Distributive property?

I am sorry I forgot to add something: The whole question is:

x+10 = 3/4( x + 20)

This is the way the book has it worked out:

x + 10 = 3/4 (x +20)

L.C.D.=4 4x + 40 = 3x +60
4x - 3x = 60-40

x = 20
x+10 = 30

I don't know how they got this answer. Can you explain it to me?

90=20+70.Use the distributive property and the GCF of 20 and 70 to write another related expression for 90.?

The GCF of 20 and 70 is 10
20 can be written as 2*10 and 70 can be written as 7*10

Therefore 90 = 2*10 + 7*10
Factoring the right hand side
90 = 10(2 + 7)
90 = 10 * 9
Lets say 9 = 8 + 1
90 = 10(8 + 1)
Now use the distributive property
90 = 80 + 10

90 = 2 + 88 (GCF = 2)
90 = 75 + 15 (GCF = 15)
90 = 25 + 65 (GCF = 5)

Can anyone define what: Distributive property of division over subtraction is?

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Can anyone define what: Distributive property of division over subtraction is?
I need the definition of : Distributive property of division over subtraction.

Thank you

I will pick "best-answer"

How do you do The distributive property?

The distributive property just says that a(b+c) = ab+ac, it tells us we can remove the brackets and multiply all the terms inside and add them together to get the same answer.

3 x 78 can be interpreted as 3 x (70 + 8) = 3 x 70 + 3 x 8 = 210 + 24 = 234
Alternatively we could view it as 3 x (80 - 2) = 3 x 80 - 3 x 2 = 240 - 6 = 234
It is not clear from the question what the distributive form of 3 x 78 is.

What is injustice?

Injustice: n. an immoral and/or wrong distribution of (ingus and/or rewards) and/or punishmentsIngus: n. (information and/or goods) and/or (services and/or property)If it is immoral then it is an injustice and if there are wrong rewards and punishments or an unjust distribution of (ingus) (information and/or goods and/or services) then there is injustice. Ingus distribution is unjust if it has not been earned or if it is not distributed as basic needs to the truly needy who are destitute and also unemployed.Justice and injustice is a complicated subject which you can pursue further if you wish by referring to my evergreen truth book JUSTICE.

What is Rawls's theory of justice?

John Rawls is proponent of liberal egalitarianism and an advocate of democratic equality. He published his masterpiece "A Theory of Justice" in 1971. For him, justice means justice as fairness. So he has given democratic principles of justice.While thinkers like Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau has used social contract to to create government, Rawls has used social contract to form a theory of justice. He wanted to create a theory which can be applicable and be fair to all. To him, people have their own notion of justice and we should not impose our notion on them. They should be given fair chance to decide their terms. For this he has put rational individuals in "Original Position" under the "Veil of ignorance" to decide the principles of justice. This way he has initiated the process of deliberative democracy and established the importance of negotiations before coming to common terms applicable to all.He has given three principles of justice set in a lexical order. He has given priority to "Liberty of all". However he realized the importance of chance other than merit and favored "positive discrimination". He called this "difference principle". To him, inequality can only be fair when it is in favor of the disadvantaged.Rawlsian theory has been criticized by libertarians, socialists as well as communitarians. Libertarians has criticized rawls for compromising liberty for equality. Communitarians has criticized Rawls idea of atomistic man. Socialists have criticized Rawls theory as biased towards liberalism and that he has compromised distributive equality for the sake of liberty. Dworkin has recommended thin veil of ignorance instead of thick veil of ignorance. To him, people cannot be in their original position.However, Rawls has given one of the most acceptable terms of justice. His ideas of democratic equality and deliberative democracy are relevant today in most of the democracies of the world.

How do I write one million in numerical form?

So this usually confuses everybody as to how many zeros are there in a million and  so on. The confusion arises because of different number systems.One million is basically TEN LAKHS in the Indian number system.So one million is followed by 6 zeros: 1,000,000 In the Indian number system it is written as: 10,00,000Here's a quick reference to the number of zeros:Ten: 10 (1 zero)Hundred: 100 (2 zeros)Thousand: 1000 (3 zeros)Ten thousand 10,000 (4 zeros)Hundred thousand 100,000 (5 zeros)Million 1,000,000 (6 zeros)Billion 1,000,000,000 (9 zeros)Trillion 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros)Quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000 (15 zeros)Quintillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (18 zeros)Sextillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (21 zeros)Septillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (24 zeros)Octillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (27 zeros)Nonillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (30 zeros)Decillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (33 zeros)

What is the formula of [math]a^3+b^3[/math]?

I think you mean factorization formula derivation?You can multiply the answers given to get a cubed + b cubed. Or we can work backwards.(a + b)(a^2 - ab + b^2) apply distributive propertya(a^2 - ab + b^2) + b(a^2 - ab + b^2) apply distributive property(a^3 - a^2 * b + ab^2) + ( a^2 * b - ab^2 + b^3) now commute the termsa^3 + b^3 - a^2 * b + a^2 + b - ab^2 + ab^2 combine termsa^3 + b^3 + 0 + 0 simplifya^3 + b^3If you want to make a proof, reverse all of the steps.a^3 + b^3a^3 + b^3 + 0 + 0 this does not change the value (identity)a^3 + b^3 - a^2 * b + a^2 + b - ab^2 + ab^2 substitute values = to zero(a^3 - a^2 * b + ab^2) + ( a^2 * b - ab^2 + b^3) now commute the termsa(a^2 - ab + b^2) + b(a^2 - ab + b^2) factor out a term and b term(a + b)(a^2 - ab + b^2) apply distributive property

How do you solve the equation: 5(2+n)=3(n+6) to find n?

5(2+n)=3(n+6) Firts you have to distribute so 5 times 2 is 10 and 5 time n is 5n and so on........and you get this
10+5n=3n+18 then you subtract the ten from the 18 and get 8 and subtract the 3n from the 5n and get that..
2n=8 then you divide the 2 by 8 and get that


What are examples of reflexive and emphatic pronouns?

Add ‘self’ to the singular and ‘selves’ to the plural personal pronouns and you get the following nine Compound Personal Pronouns .Myself, 02. Ourselves.03. yourself, 04.yourselves 05. Himself, 06. Herself 07. Itself 08. Oneself and 09. Themselves.2) REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: When one of the above nine compound personal pronouns is used as the Object of Verb, they are called Reflexive Pronouns, because they help to reflect or turn the action of the Verb back up on the Subject itself.Examples :01. She hurt herself 02. I washed myself 03. They patted themselves on the back.04. Know thyself.05.She was in a hurry, so she washed the car herself.06. She shot herself.07. I lost my purse myself.08. We seldom see ourselves as others see us.09. I ought it myself.10. She liked the pictures themselves but not the book.EMPHATIC PRONOUNS: The above mentioned compound personal pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis or stress they are called Emphatic Pronouns. They are usually placed immediately after the Noun or Pronoun, which they emphasize. Sometimes, they follow at a distance. These are not used as the objects of the verbs.01.I myself will take you there.02. You yourself are to blame.03. I was just thinking of that myself.04. They themselves admitted it.05. The announcement was made by the President himself.06.I myself saw him.07. You must look out for yourself.08. The King himself was present there.09. I will see to it myself.10. That itself is of no importance.