What Is The Fastest Way To Get Skinnier Thighs

How to get skinnier thighs?!?!?!?

Being 11 and 90-95 pounds is a fine weight.. plus I'd need to know your exact height. but here are some thigh exercises

Running, doesn't necessarily have to be a full out mile jog. I run a half mile (It isnt really that long) everyday (You can even split it in half at time)
I also workout using weight lifting machines like a bow flex but I try and get muscle not loose weight soo try..

Going on the ground on all fours, in a crawling position.. and moving one leg up and don behind you keeping it bent, it will look like this.

Squats :) most effective when you have weight with it.

Here are some I was thinking of explaining but as going through google I found it, :D

Also, when you do lunges it might help if you hold a weight like this

Try doing things that will work you fast-twitch muscle fibers too. To do that you need to do things like jumping (Jump rope, jumping jacks, skipping.. randomly jumping..) and fast sprints.

It will take time for you to see results, and gymnastics will definitely help!
But as I said before, your weight sounds fine to me. :)

Genetically people store fat in different areas first. So fat on the body in certain areas such as lower belly, lower back, thighs, buttock, face can be the “last area to go” when burning fat off through diet and exercise. Also leg size is in part genetic and some people will naturally have bigger legs due to being “big boned” and burning off fat can only do so much to make the legs skinnier. Most importantly of all you should actively be working toward fully accepting and loving yourself, along with the healthy changes you decide to make.

How can i get skinny thighs fast?

I had way too much fat in all the embarrassing zones until I tried acai berry, I appreciate they say that pills don't work, nevertheless they definitely worked for me, and they have been shown on the Rachael Ray Show too. There's a free trial on currently at**http%3a// , why not try it, what have you got to lose?

How to get skinny thighs?

Believe it or not dancing, running, jogging, or any other exercise that means "leg-work" will not do you too much good. The key to losing weight in any area of your body is burning more calories than you consume and the average person's calorie diet is 1500 - 2000 So let's say you jog for 2 hours, you burn about 700 calories. That's only about 35% of the calories you consume. To burn off all those calories you're going to need to jog well over 2 hours, at least 6 hours a day. There must be a more simpler way to lose weight. There is! And this magical weight loss trick is very simple. Weight lifting. I know that guys are all into getting "ripped" more than girls, but not all weight lifting techniques will make you "ripped", just skinnier and sexier. Doing just 15 reps a day with small weights for an amazing half hour a day for about 1 - 2 months will make you show significant changes. You know that fatigue or tired feeling in your arms after you lift of push something heavy. That's the build up of lactic acid and it's a good thing. So you might be wondering, How does this work? or How can just spending half hour a day do me any good? Well when your arms feel tired, that means a lot of lactic acid is building up inside your arms and your body is repairing your muscles. The repairing of muscles takes a lot of work and calories. So even a whole day after you did these 15 reps, your body is still repairing your muscles and burning calories. Just from one workout, you can burn 5000 calories! So you don't have to keep watching what you eat and do agonizingly long workouts to lose so little weight.

I hope this helps you

For more information my email is

How do guy's get super skinny legs/thighs?????????????????

Im a guy, and Im pretty skinny...except for my thighs/legs...
Ive seen skaters who have legs/thighs like as thin as my arm!
How do I acheive that? I dont care if you think skinny legs are ugly, thats an opinion. I just want help.

My legs are skinnier below my knees and my thighs are alot bigger. Its not that much fat and not that much muscle. I just want to find a way to make them SKINNY!!! My legs are really muscular though and have big veins, anyways to get them skinnier and/or get rid of those veins???

Do not mention genetics, I do not care.
Do not mention that spot reducing is impossible. It is not. Ive proved that wrong.

You can give any helpful tips/excercises/dieting things to help me out though!


How to get super skinny thighs asap?!?

so i am 17, i am 5'5 and weigh around 122 pounds. the top half of my body is fine and thin but the bottom half is not as thin as i want it to be. my thighs are muscly and big. i can almost squeeze into size 8 uk skinny jeans but used to fit perfectly, now i have to wear size ten and i hate it. i really want to get into size 6 jeans or at least a small 8. i jog from time to time but not alot. i really do not want to gain more muscle and make my thighs even bigger, i want thighs like these girls:


i want legs like these in at most a month, please help if you can !!
thanks, asap xxx

p.s please dont tell me i have a problem with how i see myself cuz i know i probs do, so if you are not going to give me anytips on how to get skinny them just leave it! thanks!

Every body is different and thusly react differently to diet and exercise. That said, I have found it a good practice to identify an athlete type (not a particular person - but rather a segment, such as cyclists, distance runners, rugby players, sprinters, etc,). You will see similarities in body types among these groups. Further, the size of the group helps control for the variability in individual body types and metabolisms. If you find a body type that appeals to you, you can emulate an exercise program one of those athletes would follow.In my experience and more directly relevant to your question - I have found distance running produces leaner, more “skinny” thighs. I transitioned from being a strength athlete with legs more similar to that of a body builder to distance running and have absolutely seen a change in the size and shape of my thighs.Of course you should consult a medical professional before engaging in any new diet and exercise.Good luck!!

How long will it take to get skinny thighs?

Here is what I've learned from my experiences...

weight loss tends to come from healthy eating rather than exercise,
and toning muscles tends to come from exercise

It will be good to do both. To loose some fat (over your whole body, can't just from legs) you must monitor what you eat, always. Only eat the basics, make your meals simple and small, but frequent. 4-6 small meals a day if you can. A portion of protein and carbohydrate (brown, not white) at every meal. (ex: dinner could be grilled chicken breast, 1/2cup brown rice, broccoli. Have a piece of fruit for evening snack, no junk food)
If you continue doing that everyday you'll definitely see a difference by summer!

Now for exercise...
Cardio is key, and jogging is the best. Great overall health benefits, and it really will define your muscles. Try 30-45 min sessions, 3-4 times a week.
Second is strength training... seems like you are fine in that department. Squats and lunges are good, but I'd say focus more on the jogging.
You have to stay dedicated though. Get into a habit of both healthy eating and exercise always and you'll be fine. It can be done!

Summer will be great for you :)

for me i went from a disguisting 186lbs and size 12/14 (in 2013) im 25 now 5′4 . and went to my currnet size of 0 ( i weight more than i look) but lets just say my proportions are 33/34A-23/25 (at my worst day) and 33 hips.i got there through WILL. honestly, and 4 hrs of cardio a day and not eating over 1500 calories. and yes, i do have 1/4 of a Hungarian lemon poppy scone here and there along with 100% full fat raw goat milk yogurt i eat 4 cups at a time and never gain because i am so active. if i wasnt active i would easily plump out. honesly, there is no easy fast way to become slimmer. just cardio, some body weight training a few times a week, and watch those calories. i keep a 98% accurate log on myfitnesspal but i dont do the forums bc of the mean people who say what im doing isnt healthy. i could care less. as long as i can fit that FR 34 Jacquemus skirt… i dont care if it kills me