What Is The Fear Of Demons/monsters Called

Monster that turns in to your worst fear?

Me and my brother were talking about monsters and demons. He said that maybe demons just project your worst fear, so that's why people believe in different monsters.

It reminded me of a monster that is constantly changing to fit the victim's worst fear. I can't remember what it's called though. Any ideas? Thanks

Are Demons And Monster the Same Thing?

No, they are not. A monster is anything that is dangerous, evil, and normally non human. In other words, dragons, zombies, mummies, frankenstein, dracula, and demons are all monsters. However, you can't say that demons are dragons.

Demons are evil creatures from the underworld that are associated with satan. The word is associated with demonic. Which is develish behavior. Good luck with your comic. You would be O.K. as long as kept them demons as evil creatures from hell that follow satan. You should be O.K. with your genre. May I suggest a super hero such as a very strong christian that quotes bible verses that destroys the demons?

Real-life Demon Hunters?

Demons are not physical-bodied unless they are in possession of a human or animal body... Also 90% of the time they remain in spirit form... And with me being a supernatural and paranormal researcher and investigator I know that there are demonologies out there that fight tooth and nails with demons on a constant basis, And not all of them survives the battles that they fight.... Now I know this to be true, And all of you nonbelievers out there will not change one iota of the truth of this very real fact... And what bothers me the most is there are good people dying out there and how do you show that you care for their sacrificing their very lives you start playing with Ouija boards and other evil instrument and free more demons from the paranormal realm to haunt more unsuspecting families..........

Anime about boy being turned into demon/monster/spirit?

Ok so basically im looking for a boy that's turned into some non-human (but still similar looking to human) thing and having to continue his normal life while also dealing with this new side. Something like bleach or highschool dxd. Any genre is fine, I'd prefer the protagonist be male, and I've already seen yu yu hakusho and the previous two, as well as tentacle x witch (though I'd prefer avoiding Hentai, I'll take it if nothing else is there.)

Thank you!

Demons in the dark ages and in fedual era Japan?

Catholism depicts that hell is full of demons as was the Dark ages. What I don't understand is that where did all these ideas come from, in the days of the caveman archaeologists have found cave drawings of what seem to be ufos or aliens just strange beings. Why in human history is there always strange things that we can't explain. In feudal Japan People wrote great tales of men slaying demons and other worldly creatures, what I don't understand is, is what is a Oni i figure that its a japaneneses (sorry about my typos) version of a demon. Dragons were do they come from all the cultures around the worlld say that they have seen a dragon before each culture met. I would like to know what is your opinion about this so in a short version "Why does humanity fear something that they don't know about?"( Before you answer plese note that im only 15 not a adult or professor.)

What do demons feed off of?

mainly demons feed off of negative energy that is around all living things, all demons were at one time angels or were human but they forgot what it means to be human.

Take Satan for example at one time he was an archangel they are basically God's commanders of an army each one represents different things (Raphael=Doctors and healers, Michael=soldiers) or if you want to go Biblical take Uriel he's actually responsible for destroying the two sister cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (lesson we learned today boys and girls? Don't make an Archangel angry they can smoke the living crud out of you) now back to Satan he's real name is Lucifer which means either "Light-Bringer" or "Light-Bearer" the story goes when God created man he asked all the angels to bow down and worship humanity, but Lucifer refused he became jealous, anger, prideful, and arrogant. God had Michael to banish Lucifer out of heaven and into Hell. Or in Lam in terms Michael kicked Lucifer's butt six ways from Sunday. After Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven God realized that because he was an angel he would destroy the Earth and all living things on it.

So after Lucifer changed the first human which was the first woman her name was Lilith she became the very first demon, God had Lucifer locked behind a series of doors or seals. To keep the devils power in check.

When God created man he gave all living things 2 energies a positive energy and a negative energy so that we can choose to follow him with no questions asked.

The positive energy is also found in the envirment around us, the same goes for negative energy as well.

Demons when someone is in a bad mood they will then feed off of it, so that way when that person dies he or she will go into Hell.

Think of it like a massive war that goes on between Angels and Demons, Angels want us to go to Heaven, Demons want you to go to Hell.

When there is a exorism takes place many people believe that during the battle of the exorsim the Archangel Michael comes down to earth to do battle with the demon to make sure that the person who is possessed will come out of it safe and unharmed and that person's soul will go into Heaven.

What does dreaming about fighting demons (by prayers) and demonic attack mean? What does it mean to have a dream over and over again (recurring dreams)? I have this dream a year ago.

There may be other answers, but my take is: we dream about demons or devils, who represent our lesser selves (or ego self). When we are on the spiritual path, we meet these devils, who tempt us to give in to our lesser self. If we are struggling with some problem that seems unsolvable, we may also dream about these devils. When we have finally overcome (come up over) the problem, the devils in our dreams will vanish, because we (our Higher Selves) have vanquished the demon. Fear not the devil. Overcome it, and you will find the Creator will give you more strength to overcome your next test. All seekers of the Light meet tests. Earth is a great school. When we overcome one test, we then raise our selves to a higher level. Most people fail to realize (understand) that it is not how much money we make, it is rather how much love we give out. Forgiveness of others and ourselves is key. The Creator NEVER stops loving any of His children, and we are ALL His children. From the least developed to the highest developed. All of us started school at Grade One. There are no shortcuts.