What Is The Love Compatibility Of An 11 Life Path Number With A 3 Life Path Number

In numerology, is an 11 life path compatable with a life path 33?

Simple answer: Yes

11 and 33 are so called master numbers.

Traditionally, 11 and 22 were considered master numbers and 33 "reduced" to 6 (by adding the digits of 3 + 3). Now some numerologists consider 33 to also be a master number, some consider 33 and 44, and some consider all number with the same repeating digit.

There is a growing trend to reduce master numbers, especially when looking at compatibility issues.

So 11 reduces to 2 (1 plus1) and 33 reduced to 6 (3 plus 3)

6 is compatible with any life path number including 2
2 is compatible with 2 but there is a possibility of jealousy and possesiveness

Which sign matches with each life path number(numerology+astrology)?

Which sign do you believe matches up with each life path number?

1 - the leader
2 - the peacemaker
3 - the creator
4 - the fixer/builder
5 - the adventurer
6 - the nurturer
7 - the analyzer/thinker
8 - the director/organizer
9 - the humanitarian
11 - the spiritual/otherworldly one
22 - the powerful/intense one

This is just for kicks, don't take it too seriously [;

What does Life Path 7 mean in Numerology?

NUMEROLOGY number 7: This is the deep thinker. The number seven is a spiritual vibration. These people are not very attached to material things, are introspective, and generally quiet. Ruled by Neptune.

Keywords: unusual, introspective, intuitive, psychic, wise, reserved. If expressed negatively: melancholic, odd, leaves too much to chance, hard to reach.

As lovers: These lovers are a little spaced out, and sometimes hard to reach and to understand. However, their disinterest in material things and focus on spirituality makes for interesting, if a little kooky, bed partners and mates. They are intuitive, some are psychic, and although they can be loners at different times in their lives, they are often devoted partners. They can reach levels of intimacy and romance beyond many people's imaginations. However, their goals in love may be too lofty and thus they can be prone to disappointment when relationships inevitably fall short of ideal.

Do twin flame life path numbers and birth numbers always add up to 7?

No, The combined Tf & LP numbers go as follows..figure out your LP number then figure out your TF’s LP number then the combined number’s sometimes its the same number as one of your LP numbers .. exampleMy LP =3My TF = 9Added up = 12final number = 3 (which is my LP number also)I Just want to add that synchronicity has a some what different meaning based on where you are in your lifes journey.. and the way you receive the numbers is usually by Angels etc.. now the Angelic meaning or message behind the numbers is different then the meaning and message you get with the TF numbers.. You have to take time to mediate or think on the message of the numbers and pull from the message which part is for you .. Usually when you meet your TF you will see certain numbers like 22,222,2222 or 33,333,3333 or 44,444,4444 or 55,555,5555 or 77,777,7777, or 88,888,8888 or 99,999,9999 or 11,111,1111 etc etc etc you will also see these numbers during a spiritual awakening which sometimes happens right before or after your TF .. this is where it can be confusing hence the reason I was saying you have 2 think on the msg to pull from it what is meant for you .. usually if you are telepathically communicating with your TF suddenly you'll see 333 or 222 etc or if u are thinking about them these numbers will pop up they are confirming that this person is also thinking of you numerology is different as well, but many people use it to help forecast life events etc.. if you met your TF good luck and God bless.. It can be a very long, confusing and painful experience, but during the pain try to focus on you, your life, finding balance, peace, self love and keeping faith in God and the process.God bless