What Is The Max Number Of Partners You Could Deal With Your Current Partner Having Previous

Should someone's number of past partners matter?

Hi guys. So my question is a little long and controversial and i know there are some that will scoff at me for asking, but at what point does the number of a man or womans sexual partners become an issue? would you say that there is different acceptable numbers for different age groups?
Here is my situation. I have been with a certain girl for 9 months we're both 18, and we're at a point that things are becoming more serious and where i have been trying to define our relationship. I love and care for her dearly, but yesterday we had a conversation that took me back a little and i am still trying to process how i believe i should react. Basically, we told each other our own numbers which i believe is essential to know if a relatinship is becoming serious.I've dated around a lot but my actual number is 3 including her, and hers was defined a bit more vaguely...she struggled to tell me honeslty and gave me a questionable 7. she then went on to say that she's lost count of the number of guys that she has "messed around with." This is what bothers me imore than anything, not necessarily her number (although it is higher than i am completely comfortable with), but the fact she doesn't even remember how many or really see a bunch of hookups as a big deal. i consider myself open minded and i would asses each person differently and believe me im slow to judge, but its hard to really get my mind around and frankly it makes what we have feel a little less special because of the number and WHO it is that she's done this with (considering i know some of these guys and many still live with their moms while they try and pick up highschool freshman). I'm just not out for easy hookups. i feel like sex is an expression of love so i hold it with high respect and only have it with people i am committed to and see some sort of a future in at least. At the same time i do really like this girl and i almost wish i didn't know now. If didn't care so much about her this wouldn't be an issue and I'm just lookig for some unbiased opinions here. Thanks!

What is the maximum no. of partners in a partnership firm?

Number of Members:The new Companies Act 2013 has prescribed the maximum number of members in case of a partnership firm should not be more than 100 in case of partnerships. As per the previous Companies Act 1956, the maximum limit in case of partnerships was 10 and 20 for banking business and other businesses respectively

When considering a long term partner, how many sexual partners before you would have you concerned?

I don't care.I don't care if you had zero or a hundred partners before me, if you're OK with dating an asexual who isn't really interested in having sex (but doesn't mind doing it occasionally). For me, a long term relationship is mostly about the connection we share.However, reading some of the answers, it is a bit off-putting to see people making “sexual experiences" as a prerequisite for dating. I find that just as damaging as people who don't want to date others with extensive sexual experience. You're basically making a negative judgement of a person based on nothing more than their sexual experience. Their character and personality don't even come to consideration.I understand the logic, not having sexual experiences (especially after a certain age) might indicate various psychological concerns, and there's the rhetoric about how virgins might get clingy on their first sexual partner… But all of these assumptions are groundless. It's just as groundless and presumptuous as the rhetoric that people with a lot of sexual experiences do it because of lack of self-esteem or they don't care about their bodies.We shouldn't make assumptions about people based on their sexual experiences (or the lack of).

Would you truthfully answer your current partner about the number of sexual partners you’ve had? Why or why not?

Would you truthfully answer your current partner about the number of sexual partners you’ve had? Why or why not?Would and have, though it’s probably not going to be a satisfying answer for people focused on counting bedpost notches.“I don’t know, I stopped counting.”What’s the point in lying? I’m not ashamed of having sex. I’m not ashamed of having had one night stands, and not only do I not remember her name, I never got it in the first place.Nor am I especially concerned with how many people she’s schtupped. Frankly, if the number is more than a few, there’s a greater probability that she’ll both know what she likes in bed, and be good at sex, which I see as a good thing.Finally, I don’t think that the number of people you’ve slept with is any sort of direct or reliable indicator to how faithful a boyfriend/girlfriend someone will be, nor an indicator of their ability to commit to a relationship.I’ve been with a bunch of gals, but I’ve never cheated on a girlfriend, and not through lack of opportunity, but because I think it’s wrong.And if she does get bent out of shape by my answer or views, well, we probably weren’t going to be a good match anyway.

Is a 15 year age gap between partners a big deal?

Iv been seeing this guy for a good few months now. The problem is Im 19 hes 34. I know my parents would freak if they found out. I feel embaressed and ashamed. Am I in the wrong?

What is the maximum number of sexual partners you had in your life?

You know, I've never really counted. Sex and sexual partners aren't a numbers game for me. My love of statistical data stays in the lab. There's no proverbial "notches on my bed post".I started having sex at 15, I'm 33 now. I've been in a few serious and long term relationships. Had plenty of flings, plenty of hookups, and have attended more than my fair share of sex parties, orgies, BDSM parties and clubs, and a few sessions of group sex with friends. Especially with my current girlfriend.So I can't really say accurately, dozens, possibly several dozen, probably. More than 30, definitely. But I really can't say for sure. My girlfriend and I have been to parties where we have both been with several, or at least a handful, of partners. So it's hard to count.Is my "number" the "average". Nope, probably not, it is what it is. I'm not bragging nor am I sorry or riddled with guilt.I use protection, I get tested, I practice with clean and sex-postive people, I'm safe.Your "number" doesn't matter all that much. What does matter is connection, consent, communication and enjoyment. If that's with one or two people good for you. If it means 500, good for you too.

How many years apart (in age) are too many, relationship-wise?

10 years or older.

My aunt and uncle are 17 years apart. They can barely stand each other after about 12 years of marriage. My cousins are embarassed because most people confuse their father to be their grandfather.

My best friend who is 19 is dating a 47 year old man. They love each other, but there's certain aspects of his life which make it extremely difficult for any 19 year old to handle, much less one who is trying to finish college and get a career.

In all reality, any relationship is hard. An excessive age gap only makes it harder because one person is going to be more experienced and potentially wiser over the other. The relationships that last tend to be because both partners feel equal. If you're in an age gap relationship, ask yourself if there's any part of your partner's life that just may be too much to handle or if you feel you would be on equal terms with your partner in terms of intellect and life experiences.

How many sexual partners is TOO many for a woman in her 20's?

The same amount that is too many for guys in their 20's. Don't be sexist.

I like how you said "more than 10, but less than 20" but won't say the actual number. I guessing the actual number is 19?- That's about average for a girl your age actually. Of coarse it depends on where you live. In NYC a 24 year old is likely to have gone through about 20-25 by that age, but in less urban areas there are less sexual partners to choose from. Studies show that generally speaking women tend to have twice as many sexual partners in life than men do as it's so much easier for them to get laid- They just lie about it because of the double standard. I think 30 should be the absolute maximum for someone in their 20's whether male or female. Anything more than that and people assume you have an STD. In your 40's it's common for women in NYC to have had around 40 partners. I think as a general rule if you have more partners than years you've lived on earth that's a bad sign for either sex.

I think the most important thing is that you only sleep with someone if you want to and that you use protection.