What Is The Meaning Of Droga In Polish

How do you say I love you in Polish?

"(Ja) cię kocham"

Polish translation..?

I know Yahoo seeks only English words.. But I have an old song in my head and wonder is that the true translation?

Moja droga jacie kocham

Kocham ciebie calem serce

Babci or Babcia??? (polish)?

Babcia in polish language means Grandmother. Babci is used with other words such as: "od babci" (from grandmother), "do babci" (to grandmother), "u babci" (at grandmother's place) and few others. Your grandmother when signs an email can write: "Pozdrowienia od babci" which means Greetings from grandmother or simply Babcia (Grandmother). In english you must add words such as "from", "to", "with" while noun's or verb's form stays the same. In polish despite using the same words as in english you must change form (precisely the ending) of noun, verb or any other part of speech. Both forms exisist in polish but they're being used in different situations.

What is the starting salary of a police sub-inspector?

Pay scale of S.I.- Rs. 9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- and other allowancesas as per government rules.The SI. Exams are conducted by SSC for Central Police organisation for filling various vacant posts of Central Government Police Organisations like CRPF, ITBP, CBI, SSB, CISF, BSF etc.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR APPLYING:1. Educational Qualification: AGraduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university. Candidate who has studing in the final year of degree exam and is awaiting for the result is not eligible to take this exam. Candidate have to clear his graduation first and then apply for it.2. Age: Interested candidats should be between 20 years to 25 years of age.3. Nationality: Indian.4. Official website: www.ssc.nic.inSource: How much salary can we expect from Sub Inspector job? | Government Jobs

Do Serbians understand Polish?

Most of the time, they can’t. Of course some words would be similar, some even very similar, very few ones the same, but Serbian is a South Slavic language, Polish is a West Slavic language. Having had exposure to Serbian of course influences understanding, and knowing another West Slavic language also helps.For example, I’m pretty sure Poles (most Poles) would not be able to make sense of Serbo-Croatian Cesta at all without context. Cesta means road in Croatian and the Polish word is Droga, which for Serbs and Croats would be a drug. Slovaks however would be able to figure it out, as Slovak also has Cesta, this time meaning travel, route, street or trip/tour.Short comparison:Polish: Cześć, mam na imię Chris, mam dwadzieścia trzy (23) lata, mieszkam w Krakowie i uczę się polskiego.Slovak: Ahoj, menujem sa Chris, mám dvadsaťtri (23) rokov, bývam v Krakove a učim sa slovenčinu.Serbian: Zdravo, zovem se Chris, imam dvadeset tri (23) godine, živim u Krakovu i učim srpski. English: Hello, my name is Chris, I am 23 years old, I’m living in Cracow and learning Polish/Slovak/Serbian.A short sentence, a few differences. Cześć/Ahoj/Zdravo, Lata/Roky/Godine, Mieszkać/Bývať/Živeti.Cześć, Ahoj & Zdravo can be inferred from the context of course. Poles will understand Roky, as the singular of Lata in Polish is rok. Slovaks will understand Lata, because they understand Czech and there it’s as in Polish - rok & leta.Poles and Slovaks might understand Godina from context, as Godina means hour in Polish and Slovak. In Slovak, however, it’s written and pronounced hodina.I see no way that Serbs might understand Lata or Roky, I could be wrong here though. Same with Mieszkać. Slovaks and Serbs wouldn’t understand it, there is no equivalent in their languages. Bývať can be understood by Poles, as they have “bywać” meaning to “be over a longer period of time”. I’m not sure if Serbs could understand it. Živeti would be understandable by all languages with slight difficulty. Poles might have it harder than Slovaks though. Polish has żyć and Slovak has žiť.I made it difficult now, but I just wanted to show the differences that even a small sentence like that can contain. More complicated talks would not make it any easier of course. I referred to Slovak as it linguistically and geographically stands in the middle and shares vocabulary and grammatical features with both languages.

How do you say "I love you" in Polish?

Just as Google Translate says, kocham cię.

What do you call the "Milky Way galaxy" in your language?

In Finnish it is called *Linnunrata* which means "bird's track", "bird's line" or "bird's track." Kind of self-evident, huh? Funnily enough the birds migrating in and from here do use its stars in navigation...Another curious astronomical term in Finnish is the "fox's fire" (*revontuli*) for northern lights, as they were thought to be created by a heavenly fox swaying its tail.Edit: Thanks Channe Järn for her reply above explaining the *Linnunrata* as the route of the holy swan ;) It is still our national bird. The idea was that birds - of which most seemed to disappear during winter - flew along it to some mythical place, arriving back in spring.

How many stars are worn by a police sub inspector?