What Is The Meaning Of The Word Love

Does the word love hold any meaning?

There is a saying I have heard, "What you do screams so loud I can't hear what you say".
I agree, many talk of Love but act in unloving ways, or put conditions on that Love.
To know anything you must Be it.
Talk is cheap & we should all practice what we so easily preach.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Many Blessings!

What is the meaning of the word love and how does it impact you?

Love to me is a verb, not a fleeting feeling that comes and goes.It’s an act of trying to understand empathetically and cognitively where the other is coming from and how they experience life.It’s an act of self care and compassion, physically, mentally and emotionally, so that I am able to be available to others.It’s an act of service to make things better in my capacity to take care of the needs of others to relieve their sufferings, make them happy and to help them grow.It’s also an act of sharing and opening my most vulnerable parts to another in trust, when they earned it with integrity.It’s an act stating and admitting uncomfortable truths, even when it doesn’t benefit me.It’s an act of asserting my boundaries so people who doesn’t know love cannot trample my heart.It’s an act of forgiveness when pain are still fresh inside.It’s an act of generosity to assume the best in others.It’s an act of acceptance that everyone including myself are imperfect.It’s an act of courage to face my fears and grow.It’s an act of compassion, to do service to others when the opportunity opens to me to act.It’s an act of selfless surrender to whatever unfolds…It’s act of union between God and me.What I realized what it means to love, is to first find love within and share it all those around me. Without the capacity for self-acceptance and self-compassion, I am incapable of love. Incapable of accepting others and caring for others as well.These combined definitions of love had changed my life and made me a simplier, humbler, happier and kinder loving person.

Do you say the words "I love you" too much, so it loses meaning?

who's got time for it. Too busy trying to get in her drawers....Hey I like that. It's got a Texas ring to it.

What do you think the letters in the word love mean?

how about this:

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
(Nat King Cole)


How many meanings does the word "love" have in the English language?

1. (tr) to have a great attachment to and affection for2. (tr) to have passionate desire, longing, and feelings for3. (tr) to like or desire (to do something) very much4. (tr) to make love to5. (intr) to be in loven6. a. an intense emotion of affection, warmth, fondness, and regard towards a person or thingb. (as modifier): love song; love story. 7. a deep feeling of sexual attraction and desire8. wholehearted liking for or pleasure in something9. (Ecclesiastical  Terms) Christianity a. God's benevolent attitude towards manb. man's attitude of reverent devotion towards God10. Also: my love a  beloved  person:  used  esp  as  an  endearment11. Brit a  term  of  address,  esp  but  not  necessarily  for  a  person  regarded  as  likable12. (Individual  Sports,  other  than  specified)  (in  tennis,  squash,  etc)  a  score  of  zero13. fall in love to become in love14. for love without payment15. for love or money (used with a negative) in any circumstances: I wouldn't eat a snail for love or money. 16. for the love of for the sake of17. in love in a state of strong emotional attachment and usually sexual attraction18. make love a. to have sexual intercourse (with)b. to engage in courtship (with)

Meaning of the word "mehroom" with reference to love?

'MEHROOM' means devoid.

So if someone says 'pyaar sai mehroom' where pyaar= love, it would mean 'devoid of love'

Do you believe the meaning of the word Love is subjective?

Please explain your answer.

Subjective meaning:

1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ) . 2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal: a subjective evaluation. 3. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc. 4. Philos. relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself. 5. relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience. 6. pertaining to the subject or substance in which attributes inhere; essential. 7. a. of or designating a grammatical case that typically indicates the subject of a finite verb; nominative (contrasted with objective ) . b. of or pertaining to the subject of a sentence.
8. Obs. characteristic of a political subject; submissive.