What Is The Most Important Lesson You Ever Learned In Your Life

What is the most important life lesson you have learned so far?

That I can be wrong.

What is the most important lesson you have learned in your life so far?

I've learned to love and respect myself first before I was able to do that to others.
I've learned to accept people for the person they are and not for what they have or what religion they might be
I've learned to break the cycle of abuse so I don't pass it down to my kids.
I've learned that even if I'm poor no one will know unless I tell them.
I've learned that having an open door policy with my kids, they will have nothing to hide.
I've learned that being a single parent has made me much stronger.
I've learned that life is very hard and that my faith in Allah and in my religion has brought me through many trials.
I've learned how ugly the word cancer is but how beautiful the word miracle is. ( I am cancer free for 13 years) Al hamduillah!
I've learned that letting go is much better than being bitter
I've learned that time is the 1 thing I never have enough of.
and I've learned that yesterday is truely gone forever

What is the most important lesson a person should learn in life?

If they want to stay alive, how to take care of themselves

What are the most important life lessons you've learned so far?

Hi, I'm an 18 year old and although I have never been in a sexual relationship, travelled, had a job, I have had friendships, met a lot of people, and been though my share of difficulties, and I feel I've learned some really important things from them
These are
1. When it comes down to it, even your closest friends will act in their own best interests rather than yours
2. Be open to getting to meeting new friends, but keep certain parts of yourself hidden from them until they become good friends
3. Dedication to an altruistic, beneficial cause does not make someone decent or pleasant on a personal level
4. Most people who are brilliant at something were good at it when they started and just practiced a lot
5. It is very easy to do the right thing the wrong way
6. People who you think are your best friends can completely forget about you, and if they do, all you can do is give them a reminder that you’re still there and care, and if that doesn’t work, then you must accept this and, no matter how much it may hurt, give yourself what you deserve and forget about them.
7. One of the biggest mistakes we all make is the equating of age to maturity and wisdom

I feel that all the time I grow in knowledge and gain wisdom through self reflection, observation and experience
Yeah, what are the most important lessons you have learned?

What’s the most important lesson I’ve learned so far in life? Am I living that lesson?

Your version of success can be different from mineThat’s the ambiguity of success. I remember vividly when I had just graduated from college and stepped into the real world, I envisioned a successful life with a high-paying salary, fancy cars, and a sprawling bungalow. That’s what success looked to me then.You have to get intentional about successDo you know what’s the utmost prerequisite for success in any human endeavor?Intention.That’s right. Success is intentional; it doesn’t happen by accident. You have to develop the right intentions that would automatically lead to right behavior to ensure what you want is backed up by the required action.2. Say goodbye to your comfort zoneWe are creatures of habit. We take the same route to work, go to the same restaurant, order the same food, hang out with the same people, and do what’s quick and easy. It’s the human tendency to do things that are within our comfort zone and we don’t like to challenge it. That’s how our brains are wired — to stay in the comfort zone.3. Failure goes hand in hand with successWe live in a world where failure is a bad word. If you fail at anything, others would look down upon you and might even ridicule you — this is how we’ve been conditioned since our childhood. Society has taught us failure is unacceptable and success has taught me that failure is inevitable. In fact, one must fail big to achieve big.4. There are no free lunchesNo matter what your goals and aspirations are, one thing is certain: You have to pay the price to get what you want in life. Sacrifice is an inevitable and integral part of being successful. You have to make some sacrifices to achieve your dreams as they say that there ain’t no such thing as free lunches in the world.Source :

What are the important lessons you learnt in life?

Get ready for a heartbreak while giving a second chance to someone. Most people never change. They just pretend.Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn't value your words.You can master relationships only if you are able to differentiate between who is “praying” for you and who is “playing” with you.You must go with the choice that scares you the most because it's the one that's going to help you grow.The meaning of your life is to find your gift. The purpose of your life is to give it away.There are three types of people who you should always remember in your life:Who helped you in difficult situations.Who left you in difficult situations.Who put you in difficult situations.It's the age of 16–26 when you meet a lot of temporary people.Never express too much affection, or care to anyone because it's a human tendency to underestimate anything that is free of cost.A person's true colour is revealed only when you are no longer beneficial to their life.The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention.Honest feelings and bad timing make the most painful combination.People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not.If you break someone's heart and they still talk to you with the same excitement and respect, they truly love you.Some people learn to appreciate you only after losing you.Sometimes the love of your life comes after a big mistake of your life.Cheating is a choice, not a mistake. Loyalty is a responsibility, not a choice.Thank you for reading.

What is the most important lesson you have learned from your own mistakes?

Lesson learnt: Money does matter and too much trust killsMistake: Gave quite a good amount of savings from my hard earned money to a friend of mine. There's a problem with  "trust". It makes you blind to the obvious signs of cheating by the person you trust. I did that mistake. I trusted her and didn't bother even to ask "why do you need this?" or even more stupidly, not asking the money back. For me, friendship was greater than the materialistic money.One fine day, I go bankrupt and was forced to borrow from that same friend. She did, but with a condition to give the money back (no complaints there, it was after all, her money, though the money borrowed was 1/10th of what I'd lent her over a period of time). After settling about half of the due, I told her about my inability to pay the rest. In fact, I needed some more cash. She instantly agreed and I was grateful. But the D Day came, when I asked the cash. Hell broke loose. She said I owe her this amount and that I can take that required amount from the due and pay her the balance! That did it. Worse, when reminded about her agreeing what we had discussed earlier, she was like "Sorry I trusted you"(?). I mean, the hell? I should be the one telling that! Talk about the Reverse Psychology! I almost fell for that and thought the whole mistake was on to me! But bad luck, the reverse psych trick failed to hold the effect long this time (she used to do this trick every time). A fight ensured and in the end, I was called an untrustworthy guy. Frankly, I was not affected by that much (except for that "the one I trusted hurt me lot" part), cos I know what and who I'm. My conscious is clear.I felt betrayed, but. It killed that unsuspecting guy in me and helped in transforming for better.

What are the most important lessons you've learned in your 30's?

I do not have a spouse or any children so I cannot speculate on those issues. However, this is what I usually tell people younger than me when I am asked this question.A bachelor degree is the new high school diploma. It will definitely get you more opportunities for better pay. Saying that, most degrees are really useless if you do not really examine what field you are diving into. If you are only needing a degree in a major like history just because you like it, save yourself a lot of pain and go to a really cheap school or easy school. You can strive for a good graduate school if it really is your passion later.An ivy league school background is useless without good networking. Networking and having excellent communication skills will take you further than glittery backgrounds.More than education, being flexible and knowing what skills are needed in this ever changing world are crucial for your future. Also, constantly updating yourself is also important. Being hard headed and fighting change will ruin you more than hug you. Even a king cannot give you a job if there is no use for your skill anymore.You are not all that special, but simply making it to your thirties alive is a bigger deal than you imagine. By your late thirties, you can get overwhelmed by the number of peers or same aged people who pass away before you. I am sure this only gets heavier the longer a person lives.The grass is never greener on the other side. If your yard looks like crap, you ultimately are responsible to clean it up.Money causes more evil than you can imagine. Love and lust are definitely confused by most people. People will lie about anything, anytime, anywhere. Media is a business and so are most religions, they both have agendas. So take what you see and hear with a grain of salt.The internet is a big gossip magazine and everyone has an opinion, good or bad. I sometimes even think of most information on the net as something you would see written on a toilet wall at a dirty airport. Even with my scribbling, everything should be taken lightly.You are more likely to be recorded and surveillanced by a stranger or someone you know on their smart phone more so than the government, aka “big brother.”Enjoy life while you got it as much as you can. It is definitely easier said than done.