What Is The Most Tortuous Path Through Space Of A Heavenly Body

Does the fact that I would never condemn my children to a torturous hell forever?

no matter what they did to me, mean that I have a higher morality than Jehovah?

Christians Apologetics and Research Ministry argument for an eternal hell:

How do our souls get to heaven or hell when we die?

Probably get into hot water with this answer. I am sure that the acceptable answers are 1. The soul will immediately be in the presence of God. As God is everywhere, the soul will not have to move in space. 2. We don't know; let God handle it.My musing. (I am hoping that calling this a musing will turn aside some negative responses.) The Apostles are the only people who have written about someone, in their case the Risen Lord, who was observed ascending into heaven. Christ himsef said, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father.” After he raised his hands, he was taken up out of their sight. The old Ascension hymn calls on the faithful to “Praise him as he mounts on high To his home above the skies.”So, I think that all of the pious believers who for twenty centuries imagined that the soul departs from the body and rises through the sky to the Masions of the Lord were correct. I know that after about 1960 the new breed of self-proclaimed and insolent liturgists wanted hyms and liturgy stripped of any idea that heaven was above the sky. (These were the same people who sneered at any elderly widow who came to church and said the rosary or any old person who had a hard time hearing the celebrity-priest and helped himself by reading along with what was being said.). I suspect that the soul rises, is accompanied by the angels, meets the souls of his family and friends who have gone before, and, in the presence of the saints, meets the Risen Lord. [Come to think of it, I have just paraphrased the official prayer of the Catholic Church for the departing soul.]

When you die, would you rather go to Heaven or be able to have another life?

It is probably one or the other whether we like it or not. So it is really a moot question.I personally believe that we live countless lives and are “in school” as we pick up “cosmic” experiences from one life to the next and achieve perfection. We live the consequences on the receiving end of our “mistakes“ that we make in our previous life/ lives. In between, we watch the movies of our mistakes and our successes and how we dealt with having those things done to us in our subsequent lives. How’s that? (Remember — all of the stuff about “streets paved with gold” and “in my father’s house are many mansions” was written into the King James version of the Bible for the very first time when the Calvinists were trying hard to show that their abundant lives here on earth were the result of their being declared by God to be his chosen people. The original KJV was in many ways, the polar opposite of the Roman Catholic Vulgate (version) of this same Bible that was written, in its first edition, during the early Middle Ages when a cloistered monk was held up as God’s perfect Christian. What better way to exemplify this than to flaunt one’s lavish life style as opposed to living in poverty. Never mind that gold has no real value unless one lives in a corporeal (physical) state, as opposed to a spiritual one. Seems as though those King James guys might have been smoking a noxious weed or two?

Does all celestial body move in perfect circles?


Celestial bodies, planets do not move in circles. Planets move along elliptical orbits because planets move in a gravitational force field which falls off as one over the square of the distance between the sun and the planet .

Why is death better than life?

You could try forming a relationship with blind people . Not only cant they see you , but they'd find it harder to get away from you .

Or you could turn to drink , works for me .

Life is pretty pointless , actually . The trick is not to care that it is , you see ?

Is it weird that I would prefer hell to heaven?

What do you think? For that matter, how much do YOU know about hell?Well, let’s see. God never threatened Adam & Eve of Hell. Cain was never warned of Hell before slaying Abel. God never proclaimed the people not saved in the parable of Noah’s Ark, were going to burn forever. The Hebrew Bible, which is essentially the Old Testament, never mentions Hell or eternal torment. It does mention Sheol, which means grave.The King James Bible (KJB) is the one most of us were raised to believe is God’s Word. King James believed in witchcraft and wrote a book on witchcraft prior to his KJB translation in 1611. Good ole King James also oversaw the torture of women. His interpreters substituted Hell for Sheol.Hell is mentioned in the New Testament less than one time per book. The first time Hell is documented was in Babylon approximately 300 A.D. READ THAT LAST SENTENCE AGAIN!If Jesus’ main purpose was to be prevent the world’s population, including the 70 - 90% non-Christian, from being condemned to a torturous fire for all eternity, why didn’t he shout it from the rooftops? Instead, he said, I came that ye may have life and have it abundantly.It appears, when Christ hung on the cross and said, Forgive them Father for they know not what they do, and It is finished, He meant it. Please note that he did NOT say, Well, my part’s done. It’s all up to you now.Most Christians do not even know there are major differences between English Bible translations. Most do not know there are many translations that do NOT contain the concept of a hell of eternal punishment. Here are a few of them: Young's Literal, Rotherham's Emphasized, Weymouth's N.T. in Modern Speech, Concordant Literal N.T., 20th Century N.T. as well as many more.Most have been told since early childhood about hell from people, parents and clergy, who would never lie to them. If you tell people something enough, they tend to believe it. This is the way Nazi Germany brainwashed people against the Jews.Now here’s the kicker….if you don’t believe anything I just typed, research it for yourself.

Why does god give people cancer?

Okay I know that it isn't really gods fault but could someone explain to me why people get cancer? My fiancé does not believe in god because on his 16th birthday his aunt whom he was very close to died of cancer. He says that she was a good lady and God gave her cancer, made her suffer and then killed her, I do not believe it is gods fault and I want him to believe the same. I want him to believe in god because I love him and I want him to go to heaven with me but I don't know what to say to him, could someone help me? Don't believe in anything you can't see and only half of what you can :(

Can the human mind really fathom the discontinuation of consciousness?

There is a pretty good reason why it's difficult to wrap your brain around what it's like to be dead: it's not what your brain is designed to do. It's function is to receive, filter, and then act upon things from the real world. If you take the real world out of the picture, you are left with nothing to go on.

Plato, interestingly, argues (in 'The Republic') that if annihilation is all that awaits us after death, this can only be a good thing. He likens the sensation of no sensation to that of a dreamless sleep. And perhaps that's an apt comparison... it's pretty much disconnected from reality and absent even of thought. Since most of us find such a doze actually a very pleasant thing, then perhaps annihilation is equally pleasant.

Certainly nobody has verifiably come back to set the record straight.

Quantum immortality never seemed particularly plausible to me because unless there are an infinite number of universes eventually every life will end when continuing reaches too far a point of implausibility. And there are, of course, circumstances which don't have an almost-zero chance of living but an entirely zero chance.

A better bet, if you're interested in such things, would be a simulated afterlife. If the universe is entirely deterministic, it is possible that a sufficiently advanced culture might simulate the entire thing. Reward or fast-forward to any point or time they liked. Everything that once lived would continue living, in a way that would be indistinguishable to the simulated being. Some even argue that our current experience might be a simulation of that nature (the old brain-in-a-jar chestnut, I suppose... link below).