What Is The Movie About The Black Daughter Of A White British Aristocrat

Can my school be arrested for showing pirated movies?

Franky, who made you the video police? It is a stupid red herring that you came up with to distract from the lessons learned in the movie.

What did you learn from the film? That slaves were " property" and the slave ship people considered them as such , and the illegitimate children of aristocrats especially those of mixed race where treated differently.

The craziness over the shoes was totally unnecessary. A Franky temper tantrum. You could have worn your old shoes from last year for a day to give your mom time to get a new pair, an illegal pair with a note explaining why ( what a detention) or the squeaky pair for another day. I don't think she could or should have gone out to a 24 hr Wal-mart to get you a new pair after your Dad got how from work at 10 PM even if there is one there. Franky, she has two newborn babies so it is difficult to go shopping because it is a crisis for you.

Is the inclusion of black actors in the movie "Mary Queen of Scots" based on reality or is it historical revision?

There is documented evidence of at least one Black person who was at the Tudor court of Henry VIII.John BlankeOn New Year’s Day 1511, Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a baby boy. Henry VIII held a lavish celebratory tournament at Westminster and employed six trumpeters to serenade the games. John Blanke, a black trumpeter, was paid 8d for the day. John was also a trumpeter for Henry VIII’s father, Henry VII.There is also plenty of evidence of a growing community of black people in Elizabethan England.Britain's first black community

How would you feel if Prince Harry married a black woman?

I would be EXTREMELY pissed off if Prince Harry married another woman of ANY race.Pursing Meghan Markle was a very astute decision on Harry's part, and that they are madly in love make them an ideal and brilliant couple.Harry apparently recognized he needed a life partner who could withstand the scrutiny of the media and the intrusiveness of paparazzi, unlike his mother, the tragic Princess Diana.Who better prepared to live a high profile lifestyle other than a celebrity and popular social media personality like Markle?Meghan Markle self-identifies as biracial. She claims both black and white races as her heritage. Harry has publicly struggled with his demons, and like Meghan, is accustomed to being made feel as an outsider in his own society. I imagine he and Meghan share many other stronger feelings than just romantic.It was Harry's dumb luck to find himself compatible with the woman of his dreams. Markle has a successful career as an actress and humanitarian, is wealthy in her own right, and has an American pedigree.Markle was raised upper-middle class in southern California. Her father worked in the film industry. She attended private schools, was homecoming queen, and went on to a Big Ten university to graduate with two degrees.The British royal family is getting an all-American girl complete with beauty AND brains.I believe Prince Harry is strongly attracted to Markle’s balanced nature and grounded personality, which I unabashedly credit to Markle’s black mother.Only a black mother can adequately show her daughter of color how to negotiate multiple intersectionalites and live successfully in American mainstream society as an interracial woman.Markle’s mother raised Meghan on yoga and the importance of practicing gratitude and contentment. She taught her daughter the realities of being a woman of color. She reared Meghan to be true to herself, hold her own in stressful situations, and rise gracefully under pressure.Markle’s entire life has been adroitly walking a tightrope between American white and black cultures and their politics, both inside and out of Hollywood. Conjoining her life with the British aristocracy will be a cakewalk.No ordinary black woman can do for Harry what Markle uniquely can, if only for the simple fact that he loves HER.Markle is our gift to the UK, who ALL Americans can be proud of. May the UK cherish her.Clearly, Harry does.Thank you for the A2A.

What is the name of this cat burglar movie?

I'm trying to find the name of a movie I remember watching over 15 years ago, because it was so interesting. I can remember details but not the name or any of the actors.

It's a movie about a man who lives in a very rich estate, and he invites all of the world's best cat burglars to compete in a contest to attempt to steal his prized treasure (I think it was a diamond), as a way of testing his state of the art security system. His estate is filled with fez-wearing armed guards, and all manor of strange traps. The three burglars can be described as a blind man, a blond bombshell, and another man who is a bit more reserved and careful about how much he reveals about himself.

The blind burglar makes the first attempt. Immediately it becomes obvious that he is not really blind, because he is using an assault rifle to snipe the guards at various locations. He makes it inside the estate, but is killed by a bullet wound.

The blond bombshell makes the second attempt, and she amazes everyone by making a sneaky entrance that only she can perform because of her amazing acrobatic skills. She manages to elude capture from all the guards, and she nearly succeeds until she steps on a tile of the floor where a land mine is hidden. She is blown to smithereens.

Finally the reserved man makes his attempt. His strategy was to wear a costume and make-up that camouflages his body and face to resemble the black and white tiled floor. By laying flat against the floor, the cameras and guards were not even aware of his presence inside the room with the diamond. Eventually his presence was suspected, and so the guards were sent to check on the diamond, but the alarms were already activated, but even the guards did not know how to bypass the dangerous traps. Several of the guards were forced to walk across the black and white trapped tiles like a chessboard, not knowing which tiles might have a land mine underneath.

The thief ends up getting away with the diamond, and I think he even runs off with the estate owner's girlfriend.

If you know what this movie is called please let me know.

Barry Lyndon (1975 movie): Why did the rich intentionally put on white dope and dark spots on their faces in England in the 18th century?

Many people have the idea that the eighteenth century was a romantic period, full of adventure and alive with cultural changes and discoveries. Few look past the beautiful clothes and the fastidious application of cosmetics, though the reality of personal hygiene and health was completely opposite to people's outward appearances.While the Black Plague had ceased to decimate Europe by this time, many diseases still ran rampant from a lack of suitable medication and sanitation practices. Smallpox was a particularly virulent disease that left all survivors with pock-marks on their skin --- deep pits created by pustules drying out and scarring the epidermis. This disease is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why almost everyone who wanted to be fashionable wore a lot of makeup in order to hide the scars.Style went from rococo to amazing high and decorated wigs and fashions. Both men and women wore makeup, although men who did so were generally called dandies. Make-up was often dangerous, as in the case of ceruse (white lead), but in order to be fashionable most people ignored the dangers. The patches (or beauty spots) were worn to cover pock marks, or to draw attention to an attractive feature - there were many meanings as to where they were placed, like the "kiss me"!

Has anyone else noticed the latent communist sympathies in Harry Potter?

The wealthy, pure-blooded slytherins represent the aristocracy (i.e. profiteers of the capitalist system; achiever of the American Dream), who believe capital (magic) should be in the hands of the wealthy elite. The RED Gryffindors, on the other hand, along with Dumbledore's Army represent the Red Army, the army of the petite bourgeoisie. Who are the petite bourgeoisie, you ask? The humble, hardworking house elves of course. It's no coincidence the Gryffindors champion their "freedom" (integration into a society where wealth is distributed equitably).

And don't forget Dumbledore's obvious resemblance to Marx himself. And Harry to Trotsky. Perhaps Rowling endorses Trotskyist Marxism (?)

And we can't forget J.K. Rowling isn't American.
Not American=Un-American

and: Communism=Un-American

by the transverse property of communism:
J.K. Rowling=Communist

On a tangential note, I wonder how many answerers will be so obtuse as to take me seriously and bombard me with hate e-mails?

Why was it okay for Princess Diana to wear black and short skirts, but not Meghan, Duchess of Sussex?

When you see Diana, Princess of Wales in short dresses or skirts, they will be from post separation or divorce. She did adhere to most protocol previous to the separation in 1992. her hemlines started to climb higher post separation. There is a difference once you are separated from your royal husband. Also protocol is not set in stone, it’s more etiquette that the Queen likes family members to follow.Also when you attend events that are of a private nature, such as film premieres, you can wear black. You are not on duty and you are not there because you are a patron, or anything like that. So even though you are photographed, you are attending a private outing. I wish people would learn the differences.Black pre separationPeople think this was a black dress, is was not, it was midnight blue.This dress was black, but she was not yet married. According to her own audio tapes Prince Charles had a fit seeing her in this, but she stated “she wasn’t a Royal YET, and she had one ring, not two”Diana wore a black velour evening gown to the opening of Les Miserables in 1985. This was NOT worn to a royal event or associated with any royal duties. There is a difference. She also wore it for a personal portrait.Black velvet dress worn to a film premier 1989, then again to film premiere in 1991 and 1992.Black post separationShe can do what she wants!Navy, not blackThis was a black dress, but from 1994, post separation from Prince Charles.Again post separation and divorce 1996All shorter hemlines post separation and divorce, there is a difference. She did not usually wear short hemlines prior to separation.