What Is The Musical Term For When In The Middle Of A Song The Music Fades To Silence And Then

I always hear music in my head. What's wrong with me?

Well, it sounds like cancer of your Musicaladalamus (the organ in your brain that enjoys and interprets music). You should get it checked immediately!Ok…still reading, and not in your car on the way to your doctor? Good. That was a joke. There’s nothing wrong with you. This happens to everyone. Germans call it an Ohrwurm (Earworm). Americans just say we’ve got a song stuck in our head. Just sing along.One explanation for the ‘Earworm’ phenomenon, suggests that we get songs stuck in our heads for which we don’t know all of the lyrics. It’s the lack of closure, that keeps the song stuck in our heads. So, like, you know the first verse, and 3 lines of the chorus, but you can’t remember any more of the chorus or the 2nd verse. So your brain thinks, ‘Ok, well, maybe if I start over at the point where I know the words and the tune, I’ll remember the rest.’ Because, subconsciously, your brain wants to hear the song through til the end. So it keeps playing, over and over. This can go on for days. The next time it happens, try reading the lyrics and letting the song play to the end in your head…or listen to the actual song, but to the very end. This helps some people get a song out of their head.