What Is The Name Of The Bone My Collarbone

Two balls near my collar bone!?

Sure they are balls? Sound more like a particular muscle that becomes much more noticeable when it gets tight. And its attachment is to the collarbone almost at the center of the chest.
The muscle is the sternocleidomastoid, and you will notice a person with a tight one because the two muscles form a sort of "V" at the center of the neck

Is there a name for collarbone fetishism?

There is not a name for a collarbone fetishism. It may just be known as a "global" fetish, but I doubt even that would be right.

What's the other name for collar bone?

Sorry, Kate, but the scapula is the shoulder blade.

Why does one of my collar bones protrude more than the other?

If your collar bone or clavicle is protruding more than the other one, the problem is not in the collar bone probably,The triangular bone(scapula) behind your shoulder might be the culprit, this is usually called scapular dyskinesia when your scapula is not in place it disturbs the joints around it like the shoulder and the joints your collar bone makes with the shoulder and the sternum and looks as if its protruded.That is totally normal and can be correcred quite easily you might want to get an appointment with a physical therapist and get it corrected.

What is the part between your collar bones called?

All of the above answers are correct! It is, in fact, the manubrium, which is the top part of the sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, has 3 sections: the first and topmost part being the manubrium, the middle and longest part being the body, and the lowest part being the xiphoid process. The top part that is just under the space between the collar bones is called the manubrium.

Why is the clavicle called the collarbone?

Because the two clavicles form half of the pectoral girdle of bones that encircle the upper chest much like a collar.

How much will my collar bone tattoo cost?

I'm not going to give the person from Wisconsin under me a 'thumbs down' but I simply don't agree! I think that as far as 'valuable space' on your body goes that the chest - specifically the upper-chest - is among the most favored places for a tattoo.
I love my tattoo I have there, not because of the technicality of it, but because I consistently wear v-necks. It can be easily covered and just as easily shown off!
The price is generally $5 a word with a minimum of at least $50 a shop. Although I'm guessing you're getting 4 or 5 words I am going to guess you will be charged no more then $100. For this specific tattoo you don't need to go to a well-known and reputable shop. You'll be wasting money.
Go look at artists portfolios! Pay close attention to how consistent the lines are in the work shown as well as how the black filling looks after it's healed (although the filling will probably all look the same because it hasn't healed yet). Black filling takes patience and consistency to come out well but it's pretty hard to really mess up solid black script.
Hope this helps!