What Is The Name Of The Series Which Is About Doctors

Who is "The Doctor," what is his name?

The answer has changed a great deal over the long course of the series. When it began in 1963, the Doctor was just a cranky old man with a space / time travel machine and a granddaughter. Neither his species nor his background were made clear.In 1964, the granddaughter disappeared, never to be heard from again.In 1966, it came time for the actor playing the cranky old man to retire. But the series was still going strong, so the Doctor developed the ability to “regenerate” into a completely new body, with a completely new personality (played by a new actor, of course). Depending on how you count, there have been at least 12 regenerations since then.In 1969, we learned that the Doctor was a Time Lord from the Planet Gallifrey, that he had stolen the time machine, and that he was a fugitive on the run from his own people. The Time Lords punished him for a while by restricting him to 1970s-Earth. But they soon relented — and since he was their best and brightest, they would occasionally call on him to perform special missions.Over the course of the next 20 years, as details of Time Lord society were gradually filled in, the Time Lords turned out to be remarkably like the British (at least until World War II) — obsessed with titles and elaborate ritual, convinced they were the most just, most powerful beings in the universe, dedicated to its safe and orderly running. That’s where things stood at the end of the classic series.When the series resumed in 2005, it turned out that the Time Lords weren’t as powerful as they had thought. There had been a terrible war which destroyed both the Time Lords and the Daleks, with the Doctor as the sole survivor (or so he believed). We eventually learned that it was the Doctor himself who had ended the war by killing off both races — though additional survivors soon appeared on both sides.“Doctor Who” became the Doctor’s appellation in the very first episode, in 1963. Despite being an “Unearthly Child,” the Doctor’s granddaughter had enrolled in a London high school, falsely giving her grandfather’s name as “Dr. Foreman.” When two of her teachers stumbled upon the Tardis while looking for her, they called out, “Dr. Foreman?!” The Doctor answered, “Dr. Who??” — and things went on from there.The Doctor’s real name was never important — nor ever mentioned, really — until the time of the Eleventh Doctor, from 2011 to 2013. But that’s when I lost interest, so someone else will have to continue the story.

What Is Doctor Who's Real Name?

The Doctor's real name is THE big mystery of the series that has been on-going since Doctor Who began in 1963. Over Doctor Who's 45 year history, only two people have claimed to know the Doctor's real name (although the Time Lords obviously must have known) - Lady Peinforte, the vileness in the 7th Doctor story "Silver Nemesis" and River Song. Whether Lady Peinforte really knew is open to question, but it's obvious that River Song really does.

The only explanation can be that she really does become the Doctor's companion in his future and her past, and a very close one at that. Lover? Wife? Who knows? But there are not many, if any, people that the Doctor would trust with his real name outside of Time Lord society.

It looks to me as if Steven Moffat may have big plans for the River Song character when he takes over from Russel. T. Davies for the 2010 series. Tonight's episode certainly blew my previous theory about her being a 51st century con artist out of the water.

The Doctor's name is obviously very important and something that we would all recognise as being important. What it actually is, I think is something that we won't find out for a very long time, if ever, since if we did it would remove the central mystery of the series. Who exactly is he? Doctor Who?

In Series 6 of Doctor Who, what is the question?

As now of 2017, we know what the question is. In "The Name of the Doctor", Simeon needs the Doctor to speak his name in order to open his tomb, which lays on the field of Trenzalore. Simeon there asks the dreaded Question that the Doctor has been dreading.In "The Wedding of River Song", Dorium Maldovar tells the Doctor what the Question is... "The first question! The question that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight. The question you've been running from all your life. Doctor who? Doctor who? Doc-tor who?"

Doctor Who (TV series): Has The Doctor ever met himself whilst travelling in time?

The Three Doctors - The Third Doctor meets 2 and 1.The Five Doctors - 5 meets 3, 2, and 1 while 4 is stuck in a a time eddy.The Two Doctors - 6 and 2 meet up.Dimensions in Time All, but 4 meet up in a EastEnders cross over (it’s bad).Time Crash 10 meets 5 in this short episode preceding Voyage of the Damned.Day of the Doctor 11 meets 10 and the War Doctor.

What is the doctor’s real name on Dr Who?

We have no idea how it’s pronounced. However, we do know how it’s written (In Gallifreyan), thanks to an eleventh-Doctor era episode in which we see it written on the side of the baby carriage that the Doctor used to sleep in.Here it is drawn out so it’s easier to see:Additionally, I have no idea if this is canon or not, but apparently a 1980 comic book mentioned that the Doctor’s real name is, in fact, d³Σx²

Did the writers of Doctor Who know the Doctor's true name all along, or was it created for the series finale?

Spoilers: Although these facts come from 1996-97....We do know part of the Doctor's true name from around the time of the 7th Doctor.House of Lungbarrow from the Lungbarrow (novel) The House of Lungbarrow was one of the Prydonian Houses and the family home of the Doctor. It was located in the southern mountain range Lung on Gallifrey, overlooking the Cadonflood River. The Doctor returned there in his seventh incarnation.The Doctor was a part of the house of Lungbarrow therefore his family name or surname would be Lungbarrow.It is important to note that Timelords are not conceived sexually and are instead "Loomed" using a mysterious process that contains that families DNA. The house that looms the child is his house and the child is mentally still an infant but is formed in a fully adult body.. The Timelord is then given a name until they choose their Title at a later point. According to the lore of the show, we get the word doctor (in all of our languages) from the Doctors chosen title. This is why medical specialists are called doctors and why the highest degree of learning is called a doctorate no matter the field of study.