What Is The Noun For Being Chosen By Someone

Identify the pronoun in the sentence below?

1.The coach himself decided to play during practice
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
2.Jessie injured the same ankle that was hurt before.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
3.Robert was successful because his planning paid off.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
4.Mr. Smith gave it one more try before giving up on the mower.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
5.Due to the large storm approaching, three students, Jamie, Lisa, and I, were allowed to leave early.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
6.The student chosen to raise the flag was he.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:
7.Tim said he needed more time to make the decision.
Noun function:
Pronoun class:

Can you guys please help me? I'm really bad at this..

Is this too many noun classes for my conlang?

My conlang has a lot of noun classes in it, most of them were chosen purely bc some noun class prefixes would be too common otherwise (thus why there's seperate classes for aquatic, terrestrial, and flying animals).

A lot of these come from the fact that there are seperate prefixes for generic nouns and proper nouns. Some may sound silly (like proper nouns for animals and objects), but when it comes to pet names (or names of animals in mythology) and names for specific one-of-a-kind objects, i find it necessary.

The prefixes don't distinguish number, which I probably won't bother with since this would make the prefix list too bloated. There's a lot of languages out there that lack mandatory number anyway...

Here are the catergories that I have:

For generic nouns:

flying animals
terrestrial animals
aquatic animals
places, areas, and environments (all one class)
inorganic and inanimate objects
abstract nouns
time periods (like morning, noon, dusk, childhood, developmental phases, etc...)

and for proper nouns:

male names
female names
animal names
places (countries, specific areas like the alps, taiga forest, etc...)
specific objects (big blue the computer, big ben, eifel tower, excalibur, etc...)
ideologies (names of religions and political or philosophical ideologies)
time period (historial times, the middle ages, the feudal era, the bronze age etc...)

also contemplating adding in prefixes for the names of children, which also may distinguish gender, the primary reason i'm hesitant to add those in is the list is already rather large and specific prefixes for children's names may not be necessary.

Is this too large? Is it even sufficient to cover all possible nouns? Note that i went with a 'person, place, thing, or idea' theme to try and make sure i covered everything.

Is it honored by or honored with?

It depends on how you use the word ‘honored’ in the sentence.Here is an example:Jake was honored by the president of the nursing home for his contribution in charity work and volunteering.Jake was honored with the ‘Best Volunteer Award’ by the president of the nursing home.In the first sentence, ‘honored by’ is used to show that a person receives praise (honor) from another person.In the second sentence, ‘honored with’ is used to show that a person receives something as a token of honor.Hence, both phrases are correct. It’s just that it depends on which context we are using the phrase.

Personification of Abstract Nouns?

I'm doing a definition paragraph assignment in senior english. I am to use an abstract noun and write a paragraph of personification for it. I have chosen to do either Envy, Greed, or Innocence.
Basicly I must pick an abstract noun, and write a definitive sentence (7 sentences actually) using the technique of personification.
The abstract noun must be referred to as I or Me. The noun itself cannot be used in the sentences.
I am a tiger allowing my cubs to attack my tail. I live in the firm handshake of the losing coach. Welfare mothers standing erectly in a food stamp line know me. I accompany the American athlete proudly accepting the third place Olympic medal. My reflection is found in the tears which trickle down the cheeks of the wife whose husband drunkenly ridicules her. I am often on the lips of those dying cancer patients who ask for me to accompany their deaths. Nobility and pride are my cousins. I am . . . Dignity.


Identify the nouns using P for a proper noun, C for a common noun, and COL for a collective noun.?

Philadelphia =P
Convention =C
representatives =C (don't make the mistake of thinking that because it and some of the following end with 's', it is collective. It is simply a plural C noun)

states =C
document =C
May =P
September =P
George Washington P (both)
President = C (President can sometimes be P )
convention =COL
statesmen =C
James Madison >
Benjamin Franklyn > = P (all 6)
Alexander Hamilton >
role = C
convention =COL
ability = C
disputes = C
James.... see above
Father = C
House = C normally, but see also below.
The Father of the Constitution = P
feature = C
document = C
Convention =C
session = C
weeks =C and the following 'weeks'
days = C
nights = C
delegates = C
point = C
Convention =COL
authority = C
(...a....) constitution = C

I hope I am not too late to be of help. Good luck.

What does one call a person who meditates? It's not meditator, is it?

I need this for a formal text. Serious stuff. So 'illusionist' doesn't work. Anyway, a person who meditates is definitely NOT an illusionist. It's not Criss Angel we're talking of, here.:)

ENGLISH MAJORS please answer!Can you find all the pronouns in this paragraphs?PLEASE HELP!!!?

I have a Warriner's English Grammar and Composition Text book,which doesn't have answers in the back of the book so that I may check over my chosen answers. So,
PLEASE HELP me by given your answers so that I can compare.Thanks.

1.Everybody in my family likes to go camping,but few of us enjoy the experience more than I do. 2. Last summer several of my cousins and I stayed at a rustic camp at the mountains,which are not far from are hometown.3. At camp we all learned how to build a campfire and how to keep it going.4. A group of us even went beyond that we learned to cook meals over the oopn fire. 5. One of our counselors showed those who were interested how to cook simple meals. 6. Each of his recipes was easy to follow,and everyone ate everything in sight. 7.Anything cooked ovr an open fire tastes good,don't you agree?