What Is The Only Thing We Ever Have What Is Only Thing That Ever Really Matters In Life

What is the One Thing that matters most in your life?

I have found that most people can not prioritze their lives and never come to grips with that One Thing that matters to them. This One Thing is the thing that all of their decisions should be based upon. Until you find that One Thing, many of us wander from relationship to relationship, heartache to heartache, birth to death. Many have found their One Thing. Have you?

In the end, what is the only thing that really matters in life?

That which really matters in your life is your own good and happy material and spiritual unfolding. Your own life is a material and spiritual entity hopefully in progress in the activity of more or less assisted and assisting self-realization.

In your life of now and for future, you can choose to more bravely adopt a fiercer and more confident attitude within the magic of what is possible and allowed to you. Also, it is important to have dreams and you can venture into the most wild or weird dreams.

Happiness and success can really matter in your life. A sense of good certitude and of glowing faith can be very important in your life. While trying and more smartly working for your success and for happiness in your own present time and for future, you can live your life within all the occurring tension, facing all the difficulties, and yet with you more magic attitude without ever running your head against the walls of painful or ugly impossibility.

While struggling for your material and spiritual success, you can earn in your soul, in your eyes, in your visage, in the whole of your own personality, the fresher more sun-kissed glow of healthier more confident more daring life !

At different times in your life, different things take importance. In school and university, it was grades or making friends. Those math tests really mattered. Getting into a university of your first choice mattered. Once you graduate, getting a cool job matters. When you come face-to-face with failure, learning from mistakes, matters and will take you a long way. Savings matter. Financial stabilty matters. Fostering good relationships matters. Having the drive to constantly learn new things, matters. Finding meaning in life really matters. Good health is key too. To a starving poor mother, nothing matters more than feeding and caring for her child. You get the gist! I guess as priorities change, the level of importance we place on things change which consequently changes our perception of "what really matters". Through the ebb and flow of life, I think whats really important is how much love you've shared. Now admittedly, this may sound a little cheesy but I believe it all comes down to looking beyond yourself; your flaws, possessions and riches. Serving others makes a positive difference in their state of being and it works both ways if you don't always expect selfish gains and returns. When we give to others, share with them, wave, smile or acknowledge them, and show any form of kindness and compassion, it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. Altruistic behaviour releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help. It's a win-win! Aside from scientific affirmations, I believe serving people and being compassionate gives you a distinct inner satisfaction that serves you in the long run! TLDR; Be nice to people. The only thing you take to the grave is your body but what you leave behind is kindness, love and compassion that in some way, changed society for the better.There's a video that I watched recently, by Michael Norton, that drives home this point. Totally worth your time!How to buy happiness

No, not at all.Even Grades don’t play a major role in your life.You are right about the Steve Jobs.Here is more facts about Steve Job-Steve Jobs was adopted shortly after being born.Jobs was, biologically, half Arab. His biological father was Syrian and his mother was American.Jobs's biological parents had one mandate--that Jobs be adopted by two college-educated people. The biological parents found out that neither Clara nor Paul Jobs had ever graduated from college, but the adoption went through when it was promised that Steve Jobs would receive a university education (funny considering that Jobs went on to become a college dropout).Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak met in high school--Wozniak was 18 and Jobs was just 13.Jobs was a pescetarian, meaning he ate no meat except for fish.He was an official college dropout, but continued his education by informally auditing classes.One class Jobs audited was a calligraphy course, which he says was instrumental in the future Apple products' attention to typography and font.While unofficially attending classes, Jobs struggled to get by. He slept on his friends' dorm room floors, returned Coke bottles for money, and survived off free meals from the local Hare Krishna temple.He had a pretty low GPA--just 2.65. Jobs admitted he never enjoyed school structure and preferred to learn in unconventional ways.He spent seven months traveling around India, experimenting with psychedelic drugs and eventually adopting the practices of Zen Buddhism.

The second half of this answer is about games.We can eliminate rape, murder, any and all violence we tolerate on day to day life. Spousal abuse sibling abuse every single evil in this world. All it takes is incapacitating every single person. Is that worth it to you? Not to me.It’s not worth eliminating the chances of pedophilia “at all costs”.—-In a game, the only thing that matters depends on whether you want to keep playing.Lets say you were a brilliant child who could beat anyone in chess. What matters more, winning or playing? Probably playing, you could invent a machine learning computational chess winning machine and beat any human.So? Who wants to play when they have no chance of winning?Games are about limits. Stephen Hawking (rest in peace) probably could’ve best Usain Bolt in the 100m dash if he was in a really quick car. So? Sure he may have won the race, but so? Why would anyone play if they’re for sure going to lose?No game is hard to beat. Limitations don’t need to be followedAdhering to rules, (so not winning at all costs, imagine if someone shot a WWE wrestler in a championship) lets you play longer.Sometimes people are insecure and they think winning is hard/matters. It’s not. They just suck.You don’t have to do anything in this world. You can just stay in your bed. But the world is quite fun, don’t you want to play?

There is only one thing that matters in the politics of industrial political societies: the maintenance of the status quo. The status quo is the elite. Power is in the hands of the elite. Power is money. The status quo is presently in a state of paranoia which is inherently dangerous for the rest of us as is illustrated by geo-political dislocation as they attempt to intervene in various ways. 20 years ago there were small pockets of places to avoid in the world, now there are small pockets of places one can assume to safely visit, even these are precarious ( Bataclan attack ). Virtually the whole North African Maghreb is in a state of civil war. Whole areas of outstanding natural and cultural heritage are out of bounds ( The Pyramids). The agenda is set at present for all of us down the rolled up barrel of a dollar bill. Unfortunately our consumer habits are our Achilles heel. The very same habits are our torment. How many Americans died of prescription drug abuse in 2015? Why is blue collar life expectancy in reverse since 2008 to alcoholism, suicide and drug abuse? Self destructive behaviour is a direct result of spiritual and emotional malaise: unhappiness. The elite find ever more novel ways to scrape the barrel in obvious ways like zero hour contracts. They also employ subterfuge. Diabetes heart disease and cancer are rife. That needs healthcare and parmaceuticals. These are lifestyle diseases which are most pronounced in industrial societies. They are caused by refined sugar and processed food and meat. Who owns the industrial plants making surgical theatres, cans of meatballs, oxycodone, Southern Comfort? The elite.  They also make missiles. How much does it cost to produce and transport a hellfire missile to Iraq. Say when it gets there it takes out 3 AK 47s. The consumer has to know about this success. He looks to a reliable media source, let's say Reuters, who owns Reuters? Not who works in it who owns it? The elite. The consumer can rest easy in his armchair, with his can of bud, his burger and French fries, his mortgage, his car, he's safe and sound, high and dry. And if he feels s bit sad some day for some unknown reason he can go see his Dr for something to make him feel better. None of it makes any sense does it. But it does you see.

What is most important? Meaning.If life is significant it also must be good in every way, and also interesting and safe.It must be good because the good life is the most meaningful: bad things tend to make life worse, and therefore less significant.It must be interesting because significance is by definition interesting.And it must be safe because without security life becomes uncertain, and therefore less meaningful.Thus a good, interesting, and safe life includes the three ingredients of a good life. The three ingredients of a good life are included in a meaningful life.Therefore, meaning is what's most essential to life, and so for existence, since existence is life.

What is the only thing we ever have? What is only thing that ever really matters in life?

Living. The future is unpredictable. You could never have drunken a drop of alcohol in your life and get hit by a drunk driver tomorrow. That's the harsh reality of life, it can be cut short whenever, today, tomorrow, next week. Or you could die when you are 80. Nobody knows. Jobs don't matter, money doesn't matter. Living, traveling and doing what you love matters. Quit your job, because when you are 80 are you really going to look back and say, "Wow, I'm so glad I was a lawyer for 30 years." Most likely you aren't. You are going to wish you had spent your time doing something worth those years. Don't worry about the money, worry about stopping trying to just survive and start living.
"In high school I was dying to graduate and go to college, and in college I was dying to graduate and get a job, and then I was dying to get married and have kids, then I was dying for my kids to get old enough so I could work again, and then I was dying to retire. Now I'm dying and I realize I forgot to live." Don't be a victim of the future, be a victim of the present. Also something I just realized is that everyone is going to leave. Either you leave them or they leave you. And they leave you by breakup or death. So if someone doesn't love you back, or you guys are just going separate ways. Don't spend your time on it because they were going to leave you anyway.

It's better to regret doing something, then regret not doing something. Life is relativity short, and if you end up with haters because you were doing what you love, it doesn't matter. Because you were doing what YOU loved. Stop living for other people and start living for yourself.

Something i realized the other day is that the reason I don't know what I want to do is because I don't want to do anything. I want to experience things and travel and doing things that make me so so so happy.

"In the end, it doesn't matter how big our house is, or how expensive our car was. Because our graves will all be the same size. Stay humble."

Our true maker, owner and employer is God. There is an empty vacuum place in man which can be occupied only by God. That part is the spirit part of man. Man is composed of a spirit, a soul and a body. Body is the house that houses his soul and spirit. But the spirit is in a sleeping state because the first man Adam chose to obey satan. Every man lives only two out of the three parts. He is 2/3 = 666 . So, God withdrew from man, or rather, man’s choice cut him off from His Creator God. God sent His son Jesus Christ to shed His blood and pay the blood price to make provision for man to reconnect with God. So every person on earth has this privilege.However, satan and his demons still possessing power to do miracles, faked to mankind and blinded them into believing that they are the gods. The true God remains silently withdrawn.When you discover this truth, you get back to God. You invite Jesus into your heart. Your spirit comes alive and God starts making it His home. You become 3/3. You talk with God, learn about Him from the Bible and the right Bible teachers. They are on the Youtube -Dr. Cindy Trimm, Ian Clayton, Justin Paul Abraham, John Paul Jackson…Once you develop an intimate relationship with God, God gives you wisdom, insight and instructions about human relationships. How do I deal with this problem, this situation? You have to cut off disturbing noises and voices and tune yourself to listen to God speaking in His still small voice inside you.Listen to Rev. Ike on Youtube.The Best Affirmation for Your Happiness, Success & Prosperity - The Key to Getting What You Want