What Is The Percent For 29 Out Of 30

What percentage is 29 out of 50?

So that you need never have to ask such a question again:

Percent literally means 'per 100', cent being the Latin route of hundred, ie century etc.

For ANY percentage you just take the number, here 29, divide by the 'out of' number, here 50, and multiply by 100.

Getting 58%.

This happens to be an easy one, how many times does 50 go into 100? Twice, so you just double 29, to get 58, simple. With a bit of thought many percentages are actually easy but just confuse people.
eg what is 13 of 20 as a percent? Looks complicated? No, 20 goes 5 times exactly into 100 (the per cent' part, so just multiply 13 by 5, to get 65%.

Working the other way too can be just as simple, eg what is the (15%) tax on a car priced at $9,000 pre-tax?

10% is one tenth of the whole thing, so $900, half of this (5%) is $450
10% + 5% is 15% so the tax is $900+$450 = $1350 needs to be paid in tax.

Always useful to know HOW to do a calculation!

What percent is 28 out of 30 please?

first divide 28 by 30 and then multiply it with 100 the answer you will get =93.333333.........

What percentage is 29 out of 30?

= (29/30)*100%

How to calculate the percentage abundance of three isotopes when one of them has been given?

We need the atomic mass of silicon:
Atomic mass = 28.0855

Let x = the fractional amount of Si-28 present.
We are given that the percent Si-30 isotope is 3.1%, so the fractional amount is 0.031 (3.1%/100% = 0.031).
Then the fractional amount of Si-29 is (1 - x - 0.031) = (0.969 - x).

Atomic mass = ∑((fractional amount of isotope i)*(atomic mass of isotope i))

28.0855 = (x)*(28) + (0.969 - x)*(29) + (0.031)*(30)
28.0855 = 28x + 28.101 - 29x + 0.930
28.0855 = 29.031 -x
x = 29.031 - 28.0855
x = 0.9455 = fractional abundance of Si-28
Therefore, the percentage abundance of Si-28 is 94.55%

For the Si-29 abundance:
fractional abundance of Si-29 = 0.969 - x = 0.969 - 0.9455 = 0.0235
Therefore, the percentage abundance of Si-29 is 2.35%

How to change number to percent?

29/40 =.725
.725(100) = 72.5%

How do you find out what 25 out of 30 is in terms of a percent?

You have to write:30 is 100%25 is xthen to get x you need to multiply 25 per 100% and devide it per 30. Use calculator for the accurate answer.25 * 100% ÷ 30 = x

In a class, there is a total number of 40 students. Out of them, 35 students passed in math and 34 students passed in English. How many students passed both subjects?

Now, if the case , all student passed atleast either of the subject, then,Number of students passed in both subjects = xNumber of students passed in maths = 35Number of students passed only in maths = yx+ y = 35 …….ANumber of students passed in English =34Number of students passed only in English =zx+z = 34 ……..BTotal number of student =40x+y+z = 40 …….CA+B = 2x+y+z = 69 ……DD- C = x = 29 .Number of students passed in both the subjects are 29.

What are the passing marks for a 30 marks paper?

As per the general standards followed by most of the institutes, the passing marked are usually 35% or 40%.If you consider 35% then from 30 one should get 10.5 Marks. (35%*30 = 0.35*30)If you consider 40% then from 30 one should get 12 Marks. (40%*30 = 0.4*30)However if this is for some company then keep in mind some companies keep cutoff Marks as high as 60%-70%. Companies keep such high percentage and treat the exam as elimination round.Thanks!