What Is The Point Of Life If I Am Miserable

Whats the point if living if your always miserable?

When life gets you down, don't say "why me?" Say "try me."

I’m miserable right now coz my bf is controlling my life! What should I do?

You should have not waited until you were miserable before realizing that there is a huge problem. I think it's time for you to move on. Your boyfriend should enhance your life, not make it miserable. Someone who treats you like a child and tries to control your every move doesn’t truly love you. They may think and say they do, but they don’t. Someone who truly loves you will willingly give you the freedom to live your life as you choose. If you really want to be happy, dump him as fast as you can.

What's the point of life?

i'm 17 year old girl with social anxiety and i see nothing in my future i feel like i am still going to be miserable loser like i am now i have no friends no boyfriend(never dated lol) i have no social life there's
nothing for me to live for i waned to join the army then later become a police officer but i just realized i cant do anything my social kills sucks and i will never be a soldier or a cop since i have social anxiety ,i want to end my life but i am soo scared of dying i feel trapped inside i cant kill myself but also dont want to live, i always wish someone would just kill me or i just get into a car accident and die when ever i hear about mass shooting i always wonder why cant i be one those victim who gets killed most of those mass shooting victim don't want to die but i do but i am alive and they are not ,they could have contributed to society they probably had many skills but i have nothing and probably will not contribute
to anything i feel like my life has no meaning i am sick of living this life with so many anxieties ,is there a painless way to commit suicide ??i heard about cyanide pill but i don't know where to get them and i also dont want to take sleeping pills to kill my self cause i heard that's a painful ay to die

My life has been a miserable one my whole adult life...I'm turning 30 soon & have had enough...?

I am looking at this from a logical standpoint, not an emotional one & I am not looking for sympathy or anything of that nature either. I didn't say reincarnation does exist, I said "if" it exists. & I am not "just talking about it", no one I know in real life knows I am thinking about this as a serious option, I just wondered what random faceless people on here who don't know who I am, thought about the situation in the hope that new opinions & aspects I may not of thought of, may help me decide.

Would you rather be poor but happy or rich but miserable? explain?

Poor but happy. Life is too short to be miserable. I look at rich celebrities and majority of them end up with some type of problems (drugs/alcohol, mental problems, etc.).