What Is The Point Of Marriage If Women Love Kids More Than Their Men

Why are women more keen on getting married than men?

Women want to have babies before their ovaries stop functioning, while men have virtually no expiration date on their fertility.As a result, women want to solidify a family partnership earlier than men. This gives a power advantage to men and results in women being the more eager for marriage.Men can play around throughout their thirties, knowing that they still have a chance to reproduce if their current relationship doesn't work out. Women who spend their thirties with a man want to stop playing and get married because they might not have time to establish another serious relationship before conception becomes difficult.Of course, there are also societal reasons that compound the power dynamics that results from this biological reality. Women want a wedding more than men.The wedding industrial complex is targeted at women and girls. Men's wedding attire is classy but standard. Tuxedos have little variety, and there are other occasions to wear them. Wedding dresses, on the other hand, are magnificent:Bridal gowns are masterful pieces of art. From a very young age, girls dream of the day when they will be a beautiful bride, not only because these dresses are truly stupendous but also because girls are socialized to decorate themselves in a way that boys are not. Women so desperately want to wear a white dress that they'll put themselves through the torture of wedding planning.There is also some cultural holdover from the days when women felt marriage necessary for financial security. Women now hold their own in the workforce, but the cultural idea remains that a woman needs to marry - older bachelors (who are referred to as "confirmed bachelors" or even "playboys") are regarded much better than older bachelorettes (who are tragic according to Sex and the City and Bridget Jones's Diary and are even less kindly called "spinsters").

Should women understand that marriage does not equal love?

Actually, in western culture love is the driving force behind marriage, except perhaps for older couples who may also benefit greatly from the legal bennies marriage offers...

So, short answer..."no", there is no need for women to understand that because the love occurs before the marriage proposal is presented...

Can a married man love another woman?

Who can pretend that you stop loving other people when you’re married? Love is a natural thing that can’t be forced. It might occur unexpectedly. You may be happily married with the person you have chosen to live with, someone you truly care for and brings happiness into your life. However, life is full of surprises and may put new people on your way, people that - for some reasons belonging only to you - you will care for deep in your heart.Let’s face it. Love is not black and white. It’s meant to grow, not only through the spectrum of one person. That said, when you deeply love someone other than your spouse or partner, this can harm and even destroy your couple on the long run. Because at some point you will start to compare… You must think about it thoroughly before committing to more than one person unless there is an agreement. But polyamourous relationships do not work for everyone.In the end i would say.Yes a married man or woman can surely love someone else… I am not saying to keep a secret love affair. Simply: better love in silence without doing anything at all. Be prepared. It’s the most exilarating and painful thing at the same time. Because you agree to welcome that emotion that fulfills parts of you, but you can’t share it with anyone, even with the second person that you’re in love with. No harm done, except perhaps on yourself.

Is marriage more advantageous for men than women? I think it is, since men get so many more benefits to it?

For example, men get a wife, cook and are taker and maid of the house, as well as a woman who brings a paycheck after work. A woman works and often cooks, cleans and looks after the house & home and her kids. Likewise, if her man's sick, she stays and nurses him back to health. For women, she just gets a husband. He brings home money, which goes to pay most of the bills but little is left to keep for himself or for the wife. Does marriage benefit men more than women? I think it does. Hence, why I refuse to marry.

Can a married man truly love another woman?

Yes I believe they think they are in love in till they go home and see their kids, home, wife, and possessions.that they are attached to

Do all married women love the idea of breastfeeding your husband?

For a woman there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding your man. Sure breast and breast milk are meant to feed a baby when you have one. But there is no rule book stating you can't share such an intimate thing with your man if you desire to do so for whatever the reasons may be. There's nothing odd or weird about it. Women do this for men all the time, most of the time because it turns them on as any attention to the nipples is stimulating. Men tend to kiss on breast and so forth even when a woman isn't nursing or pregnant because it is a turn on in the bed room for many women.

Honestly I have heard more women say that they feel more weird about breast feeding their babies actually and they refuse to do so because they think of it as sexual (because they obviously let their men kiss their breast or suckle a lot) and they choose to bottle feed their babies instead. Now that's odd, strange, and weird in that case of a woman not wanting to breast feed her own baby being that the breast are for feeding babies. But if a woman wants to breastfeed her man regardless if she has milk or not, it's usually a turn on that leads to sex as the nipples being stimulated are connected to stimulating the genital areas as well (that's a scientific known fact if you research it online and in medical books). In fact when a woman is in labor and she needs to be further dilated at the cervix and in the vaginal canal, doctors tend to encourage stimulation of the nipples to arouse the cervical and vaginal area to dilate more so birth is easier to give if there are complications.

Why do African men love to marry more than one wife?

The question is wrong in assuming that all African men love to marry more than one wife.Polygamy does exist in some African nations surely, but it is not the norm but rather the exception in most African countries.Islam permits a man to have up to but not limited to four wives I guess so yes, in some countries where Islam is the majority religion, polygamy rules, and why not? Is it not better for a man to admit he has four wives so that he can officially take full responsibility of all his children, than to hide some of his offspring away from the public because he cheated on his wife.Another advantage it has is that divorce is almost unheard of under such a marriage setting because there are no extra-marital affairs and so on.Polygamy, or its disguise which is cheating exists in all nations of the earth. No nation can claim to be clean of polygamy and no ethnicity for that matter.

MEN ONLY: do men love their kids more than their wives?

Men love their children but I do not think that the bond will ever be as tight as the experience of motherhood, sharing that life with your body, and of childbirth. Early in our marriage we struggled through a miscarriage, and I can tell you that while I was upset, my emotions were nothing compared to the devastation that my wife carried. After a month or so I was ready to try again and almost erase the memory by becoming pregnant again... It was almost six months before my wife wanted to have sex and found herself in a place to try again. We have three kids now and that was years ago... so from what I know, women feel love for children on a depth men will never know. It does not mean that we do not love our kids, take pride in being great dad's... but motherhood is different.

Do some women love their husband more than their children?

Naturally, I haven’t conducted a study of this question, all I have is my own experience and what ten men have shared with me over the years. In my case, and seven out of the ten husbands’ cases, we definitely felt that the child or children came first in our wives’ affections. The other three fellows either felt loved more than the children, or more or less equally by their wives.Furthermore, I and three of the other husbands felt we came in second to our wives’ love for her family. This really became intolerable. Her mother and father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc., taken as a whole, came first, and we were second. Once the first baby was born we were relegated to third place. One husband put up with this arrangement, but for me and the two others it was the death knell of our marriage. My guess is that this situation is fairly common.