What Is The Political Concept Called Which Says That People Or Nations Unite When Faced With A

What would be the pros and cons of a "United States of Europe"?

Largest single economic force in the world. Still not as big militarily as the USA because Europe usually spends a much smaller proportion of GNP on military matters. The difference goes of health care free at the point of delivery, more extensive social security and so on. Also see below about the civil service.

Still far too much diversity in the way Europeans think about states and government for this to work well

Several important European nations favour massive civil service budgets and more powers for these than others would like, so this would be a huge cost and constant source of friction.

The mechanics of democracy across this massive "nation" would be complicated by the need to extirpate, root and branch, the current European Commission and it's arrogant and undemocratic functionaries.

Summary. Not going to happen in the next 50 years, but will happen eventually. @IceT - it may look like that from a distance, but the more you know about European inter-state politics, the more you realise that is an illusion, and a rather flimsy one.

Fortunately such a monster is a long, long, way away, particularly politically and structurally. Economically, however... maybe a different story.

How did Hitler get the idea of being superior nation?

Actually, the movement was spurred by philosophers. Johann Gottlieb Fichte was one of the first to espouse German nationalism. Then there was Friedrich Nietzsche whose very complex philosophy included the concept of "uber mensch" or superman, and a rejection of the Christian concept of morality. There were several other philosophers who espoused ideas of the German master race.

Paralleling these philosophical ideas was growing anti-semitism. As capitalistic economies went back and forth from boom to bust, Jewish money lenders, untouched by periodic depressions, were blamed for the periodic financial crises. Ironically, Jews were also blamed for many of the riots started by socialists and communists. After WWI the Weimar government was continually threatened by socialist and communist threats, and Hitler was firing up his followers by espousing his master race theories to justify suppression and later much worse, plus political domination of countries ruled by inferior races such as Jews and Slavs.

What is: socialism, communism, democracy, capitalism, fascism and isolationism?

Communism is an economic ideology popularized by Karl Marx in the 19th century, which theorizes that the workers of a fully industrialized nation can unite and takeover control of private industry.

Socialism is the form of government that adopts the communist ideology, such as Russia did in 1917 and China in 1949, but did not allow the workers to control private industry as they claimed. The government, itself, controlled all private enterprises.

Democracy is a form of government in which citizens of a country directly participate in making policy. This is different than the form of government in the US and most other modern Republics because in the Republican form of government, citizens elect representatives to guild policy.

Capitalism is an economic principle in which business and government are independent of each other. Businesses operate in a free market and are regulated by that market, not by government.

Fascism is a totalitarian government in which opposition to the state is prohibited. It is typically a militaristic society in which war is waged on enemies (both real and pretend) to boost patriotism, making it easier to suppress opposition.

Isolationism is a political ideology in which a government or nation does not become involved in foreign affairs, wars or trade.