What Is The Product Of Any Number And A Whole Number Called

Is the product of 0 and a whole number a whole number? How can I prove it?

Definition of whole number:The positive integer number, natural number, number which is not fraction and zero.Product of 0 with any number is 0 always0 is whole number.Hence provedHope this help.Shubham :)

"what is a whole number that can be named as a product of a number with itself?"?

square numbers

a square number is a whole number that is a product of a whole number with itself

eg 9 is a square number because 9=3x3

0 and 1 would be included because they are square numbers, but since the question never says that the number is the product of itself with itself only that it is a product of a number with itself, 0 and 1 are not the only options.

What is the product of the first 100 whole numbers?

The first 100 whole numbers are 1,2,3,4,….,97,98,99,100.Therefore, their product is simply 100 * 99 * 98 * 97 *….* 4 * 3 * 2 * 1.This is simply 100! (100 factorial)Which is equal to 9.33262154E157

What is the product of the first five whole numbers?

Most of the time, the whole numbers are defined to be the set {0,1,2,3,...}, whereas the natural numbers are defined as {1,2,3,4...}. So, under this definition, the product of the first five whole numbers would be zero, since zero would be the first whole number in the product.

Why is the product of an odd and an even number an even number?

Thanks for the A2A, even though there are already 13 answers as I write this, and a few of them (Mark Harrison's in particular) seem good enough to me.Here's a way to look at it. If there is an even number of things, that means that two people (let's say, my wife and I) can take an equal number of things from that group and not leave any left over. For instance 8 is even because if my wife and I were sharing 8 cookies, each of us could take 4 cookies. 9 is odd because, if we each took 4 cookies, there would be 1 left over. (Obviously we could split the last cookie. This means that the number of half-cookies, 18, is even.)When we're multiplying two numbers, we can think of one number as being how many equal groups of a thing we have, and the other number as representing how many things are in each group. For instance, [math]4 \times 5[/math] could represent 4 boxes with 5 cookies in each box, or 5 boxes with 4 cookies in each box. Notice that this is an example of even [math]\times[/math] odd.If we have an even number of boxes, it's simple: my wife and I each get an equal number of boxes. If we have an odd number of boxes but an even number of cookies in each box, then one strategy my wife and I could use is to open each box and take an equal number of cookies from each box.As you can see, an even number times an odd number is certainly an even number.

What is the product of two or more nonzero whole numbers?

a nonzero whole number

The product of two or more nonzero whole numbers is a?

Whole number, because of the closure property of multiplication.

What can’t the product of two distinct whole numbers ever be?

Any whole number x (other than 1) has at least two distinct factors: 1 and x.The only whole number that cannot be written as the product of two distinct whole numbers is 1. If you multiply two distinct positive whole numbers, then you get a product that is greater than or equal to the larger number, which means the product is at least two. The only other possibility is for one of the whole numbers to be 0, but then the product is 0.

Is 0 a whole number?

natural numbers =( 1,2,3,4,5,…………………..)whole numbers=(0,1,2,3,4,5,………………….)integers =(…..,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,……………….)rational numbers= the numbers which have decimal equivalent, eg: 1/2=0.5 like this irrational numbers = the numbers which have repeating numbers in decimal places eg: value of pi=3.141592653589793238 and square root of 2, like this.real numbers= rational + irrational numbers called real numbers imaginary numbers =any real number * square root of -1. eg: 3i , -2icomplex numbers = combination of real and imaginary numbers. eg:2+3i , -2–5i so on..i hope this will help you. so 0 is whole number.

Two numbers are such that their sum is equal to their product. What are these two numbers?

This question seems to be a number theory-type question; when you say “numbers,” do you mean “integers”?If you mean “real or rational numbers,” there are an infinite number of solutions. If you mean integers, there are only two solutions.First, write your English statement as an equation. “The sum of two numbers equals their product” This yields a + b = ab.Subtract a from each side. This yields b = ab – aFactor out a from the right, this yields b = a(b – 1)Divide each side by (b – 1). This gives us the equation a = b/(b – 1).So, any two numbers fitting this relationship satisfy your condition.But how do we know there are only two integers?Let’s start plugging in numbers for b and look at the resulting a’s.Let b = 0. Then a = 0. These are the first two integers.Let b = 1, then a is undefined. NopeLet b = 2, then a = 2. These are the other two integers.Let b = 3, then a = 1.5Let b = 4, then a = 1.333Now let b be some integer greater than 2, and look at the limit as b gets large. The limit for b > 2 as b approaches infinity for b/(b – 1) is 1. A graph shows this. Therefore, the limit will never actually hit 1.So, the integer solutions are 0 and 2.