What Is The Purpose Of Life

What is the purpose of life?

Aside our own enjoyment, what is the purpose of life.

You might say it's to create/continue future life, but what's the purpose of THOSE lives?

It's not like we're helping the environment.

You know, the whole "We're here for God's entertainment" thing is getting old. Seriously, maybe it's because I'm an atheist, but I think it would've been a lot easier if he would've just gotten Pay-Per-View. [[Or whatever it's called.]]

But still..what is the purpose of life?

What is your purpose of life?

To be happy, make others happy, and hopefully leave this world a better place because of it.

What is the purpose of life?

You are a smart man. Most of us ponder that question at some time in our lives. But the word "meaning" in that inquisition isn't a practical word to use in the phrase. "Purpose" of life would make it a much more meaningful and comprehendible question. Which would cause me to seek the truth in a much more 'meaningful" and practical way. I do believe that the psalms, proverbs, and the "SONG OF SOLOMON", is the best place for you to find what you are seeking. You shall discover that King Sol. always began by speaking of purpose, therefore disclosing the fact that God answered his personal prayers because he was sincere about what he asked for. Still I strongly suggest that you never pray for wisdom, because the path of enlightenment can be a long and winding road. I will share some things with you that I know. We as human beings, are like plants that grow from the earth, or like limbs that grow from a tree, or like fruit that grows from the limbs of the trees, speaking in biological terms, the quasiquantum explanation of our physical life on this planet is much more complicated, yet much more simple, than any scientist can begin to understand. DNA is created from spiritual resonance, which causes proteins to come togather in an embedded process, (remember form follows function) that is capable of regeneration, it is sort of like a microscopic, bio-LOGICAL computer/antenna/self-regenerating circuit in which a spirit is able to live and function for the duration of a learning process. The soul is part of that process also, which is the ability to percieve and apply emotion and it is created in the mind by the spirit through the valence function of fractal element chemical frequencies. If you would like to discuss this further or have any other questions feel free to contact me at starcrosse2012@yahoo.

What is the purpose of life for human beings?

Dr Deepak chopra writes in his book ULTIMATE HAPPINESS, The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Happiness is the goal of every other goal. Most people are under the impression that happiness comes from becoming successful and accumulating wealth. There is certainly enormous social pressure to believe that these accomplishments are the same as achieving happiness. However, this is a mistake. Success and wealth are by products of happiness, not the cause. When You are happy, you are more likely to make choices that lead to all these things. The reverse isn't true. Everyone has observed people who are deeply unhappy even after they have attained incredible wealth and success. Children below 5 years are happy most of the times where as they have nothing to do with wealth, fame, beauty, success.