What Is The Purpose Of Quick Return On A Quick Return Mechanism

What is the purpose of quick return mechanism in a shaper?

In the forward stroke , cutting action takes place. Certain time is spent in cutting operation depending upon strength of material, speed , feed, depth of cut etc. On the return stroke, there is no cutting action. Hence, it returns back to its starting position. Therefore, it is expected that tool needs to come back to its original position in a very short time. Thereby, it becomes ready for next cutting action.Quick return mechanism provides this feature to improve the productivity.

In which machines quick return mechanism is used?

hope these help

What are the advantages of quick return mechanism?

“Many machine design applications have a need for difference in average velocity between the “forward” and “return” strokes. Typically some external work is being done by the linkage on the forward stroke, and the return stroke needs to be accomplished as rapidly as possible so that a maximum time will be available for the working stroke. Many arrangements of the links will provide this feature. The only problem is to synthesize the right one!”