What Is The Usa Ging To Do With All Of The Undocument Minors That Obama Let In The Country

Is U.S. society doing too much or not enough to help immigrant families? Back up your responses with example?

I think immigrants don't do enough to straighten out their own countries!

US not doing enough? Lets see - Obama's aunt Zeituni was able to get city housing over American citizens! Same for most "minority" foreigners - legal or otherwise! They also get food stamps. Some even apply under different names because the US doesn't care! They also get free assistance for medical, dental and cash money too. Often before white American citizens who also qualify.

Maybe we ought to give each a hundred thousand dollars so they can go back to their own country and improve the lot of their fellow citizens - might end up cheaper in the long run!

Will America become a third world country?

3rd world countries all have one common thread. They reproduce far beyond their capacity to care for their kids. They care more about the idea of breeding then loving and caring for their children.

Come on who would have another kid if the ones they have are starving?

And this country will only allow that behavior to continue if they are allowed to keep sending millions across the border.

We should be sending billions of condoms to mexico instead of billions of dollars.

Should the children of illegal immigrants be granted American citizenship, if they are born in the United States?

I think they should be granted citizenship because overall, it's better for the U.S. that way. These children are born in this country and we spend tax dollars to educate them and send them to school for the first several years of their life. Once they graduate and are looking to get a job, they can't, because oops! they're not legal citizens. They can try and get citizenship but will likely be deported and thus all the tax money we put into educating them goes down the drain and all the skills they learned here in the U.S, they apply in the country their parents are from.  It's a lose/lose situation for everyone. We spend time, money and resources educating students that we then send to lead successful lives somewhere else.Plus, we're essentially punishing children for something they played no part in. They didn't get to choose where they were born. I know that when we think of illegal immigrants, we think of children from Mexico, but those aren't the only immigrants. They could have had parents that left somewhere like Afghanistan or parts of Africa and then we're going to take an 18 year old kid, born and raised in the U.S. and deport him/her to Afghanistan because his/her parents did a bad thing and didn't get legal citizenship? We could be sending teenagers to countries where they don't even speak the language. They were born in America. They were raised in America. They're Americans plain and simple. There is no logic in punishing children for crimes that they didn't commit. When parents make mistakes, we don't send their children to jail. So when parents immigrate illegally, we don't deport their native born children to strange, foreign countries with no means to survive.

Pelosi is at it again. She wants to tax 401K's & other retirement incomes to help illegals. What do you think?

I'm positively appalled. We, the public, have lost track of what Pelosi, etal, are doing to us while our attention is focused on the elections.

This surely should be a good sign of what will happen to us if Hillary or Obama are elected. That is their agenda, to tax us to death, penalize our efforts, let our children sacrifice to support illegal aliens, give us a government health-care system so the illegal aliens can get free unhindered health care while we U.S. taxpaying citizens support them.

You need to post your question on 'elections' to reach as many voters as possible.

Thank you for the info.