What Is This Red Spot On Nose

Red Spot on tip of nose!!?!?

Hey cutie, I'm 15 and I've had one before. The most important thing to do is definitely DON'T touch it. Since you cant get rid of it in one day (srry), but you can make it less noticable by NOT using an extra amount of make-up on your pimple than you usually do. I notice when girls try doing that. All it does is make me look. However, I don't really care if a girl has has couple pimples because i know how it is. (Back on subject) Trying to pop it too early will make it alot worst in the morning or at school.

o Apply some ice to the nose pimple to help reduce the swelling. If possible apply the ice every 30 minutes and hold it for 2 minutes. This will help in reducing the swelling. (If you can keep putting ice on it to make it cold that's the best to keep it not red)

o Apply a little lemon juice on the nose pimple. The acidic nature of lemon helps in cleaning and drying the pimple. Just apply a little juice on the pimple and leave it for a few minutes, then Wash it off really hot water. If you dont have an over night acne cream or lemon juice put a drop of alcohol on the "red spot" to kill the bactirea.

Take a shower in the morning and use hot water on your face to open your pores then put alcohol on your face. Alot of people use alcohol on thier whole face to dry up the oils. But put ice on it afterwards!

Hope that helps, Vikki

Red spot on my nose help!!!!?

Here are a few ideas to treat the redness in your skin.

Put a cold compress on your red patches. Soak a washcloth in cool water and apply it to the red area. The coolness will draw the heat out of the area and soothe the irritation. Leave it on the acne for five to 10 minutes.

Rub hydrocortisone cream on the area. Hydrocortisone cream calms irritated skin, thereby alleviating redness in the area. Apply a thin layer once daily.

Squeeze two to three drops of eye drops onto your skin. As eye drops are traditionally used to clear red eyes, they can have a similar effect on your red and irritated skin. Eye drops contain anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce swelling. As the swelling decreases, the redness will subside as well. Reapply eye drops every few hours as needed.

Dip a cotton ball in milk and swipe it over your skin. Milk contains lactic acid which helps to regenerate skin cells and reduce redness. In addition, the protein in milk soothes the skin, alleviating redness and irritation.

Apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to your skin. Opt for pure aloe vera gel that hasn't been treated with irritating fragrances or dyes. For a more soothing option, chill the aloe vera gel in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before applying.

Drink lots of water. In order for your skin to heal properly, you must be hydrated. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. The water will help to flush the redness out of your skin.

How can I get rid of red spots on my nose?

For red spots, rashes and redness you can use following things :-1 Aloe Vera gel2. Metrogyl ( you can ask it about from your dermatologist)3 Neem and cucumber gel4. Sunscreen5 eat healthy food including vitamin C rich6. Keep yourself hydratedAll these things will help you sureGenerally , metrogyl is derma product that easily treat redness , rosacea , rashes and spotsYou can read about metrogyl hereYou will find it here :-Be Beautiful And Healthy!Take care :)

How to get rid of red spots on nose ?

Hello since i hit puberty i had alot of pimples and thousands of red spots on my do i get rid of them ?
I heard they go away when puberty finishes but thats a long way...
I'd like to get rid of them as soon as possible
im sure i got puberty because i am 14....

Painless Red Spot on Nose?

I have black and whiteheads on my nose. Yesterday night I was trying to take some out by applying pressure on my nose. Then ... instantly, a huge painless dark red spot appeared on the right tip of my nose. I have no idea what it is or if it will go away?

Did I pop a blood vessel? I'm stumped. It isn't a bump, it's not raised like a pimple. It's a flat, red, big, painless bump.

Does anyyyyyoneeee have any idea what it could be? Thanks

Red spots on goldfish's 'nose'?

Those could be ammonia burns, they are caused by an exessive amount (above0.02 ppm) of ammonia in your water, take a water test, do a water change of about 35 % (1/3 rd )

or it could be normaly maturing and developing its colors

Dog has red spot on nose?!?! pics included?

I don't know what's wrong. Yesterday, while I was at work my doggy (2 yr old female Labrador retriever) had really bad diarrhea and she vomited. Today she became a bit better, I've been feeding her rice like the vet said and it's calming her stomach down. She eats, drinks and displays healthy symptoms (as far as I know). I'm assuming because she ate a steak bone the night before, which I can't understand how this happened since it was a bone from a very prestigious steak house in NYC. Anyway, when I came home I noticed a red dot on her nose. At first I thought it was nothing, but now it looks bigger and worse. Here are the two pics I took from my phone just a few minutes ago.
I'm googling for information too but I'm just wondering if anyone knows what it is/can help. It's late to call the vet now but I obviously will if I find out it's an emergency or can become one. Thank you very much!!!!

First pic:

Second pic:

Once again, thank you very much!!!!