What Is Wrong With Me Do You Think I Have Tourettes Syndrome

Do you think my mom has Tourette's syndrome?

My mom clears her throat, coughs, and sniffs alllll the time. Like 10 times per 40 seconds. It's gotten so annoying that me and my dad will tell her to stop and shush her whenever she does it. She tells us she has something called "Post Nasal Drip," but I did some research on it and it's not something that is chronic. I know all these things are symptoms of Tourettes, and I've noticed she always sniffs, coughs, and clears her throats at certain times. After every time she yawns, when she says something awkward, after every time she laughs, she likes to do it especially loud when she cleans dishes, and when she exercises she does it like crazy.

She also does this thing with her eyes where she opens them really really wide for a few seconds. My friends have noticed it and they'll be like "Ok why does your mom keep doing that thing with her eyes it's so creepy?"

The last thing is that I have a few tics myself. When I was younger it used to be a lot worse but now it's better. I used to sniff all the time and my parents would tell me to stop, I would open my eyes like her but i stopped, I used to blink like 100 times per minute but i stopped, and now I just wiggle my toes like crazy.
Do you think I get this from her?

What is it like to have Tourette syndrome?

I have Tourette's. I've known since I was about 10. Genetic pass along from my mother. 4 of my siblings have it as well, and now 2 of my own 5 children have it (so far).Having Tourette's also has come with ADHD and some other disorders that I deal with (slight OCD, etc). My Tourette's is something I've embraced as part of who I am and I think that has made my experience different than some people's experience. A lot of "what it's like" has to do with how you personally embrace, reject, and/or deal with it. For me, it's easier than others because I have been lucky to have symptoms that I can more easily hide or minimize through normal body movements, activities, etc. A lot of my bad moments happen at the end of the day when I am decompressing and trying to relax. It is then that they tend to really unleash - and if I am stressed or over-tired, it can be bad.Lately I have developed a couple that make it more difficult physically because one involves flexing and scrunching my neck and shoulder, which causes me bad headaches. Another is where I stop breathing as I do things - sort of like sleep apnea, without sleep. My wife noticed this one and worries bout it. It makes me tired and I enter my sleep already behind...But, it is a challenge that I have and it has been something I have pushed through. I have never let it be an excuse for anything and it has made me stronger. Also, as I have learned to hide the symptoms in things I do, etc, it has made me more self-aware and self-conscious, which improves multiple areas of myself - not just the ability to hide my symptoms. It has made me a better observer, listener, and manager of myself around others.Also, Tourette's has brought me an added energy level that most can't keep up with. This has been a huge blessing in my career as I started my own businesses or have juggled many responsibilities. What tires most people out is normal for me, and I love it. In some ways, it is my own super power.Having Tourette's is different for everyone and what it means to them can be very different than what it means to me. I think that there is no "one" answer. Maybe the best way to ask, is to ask those you know who have it, so you understand how it affects them. I always appreciate when I can take the time to explain it to others so they can learn about it, understand me better, and perhaps slowly change the perceptions and acceptance of those who have it.

Do think i have tourettes?

If you are concerned, I would go see a MD righ away. see below, this is a list of what you would experience if you had it...

What are the symptoms for tourettes?

Tics are classified as either simple or complex. Simple motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements that involve a limited number of muscle groups. Some of the more common simple tics include eye blinking and other vision irregularities, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Simple vocalizations might include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds. Complex tics are distinct, coordinated patterns of movements involving several muscle groups. Complex motor tics might include facial grimacing combined with a head twist and a shoulder shrug. Other complex motor tics may actually appear purposeful, including sniffing or touching objects, hopping, jumping, bending, or twisting. Simple vocal tics may include throat-clearing, sniffing/snorting, grunting, or barking. More complex vocal tics include words or phrases. Perhaps the most dramatic and disabling tics include motor movements that result in self-harm such as punching oneself in the face or vocal tics including coprolalia (uttering swear words) or echolalia (repeating the words or phrases of others). Some tics are preceded by an urge or sensation in the affected muscle group, commonly called a premonitory urge. Some with TS will describe a need to complete a tic in a certain way or a certain number of times in order to relieve the urge or decrease the sensation.

Tics are often worse with excitement or anxiety and better during calm, focused activities. Certain physical experiences can trigger or worsen tics, for example tight collars may trigger neck tics, or hearing another person sniff or throat-clear may trigger similar sounds. Tics do not go away during sleep but are often significantly diminished.

What's it like to live with Tourette's Syndrome?

Good question. A good book is:

"Front of the Class; How Tourettes Made Me the Teacher I Never Had" by Brad Cohen. In his book he describes what it is like growing up and then trying to get a job. Very good book.

As for my own experience, my son has this disorder. He is 12 and it's tough for him. The most frustration comes from not being in control of your own body at all times. He has difficulty in school, as it simply takes him longer to do the work required of him. He's NOT dumb, retarded, or mentally ill. He is actually wicked smart! He just learns and processes differently than other kids. He has chores and homework, just like everybody else. He plays chess, is artistically gifted, and makes stop-motion animation movies on his iMac. He does have friends, but most other kids make fun of him or just ignore him.

His case is moderate, so he can take care of himself pretty well, just with a few extra movements and noises.

Tourettes is Neurological, or to be more specific, Neurobiological. Think of it this way: my sons' software is fine (his aptitude for learning and ability to function), but his hardware is wired incorrectly and this causes him to tic.

You can find more information about Tourettes here:

This is a DVD you should present to your class! It will support your findings and it features kids describing their lives with TS:

Hope this helps.

How do you spell tourettes syndrome? (i know i spelled it wrong)?

It should actually be capitalized (its named after the doctor who discovered it) and it has an apostrophe: Tourette's syndrome.

What would help me with my tourette's syndrome and help me relax?

just dont think about it. the more you think about it the worse they tend to be. just be calm, and relaxed, and think about something else, not the tics. try listening to music sometimes or just focusing on something else. keeping your mind off of it always helps. and dont listen to that other person that said something about brain surgery, its not possible that they can do something like that.

also, kids like us tend to be creative and smarter than those without tics. so keep your head up and remember, itll only get better from now on.

you can email me if you have any questions, ive delt with tics for YEARS and i know how it can be. id me more than happy to help in anyway.

How do I tell people that I have Tourette Syndrome?

I was diagnosed with Tourette's when I was 9 and I don't know how to tell people, well I don't want to tell people. I twitch my head and whenever people ask me why I do it, I just say it's a habit. Should I stop saying that and just say "I have Tourette's." But I'm scared that if I do that then people will make fun of me.