What Is Your Definition Of A Perfect Man

What is your definition of a perfect person?

Someone who is willing to learn, though already smart, and learns quickly. Has enough initiative to take action, but be able to see to best course to take and the forsight to handle the result (Logical) Has skills in leading and motivating people, which requires empathy. Has drive and motivation to excel beyond what they can do. Is at peace with themselves and doesnt criticise without cause to instruct

What is the definition of perfect spouse..............?

who (both) are owners of each other with full confidence. thanks.

What is the definition of a perfect person?


What Is A Girls Definition Of The Perfect Guy?

I think the universal traits that every girl thinks would make a perfect guy, even though every girl is different I believe we all want this in a guy (when we're ready to settle down):
1.Consistency (A guy who says he'll do something and follows through mostly every time) I mean if he had a good excuse and admits that he is sorry that he forgot, then we'll for give him, maybe.
2. Honest and Respectful (I think every girl wants a guy that knows how to open up about how he feels about you when he feels it even if he is the most manly man and a guy who not only respects her but his family and friends as well)
3. Grounded or Have Good Head on Your Shoulders (Even if your with a girl who doesn't have a not so good head or her shoulders, that perfect guy would, which will help her out and also a girl that already has a good head on her shoulders definitley wants a guy that has a good head on his)
4. Intelligent ( A guy who not necessarily knows everything but he makes the effort to hold a conversation about any and every topic even if he doesn't know he'll make the effort to try to figure it out or talk about it)
5. Clean and Put together (I know alot of guys don't bath everyday but if you want to be that perfect guy than you have to, it's a must, you don't want your girl smelling that. And it's not about the type of brand clothes that you wear its just that you keep your clothes clean and not dirty looking and Wear A Belt if needed, no girl thinks there perfect guy will be walking around with his pants on the ground, com'on)
6. Confidence is also a must, you don't have to be the most confident acting guy in the room if you already know deep down that you are, just being comfortable in your own skin and carrying yourself well shows it.

For Girls What is The Definition or Picture of a Perfect Man?!?

well for me its gotta b tall dark and handsome

What is a guys definition of a "perfect girl"?

a girl who gets me and is ok with my awkwardness and embraces my problems who is funny and thinks im funny too she can be a bit perverted and slaps me (not the face) when im a bit perverted but laughs too.

a flat stomach about 5'4" medium butt and boobs... big eyes long straightish darkish hair pale but not too pale i think this girl is a super cute


i find her smile intriguing and beautiful

What is your definition of a perfect person? Why?

The perfect person for me?What I look for in someone is what I expect out of myself, someone who is thoughtful, insightful, and independent.Being smart is nice, but just being smart isn’t a desirable trait on its own.I have known many a people who are very smart in their field but are also complete jerks with superiority complexes.Being respectful is great trait and life skill for anyone to have, I can’t stand people are not respectful in any way. Smart and respectful, now thats perfect.Someone who takes others for who they are, not at face value, and being accepting of others.Being able to see others as individuals is a trait that allows for deeper connections with others. One subtle thing that I cant stand is people who don’t put thought into their words when talking about others.Two days ago, I heard a associate principle talking about an event where football players meet with his students that have autism. Except his words were“The football team had lunch with the autistic kids!”In third grade, I learned to always put the PERSON first. ex; Person with a disability vs. Disabled person. This manner of speech puts the Person in priority and recognizes them as a person and not their disability.Someone who see’s people as unique individuals is very important to me.More than anything, I want what all others want; Someone who can make me laugh and that I can make laugh, someone who is there to offer help and that I can help, someone I can tackle the world with.And most importantly, someone who feels the same towards me.This would the perfect person for me, and the person I expect out of myself.(Some who is able to check my writing would be nice too!)Keep Questioning!-ConnorThere is another answer where I talked about the person I would like, you can find it here;Connor Figgins's answer to How did you realize that you were asexual?

What are ladies’ definition of the perfect guy?

Well the answer can vary from women to women, since perfection is relative term and what looks perfect to me, may not appear perfect to someone else.But let me point out few qualities, which I believe every woman look out in a manUnderstanding and Caring: Though it is a herculean task to understand a woman, a woman find a guy who understand them very desirable. It is not necessary a guy will be understanding in all matters but if he is in most of them then believe me he is near to perfect.Expressiveness: Now this is something which we really like. Someone who is able to express their feelings to us. To clearly let us know what he thinks about us.Emotional Security: It is something every woman look out for. Someone who can give them emotional security because at the end of the day we all want to hide in our favorite place.Manners and politeness: Manners matter a lot to us. No woman will ever get offended if you open a door for her or pull a chair. Somewhere deep down we always appreciate good manners.Sense of humor: This is something that make a guy very attractive. A good sense of humor. If a guy is able to make us laugh he is perfect for us.Good looks: Now there will be many people who disagree to this point. I personally dont feel it is much required but yes somehow it matters to many.If you have mixture of above mentioned all qualities or few of them then you are nearly perfect.If you do not have above qualities then also you would be perfect for somebody.

What is definition of a perfect gentlemen?

The perfect gentleman holds the doors for a lady, pulls out your chair, pays for the dates, respects you, talks with you, looks you in the eyes (no where else), he's fun, polite, kind and funny!
Those kind of guys are super hard to find, but if you aim for nothing you'll hit it every time!