What Is Your Impressions Or Thoughts On Twins In Young Adult Lit

What was your first impression of your best friend?

Honestly I didn't think of him as a good person. He is really very good looking and I had this issue that he will be rude in nature. But honestly he turned out being totally opposite of that. And when we started talking, we found out we have many things in common. Soon the meetings became often and phone calls were of longer duration. Today, I feel the best when I am around him and I just go to some other world when I am with him. We reads my mind and has the reason for why I have mentioned some statement. We can just talk about anything for hours. It feels as if when we are together, we don't need anyone around.We have alot difference.He is shy but I am expressive in natureHe is a boy I am a girl.He is fairer than me.I love reading novels but he hates them.He is an extrovert but i am less than him.But after all this at the end of the day, I know we love each other alot.

Why do so many young adult female-targeting fantasy books have the same exact male love interest?

I hate this trop more than anythingThis is a formula that YA authors has realized sells books. Ever since Twilight came a long and swept tweenagers off their feet, we have been force fead the idea of the dark, mysterious “bad boy” love interest. What I hate especially about these guys is they are usually semi-abusive to the girls, if not, than they are at least incredibly annoying. The fact that they’re assholes replaces any real character development or progression. It gets really old to read the same guy over and over again with a different name.Lets look at a case study here: Cassandra ClareI’d say Ms. Clare is a pretty unique author to look at because she has so many spin off series with the. exact. same. guy. in all of them.The Mortal instruments (Ms. Clare’s first offense)The readers a presented with Jace. You see Jace is annoying, winy, moody, tries to kill the protagonist, yet we are still expected to swoon. The Author did make him a blond, boldly defying convention! I guess Jace is slightly different given that we are led to believe that he’s her brother for a good portion of the novel *hack*. But that’s okay because he has such a tragic back story, we’d all be cruel to hate him after learning about his abusive father (how many of these guys always turn out to have abusive fathers?)The Infernal Devices (Otherwise known as I’m giving up on you Cassandra!)Will Herondale is the same guy as Jace. Cassandra Clare literally copy and pasted this dude and changed the name slightly (only now he DOES have black hair to match is black soul) He is straight up rude to the protagonist, and has an oh so tragic backstory that explains everything and makes us all want to forgive him and go out for ice cream.So there you go, Cassandra Clare (like many other YA novelists) found a little character cheatsheet that works. She still sells a shit ton of books, and makes a bunch of $$$$ even though these guys kill me!

First impression of Gemini rising is..?

They love to talk on their cellphone :) Gemini has a constant need for change. They love movement and can get bored quite easily if they stay in one spot or glued to a routine. The problem is that it can lead to a superficial attitude, and as approach to one's goals that results in a dissipation of creative energy. They are natural born communicators.

How strong is the attraction towards your twin flame?

I often find that language doesn’t do a proper job of helping me describe the way I felt about my twin. Attraction doesn’t encompass it entirely, nor does love. Unconditional hits on aspects of it, but even that expansive word doesn’t quite encapsulate the deep soulful attraction that I have for my twin.When I first encountered him, it wasn’t the typical linear timeline of meeting someone. First we talked, then we really talked, then BOOM we fell in love. Opened our souls. I felt butterflies, but it’s more than that, it was shown without doubts, and it was attraction I had not ever felt before. The feelings were so intense, the attraction an umbrella that covered being attracted to his soul, his mind, his humor, his body, his face, his eyes, his spirit. Attraction is the umbrella, and a world of feelings and emotions lie under it. Actually, the essence of you and your twin are tied up in this attraction, swirling around in one another.You are attracted to your twin in so many ways because this connection is incredibly profound. You have conversations with each other that show deep love even after a short amount of physical time. There is almost instant trust, love, honesty and openness that comes in these profound talks where you share just about everything you can about yourself. There is no hiding, but there is also a beautiful lack of shame for who you are. You feel like you are home. It’s love, attraction, soul home. You belong. They belong.The attraction is so strong, sleeping can sometimes become difficult. All you want is your twin. To talk to them, share with them, learn about them, learn from them, teach them. I mean, you become energetic like a teenager, hardly eating or sleeping. It’s like you plug into your twin for nourishment.However, what I have learned is that you really are plugging back into yourself. The purpose of all of the magnetism and attraction that you have for each other is to elevate into higher energies. The attraction is part of the process to ignite and propel each twin forward into accelerated soul growth so that we can complete our missions individually, and possibly together.

Who kills Alison In Pretty Little Liars?

Yes, I do know who killed Alison. But beware, it's REALLY confusing and there are many spoilers!

A girl named Alison made friends with Spencer, Emily, Aria, and Hanna. They were friends for a short time, and Alison wrote things about them in her diary. Meanwhile, Alison's twin sister Courtney comes back from a mental facility and reads the diary. Courtney pretends to be Alison, while her parents send the REAL Alison back to the mental facility. Courtney was Ali's twin, so the girls couldn't tell the difference. Courtney (as Ali) found out more secrets from the 4 girls. She held their secrets against them. Then, one night, when the girl were have a sleepover in Spencer's barn, Spencer and Courtney (as Ali) have a fight, and Courtney storms out of the barn. Spencer follows her out, and then Courtney ( as Ali) starts insulting Spencer while they're outside. Spencer pushes Courtney (as Ali) into a wall, but Courtney survives and gets up and then she runs away. Spencer did not hurt Courtney that much though. Courtney (as Ali) runs through the woods, and then the REAL Ali finds Courtney. Ali murders Courtney for doing this to her, and then throws her into a hole. So it was never Ali who died, it was her twin sister who pretended to be her, that died. The girls had always thought Ali died, but it was really Courtney.

The only reason Ali murdered her sister, was because she wanted revenge for what Courtney had did. The four girls were under the impression that Courtney was Ali. Courtney was crazy and was put into a mental facility. She escaped and then pretended to be Ali.

I hope that wasn't TOO confusing for you. Hope I Helped!

Why does the gemini have a twin symbol and you dont have to be a twin??

I am a Gemini and I do not have a twin so why does the gemini symbol have the twins and why can twins be something besides a Gemini?????? I am confused!!!!!!!!!!PLZ HELP!!!!!!