What Is Your Suggestion I

What is the difference between suggestion and advice?

Advice is something that must be followed strictly by one. If you ignore one’s Advice, you may get some harms.For Example : A doctor gives you advice not to take a medicine without eating anything before it otherwise medicine can do some side effects on you. This is called an Advice.Suggestion is what, that is generally given in a friendly way. It is upto you to follow that suggestion or not. It doesn’t make any harm to you.For Example : Your friend suggests you “let’s watch a movie instead of playing cricket.” You can accept this or you can ignore this. It's not going to make any harm to you. Simply, it doesn't need to be followed strictly.

What is your suggestion for stopping the growth of the hole in the earth's ozone layer?

There is essentially no problem with a growth of an "ozone hole." Over the past 20 years, ever since the first idiot discovered the Antarctic "ozone hole," it has been thoroughly studied, and found that it naturally "pump" annually, sometimes growing, sometimes shrinking, sometime shrinking again sometimes suddenly opening wide... it has nothing to do with man-made chemicals.

Are there compounds that destroy ozone? Yes, definitely. But when you look at how ozone forms, it's clear that unless we actually run out of oxygen or sunlight, we will continue to have a perfect, 100% robust ozone layer.

O2 + UV --> 2O+

2(O+) + O2 --> 2O3

2O3 + UV --> O2 + O2

And it just keeps going, UV and ozone continually destroying and creating each other. We cannot "outrun" a planetary-scale, constantly happening atmospheric reaction.

Am I saying not to bother capping chemicals? No. I'm just saying that "stopping the growth" is no longer an issue, because we've learned... that it isn't an issue.

What are your suggestions about abortion????pls answer this question..i need them?

all i can say really is dint have one one of my friends had one as she ws at college and wanted to go to uni and also dint thin she would be able to live comfortably (financially0 with a baby and thought that she would be emotionally affected. little did she know that she would also be emotionally affected by having an abortion. she has never really got over it and this was 3 years ago she feels she let her baby down and that she killed a living person. she cries about it a lot and hates her self for being selfish as she did not think about the baby at the time. in the end it is your choice but what you have to thin about is that its is a baby with or without a heartbeat, could you live with the thought of getting rid of someone who only wants you to love them and be there mommy, the only situation i would ever feel a abortion is ok is if there where already financial difficulties and a baby would make this worse of in the case of rape, because in all other cases you have had the unprotected sex to make a baby you should not take it out on the child if you are no longer with the father of the baby or if it is just for yourself as it is a human being

What are your 10 suggestions to prevent pollution?

1.of course don't throw garbage anywhere

2.use bicycles instead of cars because cars release dangerous smoke
like CO2

3.make posters about what may happen when pollution continues

4.encourage people to prevent pollution

5.campaign environment friendly

6.make some activities to help the environ more clean

7. segregate garbage

8. recycle garbage

9. compost biodegradable garbage

10. be an environment friendly

How do you say "what is your suggestion" in japanese?

i'm learning basic japanese from an mp3 file, and it didn't come with/ i can't find any visual reference, so i write down what i hear. i think it's "ozumedyori wa nan desu ka", but when i search that phrase it never comes up. help please?