What Is Your Top 3 Least Favorite Movie Genres

What's your #1 Least Favorite Movie Genre?


What is your favourite movie genre?

Crime drama and comedy are pretty much tied. I'll do a top 15 for comedy because that's more fun!

1. The Big Lebowski
2. Rushmore
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. Dumb & Dumber
5. Dazed and Confused
6. Caddyshack
7. Raising Arizona
8. Pineapple Express
9. Annie Hall
10. Superbad
11. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
12. The 40 Year Old Virgin
13. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
14. Meet the Parents
15. There's Something About Mary

BQ- ehhh top 150 probably. sure it's a masterpiece of a movie, but when it comes to high favorites, doesn't really cut it for me

BQ2- i can never pick a favorite song! now playing, though

Easiest movie genre to write?

What would you say is the easiest genre of movie to write? (please take into consideration first time writers trying to break in vs. people who have an "in".) any additional info is helpful. Just a curious question.

What movie genre would your favorite band be?

Pink Floyd would be drama.Led Zeppelin would be… roman?Black Sabbath would be horror.Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers would be roman for sureIron Maiden would be actionBurzum would be horror. (I know.. i know…)FUCKING SLAYERRRRR would be horrorCannibal Corpse would be h- dOn'T aNsWer ThAt, a rHetOriCal qUeStiOn…Mayhem would be horror.Emperor would be horror.Anthrax would be action.

Your favorite movies?

I need some more movies. Some genres I enjoy are horror, drama, romantic drama. Preferably sad movies that have sad endings which makes you cry, in a bad way or good way! pleeeeeaseeeee help I like to watch them with my friends

What is your biggest problem with your favorite genre of movies?

Horror:Overly cliched and recycled thematics. Religion, occultism and such don’t appeal to me that much.Monster designs. Bad CGI or childish looks. Overacted, “edgy twisted” characters included.Inconsistencies throughout the story. Like a ghost walking through walls, can’t grab a person but can still throw stuff around and open doors. Don’t make much sense to me.Also rituals. Sheesh. Are all the spirits just waiting in limbo for someone to draw a certain symbol or saying certain words. That type of stuff always gets to my nerves.