What Kind Of Acid Is Citric Acid

Citric acid C6H8O7?

Molecular weight = 192.027 g/mol
0.1364 g / 192.027 = 0.000710 mole of citric acid
7 ( oxigen atoms in the molecule ) x 0.000710 = 0.00500 mole of oxigen
0.00500 x 6.02 x 10^23 = 2.99 x10^21 oxigen atoms

What is citric acid?

It may sound dumb, but up until now i thought citric acid was just juice from a citrus fruit. then i read on a can of 7up "does not contain juice" while it does have citric acid in its ingredients. so what is it, and why not use lemon juice?

What is the taste of citric acid?

Very good question:May I change it to: “What is the taste of sour?”That’s basically the same question!Long ago, when the animals were still talking and people were not twittering, the word acid meant that it tasted sour. (‘acid’ is derived from the Latin word acere or 'sour-tasting' )So citric acid tastes like acid, which is the same as ‘sour-tasting’.Tasting of chemicals was rather common in the early days.In the case of citric acid this is harmless (otherwise eating a lemon would kill you), but chemists used to taste about everything:During my Ph.D I actually used a chemical that was synthesised early 1900 a bromothiophene derivative: they mentioned the color of the substance the melting point and … the taste: “a strong taste with a sweet aftertaste.”I synthesized the compound and confirmed the yield they obtained and the melting point, but for some weird reason I skipped tasting it so I can’t confirm the subtle sweetness in the background.It might come to a surprise, but early chemists died young.

A question about the citric acid cycle?

Which of the following intermediary metabolites enters the citric acid cycle and is formed, in part, by the removal of a carbon (CO2) from one molecule of pyruvate?
a) lactate
b) glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate
c) oxaloacetate
d) acetyl CoA
e) citrate

Thank you so much for the help!

Citric Acid Cycle Question?

From Oxaloacetate

1. The citric acid cycle begins with Acetyl-CoA transfering its two-carbon acetyl group to the four-carbon acceptor compound, oxaloacetate, forming citrate, a six-carbon compound.
2. The citrate then goes through a series of chemical transformations, losing first one, then a second carboxyl group as CO2.

What Type of Solid is Citric Acid?

i would say molecular

What fruits contain citric acid?

Foods naturally containing citric acid include citrus fruits; lemons, oranges, and limes have particularly high concentrations, at up to 8% citric acid by weight.Berries, except for blueberries, also contain citric acid, particularly strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and cranberries.Pineapples, cherries, tomatoes, some varieties of peppers, artichokes, and certain varieties of lettuce also contain citric acid.Source: Types of Citric AcidCold Press Juicer HQ

What type of chemical compound is citric acid?

it's an organic acid