What Kind Of Dog Fiod Shud I Feed My 3lb Chiuhua He Is Not Gainin Weight Bt Eats Regular

What can i feed my chihuahua to get her to gain weight?

My chi pup broke 3 ribs and lost a ton of weight.....our vet said to give melted peanut butter over his food and he literally perked right back up after about 3 days....the vet said that tons of water is also key so it does not plug the digestive tract.

How to get My Chihuahua To gain Weight?

How do I get my chihuahua to gain more wieght?
I feed him hot dogs and bologna all the time but he stays the same.

He is 3 months old right now, and I want him to be big enought to play with my friends brussels griffon.

Can a Chih get to be over 6 lbs like maybe 10?

thanks for the help I give the best anwser to who helps best!

What do I do to make my thin pomeranian gain more weight?

I have dewormed her. She's thin, but not TOTALLY. Some people actually think she's a long-haired chihuahua.

Pic of her:

How to fatten up a malnourished chihuahua?

We have just adopted a 3lb chihuahua from the chihuahua rescue, she is 4 years old, very picky and very, VERY, thin.. she is a bone rack. She is a great, very happy dog but just not too interested in eating. we gave her some ham, chicken and cheese and she ate a tiny bit, but she is not really interested in her dog food, will not even touch the raw diet or wet dog food. Is there anything that works great to fatten up a dog?

What should I do if a dog eats chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs. The darker it is, the more toxic it is.My dog recently ate my entire birthday rocky road which was made from sugar, dark chocolate, marshmallows, dairy chocolate etc. I was convinced she was going to die and my vets was closed.Prior to that a couple of years ago, she ate an entire chocolate Guinness cake and nearly died. Luckily, she vomited most of that up and on the advice of a very sleepy on call vet, we nursed her through the night and she was very very sick, but she was just fine after a couple of days.However, I read online that vets will often give dogs activated charcoal in order to absorb the toxins from the chocolate. I take Activated Charcoal and was able to give her a fair amount (I got the amount from a charcoal / dog calculator) in some pieces of ham and she was completely fine within a couple of hours! This time around with the rocky road, she didn’t vomit at all so I was even more worried. I did find that with the Charcoal, the results were very fast and she drank huge amounts of water to compensate for it but the next day, apart from a HUGE poo, she was non the wiser for it!My advice is to keep Activated Charcoal in the house for if your dog ingests anything they shouldn’t. It could be the difference between life and death if you are unable to get to the vets for any reason or if they are already looking very ill. Make sure you give them lots and lots of water and have a source next to them to drink through the night. Activated Charcoal is completely harmless and absorbs the bad things in the stomach and gut to ensure it all doesn’t reach the blood stream. You need to give a fair enough so look for AC that has the highest content otherwise you can be there for a long time opening capsules and giving them to the dog and it’s a very messy business.When and how to use activated charcoalCan I Give My Dog Activated Charcoal?My dog is 13, she can barely jump up on the sofa and has to be carried up the stairs to bed every night. But when chocolate is involved, she goes full on ninja dog. We are still scratching our heads to this day as to how in the hell she managed to get both the cake and the rocky road as they were, as we thought, completely impossible for her to reach. But when a dog wants something and you aren’t home, you’d be surprised at the lengths they’d go to get it so keep things out of reach!

HELP!!! Anorexic Adopted Chihuahua!!??

when a dog is used to eating table scraps (i would consider that as like pieces of your fried chicken, the rest of your hamburger, french fries, etc. i wouldnt consider yogurt a table scrap... it's good for them! and it will help reduce their, um... flatulence), it's hard to wean them off of it. there are a couple of things you can add to the dry food that might make it more appetizing.

-parmesan cheese
-any other grated cheese
-human baby food (like chicken, turkey, etc)
-ground up dog biscuits
-dog treats (like puperoni) broken up into small pieces
-peanut butter
-cottage cheese
-sliced up BOILED hot dog (boiling it removes some of the fat)
-canned pumpkin (NOT the pumpkin pie filling, just the plain pumpkin)

you want to avoid giving him the table scraps and any other cooked meats that we would eat (like slices of lunch meat) or other fatty foods because they are too rich and could cause her to get pancreatitis which is really painful for them and they could actually die from it.

the food you are currently feeding her has almost no nutritional value and might end up keeping her skinny even if she starts eating it like normal. look for a higher quality food like canidae, solid gold, innova, wellness, etc. they might appear to be more expensive but they even out to be about the same price as the cheaper foods because since they are more digestible, the dogs get fuller faster so they don't need to eat as much.

i would probably try canidae first because i think it's the cheapest, and then try the solid gold (look for "just a wee bit" which is made for small dogs, or use "hundchen flocken" which is for puppies but will be good for her because it has more fat and protein, but my personal choice would be "barking at the moon" which has double or triple the amount of protein that is in most foods as well as a little more fat. it's also supposed to be really rich in flavor but not too rich like the table scraps.)

you can find solid gold at most petco's, and the good thing about that is that they have a money back guarantee so if she wont eat it, you can take it back and try something else. that way you wont waste money. the canidae and the others you can find at independent/non-chain pet stores, they don't sell them at petsmart or petco.

My dog eats so much food, has a fat stomach but looks like she is being starved to death!?

My poor dog Thai is around 9 years old (human years). She is a German Shepherd / Husky mix. She is being kept at my grandmothers house and is provided a very healthy diet. There is also another dog (my sisters) that is kept there with her as well. Both dogs are fed the same amount of food. My sisters dog is proportioned correctly and looks healthy. My dog Thai on the other hand is only putting on weight in the stomach area but her backbone and other bones really looks like she is being starved! When both of the dogs are fed, my dog Thai quickly eats her food and finishes off my sisters dog food as well eating more then her portion every day. I do not have a clue why she is unable to put on weight when she eats so much! This has been a issue for around 4-5 months now... At first we just thought that she was not getting enough food so we increased her portions but nothing has changed but her stomach is now fat and the rest of her body is still getting skinny! I really want to find the reason of this issue and cure it asap. Please Help!