What Kind Of Error Message Is

Fax Error message. Please help!?

Good question. Click on this link to Brother's website for Fax troubleshooting for your printer, it might be able to help you figure out what's wrong:

Here's the link to the User's Manual that also might be of help:

According to the User's Manual, a comm. error means that the telephone line quality caused the error. Which means that either the phone line wiring is old, has bad electrical connections somewhere, has broken wires, poor cable connections at your fax or the wall jack, bad phone cable between your fax and wall jack, the phone company's switches are having issues, moisture in their equipment or wiring, etc...., or the line may be completely dead.

Try a regular telephone on the line to make sure you get a dial tone and can dial out. If not, call the phone company, but if it does work, then any of the above problems could be the cause. You'd have to do some troubleshooting or have the phone company check it out.

Best of luck.

What is your favourite error message?

I'm afraid that my answer is very arcane and is more of a prank than a real error message - but it does involve error messages.When I was much younger, I used was part of the help desk for a university running MTS (the Michigan Terminal System), an OS designed to support academic and research computing.  Part of our responsibilities was to forward system problems to the sysadmin/programmer responsible for the system component.  One of those components was a Pascal compiler, maintained by a fellow named "Fred".A colleague and I were bored one day and used one of the features of the OS (originally designed for a time when inputs were from teletypes and offering work-arounds for broken keyboards was important.  One of the features was to change the "shared file separator character" - kind of like '/' in Unix pathnames (or '\' in Windows pathnames, etc.)  When we changed this option and played with the Pascal compiler, we discovered that the error messages were kept in an external file - and that after changing the "shared file separator character", we could provide our own file.So we prepared an error file full of messages like:"Help me Fred!""Help me! Help me!"and then submitted "batch" job that changed the the shared file separator character - and submitted the printed output as a system bug.

If a CAN node fails to receive CAN messages what kind of error frames it transmits?

In this case we will receive the acknowledgement error because the receiving node did not acknowledge by sending back a dominant bit.

What is Error Code 0000?

I have been getting this too and I get this kind of error a LOT and very frequent. I got this error message again just now.

If this is caused by yahoo, then the team responsible for that calendar should take a 10% pay cut. Don't they know their product is full of bugs. They should be using their own product every day like I do. I am about to dump yahoo calendar for good and go with Google.

What kind of error do they use in

There’s no error in is a URL or web address. Capitalization doesn’t matter in URLs, in other words they are not case sensitive. Sometimes URLs have capital letters when they’re printed. People may want to make words more distinct because spaces can’t be included in URLs. For example, a business named The Big Store may print their web address in ads as because that is more understandable or readable in print. The actual web address or URL for Petco would be but browsers these days generally don’t require the “http://“ because they add it automatically. By the way, a better way to ask your question would be something like “What kind of error occurs in” or “What kind of error is in” People generally don’t use errors. They just happen.

How many types or kinds of errors can occur in a Java programming language, and how can we modify those errors?

There are five types of errors in java( first 3 are errors and last 2 are exceptions ):1. System ErrorsThese type of errors are system or platform related and generally occurs at console. e.g. classpath is not set.2. Syntax ErrorsThese types of error occurred due to incorrect grammar in the programming language.Common examples are:Misspelled variable and function namesMissing semicolonsImproperly matches parentheses, square brackets, and curly bracesIncorrect format in selection and loop statements3. Semantic ErrorsSemantic errors are compile time errors. The compiler will list the line number and even the word that is causing the issue. e.g. Not declaring an object properly. So if I run into this issue one of the best ways I can resolve this is consult the documentation and find out what the constructor has to say.4. Runtime errors:Runtime errors occur during the execution of program. These are also known as runtime exceptions. e.g. Accessing a file which is not present.5. Logical errors:Logic errors occur when there is a design flaw in your program. Common examples are:Multiplying when you should be dividingAdding when you should be subtractingOpening and using data from the wrong fileDisplaying the wrong messageFirst three are known as errors in java which cannot be handled during the execution during the program execution.Last two are exceptions which can be handled using try-catch[1] block.Footnotes[1] Java - Exceptions

Error code:: 0x38cf 0963?

0x38cf 0963 is a runtime error. This means that one or more of your computer processes is attempt to use a file. The file may be corrupted or unavailable due to it being use solely by one application. This will force your computer to produce a error message. Do a scan of your registry to see if the error can be located. Then try to isolate and repair it using the cleaner.

What are various types of errors in Java?

First start from here, and understand what is the difference between Exception and Error in Java.A good discussion here :Differences between Exception and ErrorLesson: ExceptionsError (Java Platform SE 7 )There are basically three types of errors that you must contend with when writing computer programs:Syntax errorsRuntime errorsLogic errorsSyntax errorsIn effect, syntax errors represent grammar errors in the use of the programming language. Common examples are:Misspelled variable and function namesMissing semicolonsImproperly matches parentheses, square brackets, and curly bracesIncorrect format in selection and loop statementsRuntime errorsRuntime errors occur when a program with no syntax errors asks the computer to do something that the computer is unable to reliably do. Common examples are:Trying to divide by a variable that contains a value of zeroTrying to open a file that doesn't existThere is no way for the compiler to know about these kinds of errors when the program is compiled.Logic errorsLogic errors occur when there is a design flaw in your program. Common examples are:Multiplying when you should be dividingAdding when you should be subtractingOpening and using data from the wrong fileDisplaying the wrong message