What Kind Of Food Can I Give My Pregnant Cat To Make Sure The Babies Are Healthy

Can you give a pregnant cat a bath?


A stray has been hanging around the house for a few months. We've been feeding her and she's been living in our garage (we're not mean - she has a blanket, food, water, etc.). Anyway, we have been letting her out because she was sitting by the door, but she always comes back to us.

The past few weeks, I have noticed the sides of her tummy are pretty fluffy... her nipples are big and light pink, and her like I said, she was a stray when we found her - pretty small and very skinny, and her when I gently push on the sides of her tummy, it's definitely "swollen" (I can't think of a better word for it haha).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. We're planning on bringing her into the house and keeping her - especially if she's pregnant. She's been outside and she's pretty gross. Before I will let her on on the couch, she needs a bath. Is it safe to carefully give her a bath if she's pregnant? I'm no expert, but I've been reading online and it seems like she is just about 5 or 6 weeks, because no little "bumps" are evident on her tummy.

Thanks... :)

What is the best cat food for pregnant cats?

Look for a brand that is high in protein with the protein coming from meat not grain(corn) Ingredients are listed in descending order just like human grade food.

There are three brands of dry that I use for my breeding animals and they are in alphabetical order *Chicken Soup for the cat lovers soul*, Felidae, And Innova EVO.

These are the best foods on the market because they have NO grain and all the protein is meat based.

Can pregnant cats give birth outside?

Your "yard cat"? If you feed this cat then it's your PET cat. And "gotten itself pregnant"? Well fancy that! You didn't bother to spay her so what do you expect?

If she gives birth outside there's a good chance of predators killing the kittens, the kittens getting run over by cars, etc. The BEST thing for you to do with this cat would be to take her now to a no-kill shelter and surrender her. If she's early enough in the pregnancy the shelter can do a spay abort and then find her a more suitable home - one that will keep her indoors where she BELONGS.

Can wet dog food harm my pregnant cat?

As someone else pointed out. eating it occasionally will not do any major harm, but as a main diet, it is harmful, and is even potentially deadly.The simple fact is, dogs are omnivores, and cats are obligate carnivores. Dog food is made to meat the nutritional needs of a dog, not a cat. Cats not only require meat, they also need an essential nutrient called taurine. A lack of it in their diet can cause blindness, and can lead to heart problems. On top of that, a pregnant cat and her kittens need even more protein. Towards the end of the pregnancy, she should be fed a quality kitten food.So yes, wet dog food can harm your pregnant cat, and it can also harm ANY cat. And cat food should not be fed to dogs, either. It can make them sick.

What are good ways to take care of a pregnant cat?

All pregnant cats should be seen by a vet. The vet can tell you how many babies she’s going to have, if she and the babies are healthy, and answer any questions you may have. You should feed her kitten food. Many varieties will say the food is for kittens and expectant mothers. Those are the best, but straight up kitten food is okay. Again, your vet will be able to make specific recommendations depending on the cat’s health.You should prepare to help take care of the litter once they come along. That means reading about and watching videos on feeding (kitten formula is available in pet stores and WalMart, etc.) and helping them eliminate, as well as making sure the kittens are meeting their milestones, and what problems could arise.If you aren’t able to provide care, call your local shelter and/or rescue groups and see if they have someone available to foster the mama and her babies.Good luck!

Why is my pregnant cat meowing a lot? What do I do?

It sounds like she definitely pregnant. Before a cat gives birth, it is normal for them to want to find a safe and comfortable spot to have her kittens. It sounds like she is trying to tell you that she has decided that spot should be inside your house. She keeps meowing because you haven’t done her bidding and allowed her inside yet. I suggest you open the door and let her inside. Then find a nice big box and cut the sides down to about 1–1/2 feet in height. Put some old towels an blankets in it. Place this in a quiet but warm place. Put her food and water just outside of the box. Put the litter box outside of this room where she has access but not so close that the odor of it overpowers her food. Gently place her in this box.The odds are about 50/50 that she will actually have her kittens in that box. There are ways to increase those odds. Close the doors to any rooms with beds or soft furniture unless you are with her. Those would be more appealing to her than the box. If you are not watching her, attempt to keep her confined to areas that only have cold, hard surfaces so that her box is more appealing.I had once adopted a pregnant cat and did all this. One day, I saw her violently shiver. I am assuming that was a contraction. She was on the couch. I immediately picked her up and took her to her box. She no longer had the energy to argue with me and soon afterwards the first kitten was born. She gave birth to 6 healthy kittens and kept them in the box until they were big enough to climb out. By that time, they were old enough to learn to use the litter box. The Mom did a great job of teaching them how to do that.By the way, I don’t think you adopted the abandoned cat. I think she adopted you. Cats are clever like that. They let you think you are getting your way when they are actually manipulating you to get things their way.Excuse me, my cat is demanding my attention. I must obey her wishes.

Do cats sleep alot when they are pregnant?

Like any pregnant woman- feline, human or otherwise, a cat will need extra rest when pregnant. You also need to watch the cat's diet and make sure that she is getting enough food. Some food distributers make a food especially for pregnant cats. Don't forget, she's feeding herself and her babies at this point, so she needs a healthy diet and plenty of food. In the last few weeks of pregnancy, you may notice that your cat is very lethargic. This is normal, but any signs of illness should be reported to your veterenarian right away.