What Kind Of Muscle Will This Exercise Promote

How to gain weight & build muscle while exercising?

im underweight & i exercise alot, but im losing weight! i know you have to eat alot of protein..but alot of articles are telling me that protein helps you lose weight. what should i eat to gain weight & build muscle? AND should i exercise right after i eat?? THANKS.

What kind of exercises,as a kid,i can do to grow muscles?

I'm a 14 year old boy and i'm really skinny. all in my class have more muscles. I have a dumbbell, 3 KG. I used it but as time passes i forget... Tell me some exercises for my arms ,chest and neck.I have muscles at my legs.Please Help me. I want to beat people at skandenberg. PS I'm really,really skinny. PS again : i want to impress girls(But that's on the 2nd place)

What causes muscle soreness during Exercise?

Intensive workouts result in microtrauma of the muscle fibers and the connective tissue resulting in inflammation leading to muscle soreness. The microtrauma that results is due to microtears in the tissue.
Many people think that the soreness you feel the next day is due to lactic acid buildup. I have even heard it lectured recently in a PhD level class, but this is incorrect and out of date data. Lactic acid buildup occurs during the workout which will cause the burning sensation you feel in the muscle during the workout and shortly thereafter. When your done exercising, and lactic acid is no longer being produced, it is flushed from your muscles in an hour or less. The next day you wake up feeling sore due to the inflammation induced by the microtrauma of the muscle fibers and connective tissue (not due to lactic acid as it has already been cleared).

Treatment for delayed onset muscle soreness usually involves a warm bath, massage, or gentle stretching or exercise. This will increase blood flow to the sore muscles which promotes healing of the fibers. This has nothing to do with flushing out lactic acid as it is already gone.

How can you naturally increase your testerone to promote muscle growth, is it true squatting increases it?

Testosterone is a very important youth hormone for both men and women, but especially for men. Testosterone gives you muscle size, strength, burns fat, gives you energy and vitality, dramatically improves your mood and of course, controls your sex drive – both mental and physical.Here are some key points to know:Remove anything that increases your “female” hormone Estrogen (female hormone) – that means no plastic (such as water bottles), don't microwave your food in plastics either… and don't eat too much soy products and sugar products. There are natural herbs (like Fenugreek,Ginger,DHEA,Ashwagandha as well Tribulus Terrestris) which help you to boost up your testosterone levelsAdditionally, don't take Alcohol since that lowers testosterone and increases estrogen at the same time.Lifting weights or doing exercises is very important because that increases testosterone. You can go with calisthenics too since RESISTANCE IS RESISTANCE.But going too much cardiovascular aerobic exercises actually decrease testosterone and increases your stress hormone, cortisol. Doing weights/Calisthenics, 30 minutes, 3x a week is a great.Have more eggs,coconut oil and Ghee– both dramatically improve testosterone. And don’t worry, coconut oil does NOT increase cholesterol (neither ghee do)and neither do eggs eaten in moderation. It's a myth!Actually, eggs increase your good HDL cholesterol.Take natutal herbs and vitamins which are scientifically proven to boost your testosterone levels. I used Alpha Viri because it's scientifically tested and has a 14+ proven track record for safety and effectiveness.Also take enough vitamin D and Protein.Take Enough sleep and avoid overconsumption of food .Research shows that skipping sleep can drastically lower testosterone in healthy guys . After 1 week of less than ideal sleep duration testosterone levels decreased by 10-15%NOW COMING BACK TO SQUAT -Any kind of strength exercise help you to increase testosterone levels but you need to train legs hard as your upper body(since legs mucles are biggest and strongest part of a human body and can be easily trained).Squat increases testosterone immediately after you exercise but it won't stay with you forever so you have to keep doing it. Whatever testosterone level you have naturall is all due to genetics and cannot be changed.

How can a short 10-minute workout promote muscle gains?

The video was displaying one way of getting your shoulders worked out.  That particular workout style can help get you definition, but it doesn't seem like would be particularly effective.Most of the exercises he demonstrates are good to do with lighter weights: anything isolating your shoulders like raises and anything working the rotator cuffs. Things like military press you can do with much heavier weights.  You can get through a lifting session quickly and have it be effective. I'd focus on two exercises and do 3-4 sets. To gain muscle you'll want to pick a weight that you can do only 8 reps with to start, or warm up with 10 reps and then add weight.Only rest for about a minute between sets.